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Chapter 216: 5 color life

Bai Xiaowei gave Chu Xiang a glance at the white face: "I know that picking good sounds makes me happy. You should now go all out to evolve to aa level. The value of aa level evolution is intelligence: 2500; mental power: 2600; cell vitality: 3000; immunity Strong force: 2800; Neural response rate: 2700; Muscle tissue strength: 3100. This is the data I calculated from the previous grade ratio. As long as you meet or exceed this standard, it will evolve to aa level. "

Chu Xiangdao said: "From the numerical surface, if I want to reach the aa level, it will be more than double or even double the strength, which is unrealistic."

Bai Xiaowei shrugged and said, "Do you think you can upgrade just a few steps forward? Wouldn't that waste the major general's name? Don't let me down."

Chu Xiang shook his head: "Evolution is not a matter for me. It ’s not all dangerous at all times, so I wo n’t force it. I just want to find a quiet and safe place to start research. What do you need? I'll look for such people, as long as you can find anti-t virus solution, you will be saved. "

You are so good to me. You can do whatever you say, but the Beijing base is not suitable. There are so many people here and they are greatly influenced by government forces. If you are not careful, you may lead to chaos. Even if I can influence high-level decisions But it is always wrong, it will give you a feeling of being restricted. "

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you for being so considerate of me. I think we can go to the Changshan Island Border Station."

Bai Xiaowei shook her head: "Chu Xiang, although I am a military science family member, but I am also your girlfriend. Before telling the truth, I regarded science research and the country as more important than my own life, but this section accompanied you I have figured out the time. A woman is a woman and she still has to be attached to a man. And I am willing to be such a little woman. I think this is a kind of happiness. I hope you can become stronger and more independent. No Under the control of any person and organization. "

Chu Xiang now has ten times as much intelligence as ordinary human beings. He said, "I see. You mean to let me create a world of my own."

Bai Xiaowei said: "The virus has destroyed the old world, but it has also promoted the establishment of a new world. This is an opportunity. You must grasp it, Chu Xiang."

Chu Xiang walked around the house, he said: "I don't have that kind of ambition. But I want to make your life better and more free. Yes, my land is really not suitable for living in this peaceful world, in Here I personally lost the value of existence. This has been proven many times after entering the Beijing base. Then, should we go out and build our own base, a base that is completely up to us, we will do it there. Research is not afraid of anyone interrupting, and no one will say anything to me even if I am going backwards. "

Bai Xiaowei laughed: "Yeah, even if I had this kind of heart before, you didn't have this kind of strength. To build a base requires huge human and material resources. Human resources are the factors that ensure the safety and normal development of the base. Material resources It is the factor that guarantees the food, clothing and housing of the base. "

Chu Xiang said: "Now we have a certain human basis. To ensure the safety of the base can also be done completely. And material resources ... I think we can go to Yutai Grain Depot!"

Bai Xiaowei said, "Yes. Go to your two sister flowers. There are abundant food sources. The surrounding soil is fertile. This is of inestimable value for the sustainable development of the base."

Chu Xiang said excitedly: "Okay. That's it. I asked Wang Bin to contact the two of them later. Unfortunately, Yutai Grain Depot is really small. This is not conducive to future development. If you want to expand the base area, you need a large Earth and stone works. It ’s very difficult for us. If we can get f adhesive, it ’s a pity. That kind of fetish. It was wasted. ”

What a pity? Isn't the adhesive in your body? "

Chu Xiang said: "Not the same. Professor Fang's adhesive is amazing. It grows with water. At that time, we will surround a large fence outside the Yutai grain depot. Farming and living can be done inside. But now It just turned into a meat-eating lotion. It didn't help our plan. "

White it has wisdom. Since it is developed from f adhesive. Then it will certainly inherit the characteristics of f adhesive. And this has already been shown. The pile of hardened ground meat mountain is the best proof. "

Chu Xiang thought that was the same reason, so he said, "Will I come up with it and ask?"

Chu Xiang patted his arm, and the five-color liquid jumped in response. Chu Xiang cut a small opening with a bone knife, and the five-color liquid drilled out. It moved around Chu Xiang's face affectionately, but Chu Xiang found it on his body. The brilliance of his body has been dim, and it must be that the energy on Zhou Wang's body has made it almost digested.

Bai Xiaowei wasn't the first time to see it, so it's no surprise. Chu Xiang asked Wushuang Liquid: "Little guy, I want to know if you can grow a castle or come a wall? I've seen you before Its predecessor, it grows in contact with water, it ’s amazing. "

The five-color liquid yelled at the position of his belly, Chu Xiang said, "Is this OK or not, does the belly have anything to do with it?"

Bai is hungry. When I saw it last time, it was a bit brighter than this. You should find something to eat for it. "

Chu Xiang asked: "Do you mean that you are hungry?"

The five-color liquid nodded, and Chu Xiang asked again, "But I do n’t know what you eat, and there is no second Zhouwang for you to swallow. Let us infer that Zhouwang is an infected body, and you are Isolated from t virus, so you need to swallow t virus to supplement energy? "

The five-color liquid nodded happily, just as Zhang Jingyao came into the room after work, and the five-color liquid suddenly shot in the past. Zhang Jingyao didn't know that there was such a monster before. Only Bai Xiaowei knew about it and suddenly saw a color shot. She I thought it was Chu Xiang who was joking with her, and instead embraced it.

Chu Xiang was shocked: "Stop! Stop! Don't hurt her! Or you will be destroyed!"

The five-color liquid had already stained Zhang Jingyao's skin, and was suddenly frightened by Chu Xiang and flew back to Chu Xiang. It lay on the back of Chu Xiang's aggrieved howl, Zhang Jingyao was unknown, so he came over and said, "What's wrong? . Why are you yelling, what is this. So cute. "

Chu Xiang wiped the cold sweat from his head. He worriedly covered the liquid with his hand and said, "This is my wife. You ca n’t want to eat it because you notice the t virus in her body. If you eat my friend, I'm struggling to die and won't let you live, do you understand? "

The five-color liquid carefully shakes the body and makes a snoring sound, and it gently drills down to the flattering chuckles of Chu Xiang's arm. Zhang Jingyao likes it terribly, "Chu Xiang, what is this, let me see."

Chu Xiang was still uneasy, he said: "This is a creature that devours t virus. Yin and Yang coexist in my body. Just now it senses the t virus energy in your body. If I do n’t call it in time, I'm afraid of you. "

Zhang Jingyao also sweated coldly: "How could there be such a strange creature?" Bai Xiaowei said: "There is nothing strange about the world, Chu Xiang, you should find a place to feed it first. There is a small amount of t virus in the body There are a lot of people, and if it can't bear anyone who is hungry, it will be a big deal. "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, I'll take it out to eat right away. By the way, see if there is any problem with Xiaohong Ma and our base car. If you really want to go to Yutai Grain Depot, the base car will come in handy."

Zhang Jingyao was puzzled: "Are you going to Yutai, sisters Fang are looking for you?"

Bai Xiaowei said to Chu Xiang: "Go and let me explain to Jing Yao."

Chu Xiang let the five body fluids drill back into his body. Although Chu Xiang was worried, he found that the five-color fluid was very afraid of him. He didn't dare to disobey his order. It seems that one thing is right. It may not be able to survive for a long time without its own body. Next time, we must summon our own people and let them recognize their faces. Otherwise, it will be hungry one day and eat it without your permission. Fortunately, it is safe. It is not possible to cut out the skin by itself.

There is no other way to get out of the base Chu Xiang, unless it is hard to break through riding a red horse. But Xiao Hongma didn't dare to bring in. Chu Xiang asked He Yaohui to greet someone as soon as he got out of the ring. The outside is good to go. The fourth and fifth ring roads only have checkpoints, and the rest are not fortified.

The base car was still intact in the underground garage. When Chu Xiang came out of the x12 base, he brought back a large number of weapons with a space ring. The next thing was fuel and food. These things may be smuggled by Persian cats. Help, but if you need her help, you must have enough luxury to exchange with her. It seems that I have time to go out and pull something back.

Chu Xiang screamed sharply, and the little red horse who did not know where to eat the grass ran back quickly. One person and one horse first got affectionate for a while, and then Chu Xiang stepped on the horse and ran out of Beijing.

Bai Xiaowei's words were true. The Beijing base was unknowingly surrounded by hundreds of thousands of zombies. However, these zombies did not launch attacks. They just wandered around in groups and seemed to be waiting for any order.

Chu Xiang patted his arm, he said: "Little guy, my horse is also my own. You can't hurt it. If you don't hear it, you won't be allowed to come out."

The five-color liquid jumped in Chu Xiang's arm to indicate that he had received it. Chu Xiang then cut open a hole and let it out. At this time, the last zombies had already come around. They are standard t2. Don't be afraid of his power, they just pounce mechanically to prepare to bite.

The five-color liquid is obviously more interested in Little Red Horse, but it does not dare to do things that make Chu Xiang unhappy. In the face of the surrounding t2, it shakes its head and seems to sigh the low energy of t virus in their body. However, some food is better than no food. It first pounces on a t2 to quickly expand its shape, and then the body surrounds the surrounding t2 to continue to extend around. Once t2 is adhered to it, it quickly melts and differentiates, and finally forms a ball. The big foam, presumably this should be considered as a five-color liquid feces, and the bright point is that it has digested the residue of t virus.

Chu Xiang counted the amount. The five-color liquid directly swallowed about five t2 zombies, and then it emerged from the foam. He flew back to Chu Xiang's arms and sat down contentedly, his body was bright and bright, and it seemed to be full Then, if you let it continue to eat, you don't know if it will be nauseous, otherwise you can fly it and go around China to destroy the zombies.

I saw the digested residues piled up on the ground, as long as the five-color liquids were pulled out from there. The foam-like residue immediately solidified, and was harder than the f-adhesive used in Fang Qian's experiment.

Chu Xiang said while he was full of the five-color liquid, "It's still the problem just now. I want to know if you can help me build a fence, just like the characteristics shown by the brothers in front of you."

The five-color liquid nodded, and its body shape suddenly stretched one end connected to Chu Xiang ’s arm, but the other end was a constantly changing shape of Zhangyawu claws. Chu Xiang was puzzled: “You mean let me choose a style myself You come to build? "

The five-color liquid nodded quickly. It deformed a finger and pointed at Chu Xiang's head. Chu Xiang said, "I just need to use my brain to think you can understand?"

The five-color liquid confirmed it. Chu Xiang was very pleased. He began to imagine a wall that was stronger than the Great Wall, and the other end of the five-color liquid suddenly began to swell and deform. A building exactly like the imaginary wall in Chu Xiang's mind appeared on the open space. Even the style of the city brick remained the same. Chu Xiang reached out and held it for a moment, but it was not sand and gravel, it might just be a mucus, and it was still soft. It probably hardened after the five-color liquid was withdrawn.

The city walls continued to rapidly and downwardly extend. Chu Xiang didn't stop crying. He built a five-color liquid with a distance of one meter, and then got out of the city wall, and then flew back to Chu Xiang's arm and stood motionless. The light that originally appeared after eating also disappeared. It seems that its construction is also based on the premise of consuming energy.

Chu Xiang reached out and touched. The city wall has hardened. Hitting it with his fist is much higher than the pile of residue excrement. This is how to make those excrements carefully. The key is that the shape is exactly the same as Chu Xiang imagined in the city wall . Miracle, the original f-adhesive needed to build a growth environment with water first, otherwise the chaotic growth would not work at all, but now the enhanced f-adhesive has intelligent growth, which is great, it just looks like it The growth of the ground is based on the consumption of its own energy, and the building area is limited, but it can be built one meter at a time, which is amazing.

"Do you need to eat some more zombies to replenish energy?" Chu Xiang asked the five-color liquid.

The five-color liquid shook his head. It kept arching into Chu Xiang's arm. Chu Xiang knew that it was exhausted to build such a long wall, and may not be able to eat and build it today. It seems that all things have advantages and disadvantages, but this matter is not urgent. It can be built a little bit a day at Yutai Grain Depot, which is much simpler and faster than manually building the city wall, and it does not need to find a lot of cement and bricks.

Now that there is nothing left to do, Chu Xiang wants to find out if there are any valuable things around here. After all, he needs a lot of things to exchange for the equipment he needs, preferably luxury such as imported wine, antiques, etc. It's hard to find. Besides, I don't know if it's true or false. In case of making a bunch of fakes like Zhang Hongbing, it makes people laugh.

Chu Xiang regrets not bringing Bai Xiaowei out, otherwise you can find the nearby supermarket tobacco and liquor business by opening the gps navigation. Now you can just look around and try your luck. The flame horse walks slowly in the satellite city. How big is Chu Xiang in Beijing who tried it by car. Anyway, it is impossible to go around in one day. Many places in Guangjiao County, Chu Xiang, have never heard of it.

Yu, Chu Xiang held the flame horse, this is a medium-sized shopping mall. Obviously, the billboard on the door was attracted by famous cigarettes and famous wines, but there were several off-road vehicles parked at the door, with blood stains on it. Someone seems to have the idea here, but their luck seems not so good.

Chu Xiang jumped off the flame horse. There were dozens of shopping carts at the entrance of the supermarket. There was also rice flour and other food in it. Because the weather had become hot, most of them could not be eaten. Chu Xiang did not care, after all, the Beijing base There is no shortage of food.

Kick the shopping cart and walk up the steps of the supermarket, and a strong moldy smell greets you. Chu Xiang is surprised that the emergency lights are still on in the supermarket. It ’s really not easy. It seems that Beijing ’s power supply is great. Switching to another city's power system has long been paralyzed.

This supermarket has only two floors. The first floor is a non-staple food supermarket and the second floor is a clothing store. Chu Xiang looked around to find the makeup and tobacco and alcohol shops outside the supermarket. These are independent of the supermarket counter. Chu Xiang opened it with his feet. The garbage on the ground went to the tobacco and alcohol line.

Alas, Chu Xiang's feet softened, he patronized to watch the tobacco and alcohol on the counter. I didn't even pay attention to my feet, and went to see the soft place. Damn, it's a leg that's rotten to death! She looks slender and looks like a woman, but she can't see it anymore.

What's more, there is a human body inside and outside the counter. Judging from the appearance, this is a man's body, and a gun is not far away. It seems that the person who made a fortune in this place was in trouble. Gu half-dead corpse came into the counter. A military backpack on the ground is filled with cigarettes from the open mouth. Chu Xiang can see the pandas, Su Yan and the Yellow Crane Tower. For smokers, who wants to taste these famous cigarettes? Chu Xiang bent over and went to pick.

Huh, a sledgehammer knocked down at Chu Xiang's head. Chu Xiang didn't respond at all, let the hammer fall, but because he continued to bend down. The hammer finally hit his shoulder bone, banging, a very crisp sound. But Chu Xiang's bones weren't broken, but the hammer was blown up! And it flew out to make two cuts, which shows how strong the other side's strength is, and how hard Chu Xiang's body has risen instantly.

Chu Xiang lifted his backpack and glanced back, but it was an ugly t3 holding a wooden handle more than one meter long in his hand, and the hammer head had collapsed. Obviously it did not expect that the other party was not afraid of its killer. Maybe it used this hand to not know how many money-loving people were killed, but now it is in trouble. Chu Xiang can only half his head with one punch. Smashed, this punch really made t3 defenseless, because the distance between Chu Xiang and it was not enough to attack with punches, but Chu Xiang did it because his arms can be extended freely!

Fortunately, this t3 has reached the end of evolution, and the eyeballs under its neck have just come in handy. It threw away the hammer handle and pounced on it with its feet. Alas, a large round eyeball was suddenly drilled from the ground in the middle of t. It wailed and died.

Chu Xiang snorted and withdrew the bone spurs. He hadn't seen these t3s anymore. They came to find trouble. He just turned to death and turned his backpack. There was even Baisha and Honghe. Chu Xiang opened the space ring with a smile. It was empty, and five cubic meters of space were waiting for Chu Xiang to fill up with various objects.

Chu Xiang packs the smoke from the counter, no matter whether it is expensive or cheap, the famous cigarettes can be sold, and the remaining ordinary ones are more than one yuan cigarettes that Chu Xiang could not afford to smoke before, which is considered extravagant to him. There is also a wine cabinet, someone has opened it halfway, but when the person who opened the wine cabinet faced these famous wine places, he must relax his vigilance, because there were still a few blood fingerprints on the glass, presumably before the death of the adventurer who died before struggle.

Wuliangye, Jiannanchun, and Yanghe Daqu are familiar with Chuxiang, but he does n’t understand the packaging of a bunch of letters. The above price, is this a human thing, but the price is so expensive, and it ’s foreign If it ’s not expensive, it ’s fake. Most of the words are Chivas and Remy, literally. It ’s easy to change fuel and food with them.

Chu Xiang took a table cloth from the counter and wiped the dust on the bottle in an orderly manner. The survivor who scraped the supplies like him is probably unique. Others are afraid of death. If they catch it, they run. The strength is the cow fork. Several T3s had clearly pointed out their heads, but they were hesitant to see the one lying on the ground.

Chu Xiang whistled little by little and moved all the tobacco and alcohol in the warehouse above and below the counter into the space ring. After thinking about it, I ran to the makeup counter again. It was a mess here, and bottles and cans were thrown everywhere. The price of makeup is very high in the Beijing base. Some noble women must use it every day. Of course, Chu Xiang cannot let go. He started to pile in another cell.

The unmanned behavior of Chu Xiang finally angered those later T3s. They whistled and rushed towards Chu Xiang. Suddenly, the gloomy white light flashed before their eyes, and then several headless corpses landed on the ground. How these t3 are bone-finned opponents, even they have no chance to resist!

After several evolutionary upgrades, Chu Xiang's strength is not what it used to be. He is no longer able to fight with a t3. Two t3 can chase him across the street, unless the more powerful t4 join forces. Or, the mutant creature collar, otherwise these zombies Chu Xiang are not in the eyes, and he does have the ability to despise each other.

A makeup filled with Ge Chuxiang went into the supermarket, and some toothbrushes and toothpaste were needed. These long warranty periods do not affect the use, and sanitary napkins require a lot of ~ Chu Xiang has always provided this thing for Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan, but other women do n’t know why, they do n’t directly ask Chu Xiang to take the two women.

Chu Xiang just wandered in this supermarket. Tofu, tofu sauce, canned food and beverages can be stored for a long time. Chu Xiang picked it out without warranty period. When Chu Xiang walked to the freezer, he was shocked. Now, several large freezers are still powered on, and the ice dumplings and ice cream inside are intact! There is even a pile of pork, pork chops and trotters inside!

Good thing, Chu Xiang throws away other things in his hand. The space ring is thermostatic, but this does not mean that its temperature is not adjustable. The temperature inside it can be changed through the control panel, otherwise it will be easy to rot when it is stored. Chu Xiang specially transferred two cubic meters of grid to store frozen food, but there are so many things. In the end, the space ring ca n’t be put. Chu Xiang can only pack a bag to carry the remaining trotters and pork chops away. It is just right to eat at night .

When Chu Xiang walked out of the supermarket with satisfaction, he realized that there are so many supplies here because there are indeed a lot of zombies here. He just killed five t3s just now. It is obvious that these two have evolved to deep t4. The ground kept roaring whispered, and one round eyeball even cracked in half. What surprised Chu Xiang was that there was a head-like thing in it.


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