
Vol 2 Chapter 2165: Ruins in the sunset

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"Unexpected ... You Emperor came here ..."

When Gu Qingfeng and Daxing epilepsy departed, a group of ancestors in Changsheng Pavilion did not feel relieved, and they still had a serious heart. bookmark our website

They are all seniors who have practiced for many years, and are also the ancestors of such blessed land as Changshengge. Naturally, they know more about the situation in heaven and earth than others.

It is also clear that the ancient breeze appeared in the black ancient black hole, then the black ancient black hole is no longer as simple as the black ancient black hole, the meaning behind it, what will happen may change the destiny of all beings on the Tiandi Avenue.

‘If the ancient times appear, the original sin will change. ’

This is a prophecy.

It is a great wilderness giant, a fortune known by the ancestors such as the 36 holes and 72 blessed land, which means that once the ancient times appear, the original sin will change.

Now the ancient times have appeared. As for what kind of changes will happen to the original sin, no one knows.

Everyone is waiting, everyone is preparing.

This is true no matter whether it is a giant in the wild or a blessing in heaven.

After all, this time in the ancient times is of great significance and determines the future situation. Even if Changsheng Pavilion does not want to, it has to participate.

"You Emperor ... he ... appeared in Huanggu, did he ... must die here?"


Qing Qing looked at the complex vortex not far away and asked himself a question.

"The Emperor appears here, and chances are that he will die here."

It was not others who answered her, it was the centrifugal fairy.

Speaking of which, this question is not the first time Qing Qing has asked. Before he met Gu Qingfeng, Qing Qing asked this question more than once.

Others may not know it. Only Centrifuge knows that since the last time he met with Youdi in the Great Wasteland, Qing Qing has become unscrupulous. She knows that Qing Qing may be infatuated with Yu You.

If you can, Centrifuge does not want to hit Qing Qing, even if you know how much Qing Qing is obsessed with Emperor You, there will be no results. She still does not want to tell Qing Qing such a cruel fact.

In the centrifugal fairy, want to come, once the Emperor appears in the desert, it will inevitably die here, this is certain, sooner or later it will become a reality.

Not only did she think so, the grandfather Kaishan and other ancestors in the Changsheng Pavilion, including the Emperor of the Floating Emperor Shuijing, all thought so.

Because of the great desert giant, the heavenly blessed land, the holy land forbidden land, the return to the ruins, nine days and nine quiet, all existence in this heaven and underground will not allow You Emperor such a deepest and largest original sin variable to live.

If he is alive, it will be a threat to the heavens and the earth and to all sentient beings.

Therefore, You Emperor must die.

This time is the best and last chance to obliterate the Emperor.

Everyone will not give up this opportunity, including their Changsheng Pavilion is no exception.

"If the ancient times appear, the original sin is bound to change." This is a prophecy that many ancestors can derive.

Almost everyone believes that this prophecy has told you that the Emperor You will surely die in the ancient times.

As everyone knows, Gu Qingfeng ignited the fire of the original sin and awakened the original sin in Wudao Mountain that year.

If Gu Qingfeng did not die, then he would definitely ask God, the original sin. Only when he died, would God be changed.

The prophecies that have been deduced by everyone are that the ancient sin will change if the original sin occurs. This one word is already destined to die.

in fact.

Qing Qing is not ignorant of this prophecy, nor is she unbelieving, she just ... somewhat unacceptable.

Perhaps as the centrifugal fairy said, since seeing the ancient Qingfeng side in the wilderness of the wilderness, Qing Qing was completely infatuated with it and can never forget it.

Although she also knew that she was so obsessed with Youdi, there would be no results, but she did not care about them, and she did not expect any results.

But if the person he is obsessed with will eventually die here, this makes Qing Qing feel very uncomfortable.

"Let's go."

Shui Jing Niang Niang is about to take everyone into this wild ancient ruins. At this moment, Mr. Kaishan suddenly said: "Niang Niang and slow."

"what happened?"

"Since the You Emperor has entered this ruin, the old man thinks we should give up."

Shui Jing Niang Niu nodded and thought that Mr. Kaishan said very well.

Leaving aside whether or not there is a treasure in this ruin, even if there is, the Emperor has already entered, and he and others can't rob him.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that the existence of You Emperor is too dangerous. I do n’t know how much existence exists in the sky and stare at him. It is better to stay as far away as possible.


Since the ancient breeze entered the ancient black hole, I do n’t know how many relics of various sizes have been seen. Most of the ancient relics are the same. The sky is a huge turbulent vortex, and the ground is an endless desert. There is no origin in the relic space There is no order structure.

The Taixu sword grave previously entered is a relatively special ancient relic. Although there is no original law and order structure in the ruins, at least it is not an endless desert, but a flying sword across the mountains ~ ~ Until you come to this The ancient ruins, he saw a more special ancient ruins.

The sky of this ancient and ancient ruin is also a huge turbulent vortex, but the ground is not an endless desert. When you look around, there are all the flowers and trees in the mountains, rivers and rivers. It is even more incredible that the ancient and ancient wind still seems to be in the ancient and ancient ruins. Contains aura.

Maybe it's Reiki.

The ancient Qingfeng also couldn't figure out whether the relics contained in the ancient and ancient ruins were really aura. He felt it and never saw it.

Thinking about it should be a kind of aura.

If not, there can be no mountains, rivers, flowers or trees in this ancient ruins.

If it were just that, it wouldn't surprise Gu Qingfeng so much.

In fact, when the huge turbulent vortex in the air turned out to be strangely faint with golden red brilliance, this brilliance looked a bit weird, and the entire ancient ruins were set off like a layer of sunset.

Looking at the scenery in this ancient and ancient ruins, the ancient Qingfeng felt a kind of sorrow. It felt like the scenery at sunset, with a touch of cozyness and a touch of affection.

Looking up at the huge turbulent vortex in the air, I didn't find anything strange. I did not detect anything, but I found that the turbulent vortex always looked like a waning thing. The same day.

This is really evil!

What's more evil is that I don't know why. When entering this desolate ancient ruins, the ancient Qingfeng had a feeling of acquaintance.

But he didn't know for a moment and a half whether this familiar feeling came from the scenery at sunset, from this weird and ancient ruins, or from others.

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