Restarting the myth

Chapter 143 Life is like a journey

The two returned to the bar and happened to meet the mayor's wife coming out of the bar.

Kerr stepped forward to strike up a conversation with an easy-to-understand bar joke, which instantly made the mayor's wife laugh from ear to ear.

His face was charming and charming. The mayor's wife sincerely invited him to her home and said that her husband was not at home.

Kerr was overjoyed: "Elegant lady, to be honest, I was attracted by your charm when I first saw you..."


Wayne clenched his fists and coughed twice. Stop chatting and get down to business.

Ker curled his lips and secretly brought a burdenman over. At the invitation of the mayor's wife, he was honored to visit the mayor's mansion.

In the living room, Wayne pushed Kerr away, stuffed the mayor's wife with a mushroom, and asked about the ins and outs of the gold mine.

The matter of the gold mine is very complicated, but to make a long story short it is simple.

There is a copper mine in Silent Hill that has been abandoned for many years. Some time ago, news came out that a gold mine had been dug. Relying on his power, the mayor suppressed the news and wanted to purchase the land where the copper mine was located at a low price.

Mona was purely acting out of a sense of justice and was not used to these bullying local operations. She was discovered by the mayor's thugs while secretly collecting evidence.

The thugs took the police officers with them, but Mona did not fight back and drove to Silent Hill.

"Wells and Dunn went to Silent Hill together. Dunn said that the woman had a great background, and if she didn't want the gold mine to be robbed, she must be killed and silenced..."

The mayor's wife swallowed the mushroom, her expression was confused, and she turned into a ruthless answering machine: "Dunn is very capable. He is Wells' distant cousin. Wells became the mayor only because of Dunn's help, so he has special respect for him. …”

"I don't know who Dunn is. He likes to be alone and hardly communicates with anyone else except Wells. A magician, maybe, he can do some incredible things..."

"The gold mine is in the Elemental Mountain..."

"Wait a minute!"

Wayne raised his hand to stop: "What element, please explain clearly."

"Elements of the periodic table of elements." The mayor's wife replied blankly.


Wayne was silent, it was his fault, he was a little too excited.

He came to the living room, looked at the map on the wall, and memorized the terrain distribution of Eclipse Town, Silent Hill, and Elemental Mountain.

Silent Hill and Elemental Mountain were not marked on the big map. The mayor's map was meticulous to every corner, with villages, rivers, and transportation routes very clear.

On the other side, Kerr began to inquire. He was very interested in Dunn and asked where he lived.

"Dunn has no residence in the town. He comes once a month and lives in the top floor compartment. Every time he comes, Wells will give him a lot of money..."

Five minutes later, Kerr had no problem. Generally speaking, he was very reliable in doing things. Not only did he ask about the mayor's illegal activities, he also asked about the location of the ledger.

Wayne and Kerr split into two groups, one going to the cubicle and the other to the study. The former found nothing on the top floor, while the latter found a large amount of criminal evidence.

The reason why the mayor kept the evidence at home was not because he was too stupid and believed that he would not be caught. On the contrary, he kept the evidence so that it would come in handy if he was arrested.

In recent years, the mayor has not done anything that people can do, but has used other tricks to make a profit. In addition to enjoying himself, most of the money he made was given to Dunn and used to smoothen relationships.

Who's relationship was cleared, who took bribes from so and so, and how much each time, it's all clear in the account book.

This is the lifeblood of the mayor. As long as the account book is in his hands, he will not die.

"It's enough for this guy to die ten times."

Kerr flipped through the ledger and handed it to Wayne. The latter glanced at it briefly, and his face gradually became expressionless.

In addition to a series of immoral activities such as corruption and bribery, the mayor also had a lot of lives on his hands. He managed the relationship and replaced the small town police station with his own people. Through these minions, he used his minions to eradicate evildoers, rob the poor and give to the rich, and completely The town became a private domain where people could do whatever they wanted.

Don't blame Mona for being nosy, Wayne couldn't help but want to take a look at it.

"I've been to Eclipse Town before, but I never paid attention to this guy..."

Kerr frowned slightly: "Looking at the evidence of the crimes he committed, which have not been exposed yet, it is by no means as simple as establishing a relationship. Dunn must be a magician."

"The magician supports the mayor to rise to power, helps him conceal his crimes, and asks for rewards. If you are brave, the magician is the mastermind, and the mayor is just his puppet." Wayne speculated.

"It is indeed possible, but ordinary magicians will not do this. If it is not an evil belief, it can only be a black magician." Kerr was slightly unhappy: "This guy is very good at hiding. He has not been exposed for so long. Discover."

The two took the evidence and left the mayor's mansion. Wayne picked a crooked tree, wrapped the evidence and buried it in the ground.

"Silent Hill is not far from here, fifteen kilometers away. How about walking there?" Kerr suggested: "The target for vehicles is too big. There are people from the mayor over there. There is a risk of being blasted. Walk more safely."

"No need to go to such trouble. We are strangers and we are strangers. There is no difference between driving and walking." Wayne shook his head. There was nothing to hide, and there was no way to hide it anyway.


"Get your car."



silent Hill.

Two figures were walking on foot in the night.

Kerr is unwilling to give up his car. In his words, the car is a man's lover, and his family status is infinitely close to his wife's. He is not married, and the car is his wife. There is no reason to use his wife to blow it up.

Wayne didn't want to either and just blew up one some time ago.

Silent Hill is a mining area on the edge of Eclipse Town. It was once very prosperous because of the copper mines, and a large number of miners settled here. At its peak, the total population exceeded 30,000.

It doesn’t work anymore, miners have left in large numbers, and few people except local residents visit.

Perhaps it was a psychological effect, but Silent Hill was similar to the scenery in Wayne's fantasy, with deep mountains and old forests, no birds, dim stars in the night sky, and everything around him was blurry, as if shrouded in a thick layer of darkness.

The two walked along the road, and before approaching the village, they spotted a car at a three-way intersection.

The car was rubbed in many places, the windows were smashed, it was a mess inside, and even four tires were punctured.

Wayne stretched out his hand to grab a handful of wind in the car and sniffed it. The perfume was very familiar. It was definitely Mona's scent.

However, this was the smell inside the car. As a silver mage, Mona perfectly concealed her scent. If she left the car, Wayne would be unable to track her exact location.

"It's time to choose one of the three again..."

Kerr looked at the fork in the road, his detective soul blazing, and said to Wayne: "Separating at this time is definitely asking for trouble. Choose a path. Where do you think Mona will go?"

Wayne shrugged his nose and smelled nothing. One day had passed and the smell in the air had long since faded. It was unrealistic to expect to track the mayor's scent to find Mona.

Moreover, if you really find Mona by tracking the mayor, the latter is most likely to be full of righteousness.

"I don't think it's necessary to go find Mona. A black magician, seven or eight guns, and a few police dogs can't catch her. Instead of wasting time looking for her, it's better to go to the mayor."

Wayne looked at the distant village: "Seize the black magician and the mayor. Mona received the news and came out without having to look for herself."

Kerr's blazing detective soul suddenly went silent, and he secretly said boringly: "If you go straight to the topic like this, you will miss a lot of surprises. Life is like a journey, and the scenery along the way..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Just because you have many words doesn't make sense. Find the mayor and the black magician."

Wayne directly interrupted the chanting: "Speaking of which, you came to Silent Hill for a commission. What are you investigating?"

"A commission from the White Glove Association. At night, there will be flashes of light near Elemental Mountain. Let me come over and write an investigation report." Kerr didn't hide it. He had seen too many similar commissions, and they were basically all trips at public expense.

flash? !

Is there a possibility that this is a sign of the emergence of heavenly materials and earthly treasures?

Wayne stopped feeling sleepy immediately and said cheerfully: "After we find Mona, I will write a report. You go and comfort the mayor's wife. Her husband must be very sad when he goes to jail."

"Can you be so kind?"

"Well, I'll share half of the commission fee."

The Silent Hill mine is divided into two areas: the inner and outer areas. The outer area is occupied by local residents who moved here when the copper mine was discovered, and the inner area is home to miners and other staff.

After the copper mine was abandoned, the inner area was basically uninhabited, a large number of stores were closed, and it was so dark that there were no street lights.

Because it is an area planned and built as a whole, the roads are horizontal and vertical. During the day, you can see the entrance to the mining area from the street.

Wayne came to the inner area and soon smelled some chaotic human odors, such as tobacco, alcohol, and body odor from not taking a shower for many days.

There were seven or eight cars parked in front of a dormitory in front of the mine. Two bearded men in police uniforms were having a drink. A cordon was drawn around the area to prevent anyone from entering the mine.

A breeze filled with the fragrance of flowers wafted over, and the two of them smelled of alcohol and soon fell to the ground and fell asleep.

The faith magic of the Church of Nature may not be as lethal as the Church of the Sun, but its field control effect is top-notch, especially when dealing with ordinary people. It basically happens every second.

Wayne begged the seeds from Veronica, opened a small vegetable garden in his backyard, and cultivated a lot of spores. He preferred these sleeping spores to hallucinogenic and parasitic spores.

Sleeping in an invisible space.

On the other side, Kerr checked the nearby dormitory and shook his head, finding nothing.

Wayne first deflated all the tires, and then grabbed one of the police officers. He had a beard, a fleshy face, and his police uniform was tightly stretched. He looked like a fake.

He grabbed his collar and slapped him awake. After feeding him the mushrooms, he slapped him again with his backhand: "Tell me, where is your boss Wells?"

"The mayor went into the mine this morning and hasn't come out yet."

"What is he doing in the mines?"

Wayne glanced at the entrance of the mine in confusion. The light was dim and there were two rows of mine carts parked in front of the door.

"I don't know. The mayor took everyone there. The two of us are responsible for guarding. No mice can be allowed in."

"Well, you did a good job in completing the task. There was indeed no mouse sneaking in."

Wayne loosened his collar and repeated his same trick of questioning another impostor, and got basically the same information.

He looked at Kerr, who nodded: "You're here, go in and have a look, just treat it as a mission investigation."

"No rush, let's change our equipment first."

When the camera turned, Wayne changed into work clothes, wearing a safety helmet, holding a flashlight, a towel hanging around his neck, a pistol on his back, and a compressed biscuit stuffed in his pocket.

"Don't you think you're a bit exaggerated?" Kerr said weakly.

He has a good overall perception of Wayne and has no negative comments. The only thing he is cautious about is that Wayne can always refresh his understanding.

Are compressed biscuits serious? Even if there is a landslide, you can still grow your own mushrooms.

Wayne didn't say anything. The boat won't straighten itself when it reaches the bridge. Only by being careful can you sail for a long time. It won't be wrong to be cautious.

The two walked into the mine. The mine was paved with tracks. The entrance was very spacious. Electric wires were pulled along the way. There was a mining lamp every ten meters.

Wayne seemed to think of something, stopped and said, "You don't smoke, right?"

"It hurts my waist, I've quit."

"That's good, I'm just afraid that you'll light a cigarette to calm down and drag me in."

"How could there be a fool smoking here? That's too stupid, and we are magicians, and the fire can't hurt us..."

Kerr was a little tired, took out his pocket, and threw a box of matches out of the mine.

Boom! ! !

The moment the match fell to the ground, there was a loud noise from inside the mine. The mining lamps above the two people's heads flickered, illuminating the two faces.

"You're right, someone really smoked in the mine." Kerr widened his eyes.

Wayne also widened his eyes, pointed inside the mine, and then pointed outside the cave.

"..." x2

Three seconds later, the two left the mine. The explosion just now was very likely to cause the mine to collapse. It was just a black magician. What's the point of playing with life!

A moment later, hurried footsteps came from the depths of the mine, and a curse sounded:

"Put up the gun and guard the cave entrance. The other exits have been blocked. If that woman doesn't want to starve to death in there, she will definitely break out from here."

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Wayne leaned against the wall outside the cave and counted silently in his heart: "Fall! Fall! Fall!"

After a series of muffled sounds, there was no sound in the cave.


"Kerr, go check and see if anyone is pretending to sleep."

"Why should I go in? What if it collapses..."

Kerr muttered to himself, and went five meters deep into the mine. After checking and confirming that everything was correct, he buried all the guns on the spot and said disappointedly: "There is no mayor and no black magician Dunn. These are just ordinary people."

Looking back at Wayne: "What should we do now? Should we go in? From what they said, Mona is starving to death."

Kerr's face was full of rejection. He didn't want to go into the mine.

Wayne had the same idea: "No need. Mona knows holy light magic. She won't starve to death in three to five days. It's okay to starve for a while. Just think of it as losing weight."

Kerr agreed with both hands. The two dragged a dozen thugs out of the mine and threw them in the corner like a pyramid.

Continue the ambush!

Five minutes later, two footsteps were getting closer and closer to the exit of the mine. When they were about to enter the spore ambush circle, their footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Leo, I asked you to guard the cave entrance, why is there no one here?"

No one answered, the younger brothers were sleeping soundly, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Wayne kindly took action and took the initiative to break the awkward situation. He raised his five fingers and rolled the spores into the mine.

At the same time, he took out the pistol behind him and fired several shots at the two hazy figures with the help of the dim light.

Bang bang bang————

Dunne had been on guard for a long time. He waved his hand to roll up the wind and block the fragrance that came to his face. The bullets that hit his body bounced off as if they hit steel.

"Natural magic..."

Dunne's face was ugly. A magician from the Holy See, plus the believers of the Natural Church, the situation became more and more difficult.

When will the bishop arrive? If he doesn't come, the stone slab can't be defended!

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