
Vol 2 Chapter 1460: Jinwu Lee's Family Strikes

This day.

Lord Maoma sitting in Da's hall was consolidating his practice. Suddenly, when he felt something was wrong, he stood up and rushed out in a stride. At this moment, a group of hundreds of people poured into the floating island.

These people are all wearing immortal robes and holding immortal flying swords. At first glance, they are not good.

Ma Ma has been mixed in the Jinwu secret realm before, but he just glanced and immediately recognized that these are the immortals of the Jinwu secret realm, and they are all the immortals who are begging for food under the Jinwu Li family. Most of them are double sky, and there are more than ten triple skyes like Ma Maye.

After all, it's here!

Lord Ma Ma knew that Jinwu Li's family would not give up, but he did not expect to come so soon, nor did he expect so many people to come.



The roar of the fierce beast came.

On hearing it was the roar of Huoyun Beast.

as expected.

A series of more than ten people drove the Fire Cloud Beast and appeared on the floating island.

多 The ten or so Ma Wangye also knew that they were all noble sons of the Jinwu Li family, headed by Li Tianhua.

Jin Jinwu's family is a family of immortals.

The ancestors were officially enshrined in the nine days of Immortal Road, nine days in the past, they have been to Sendai, and they have been purified by the glorious grace of Sendai. As a matter of fact, cultivation is naturally not comparable to the impoverished fan immortals such as Ma Wangye.

Like the ten or so noble sons of the Jinwu Li family, the practice time is not long, but the practice is higher than one.

What's more terrible is that the more than ten noble sons of Jinwu Li's family, whether they are wearing the fairy armor or the flying fairy sword held by them, are all innate grades, and their strength can be said to be very strong.

There are a few people who are like Ma Tianye, but Ma Wangye has been practicing for more than a thousand years, and those people may not have been for decades.

In addition, there are several practitioners who have not practiced for more than 50 years, but they are already the big Luo Jinxian of the Four Heavens.

no way.

Reality is so cruel.

I want people to have immortal stones, and there is no shortage of various cultivation resources.

Plus Linggen's qualifications are relatively good, so you can do more with less.

This is just another noble son.

Li Tianhua is even more powerful.

He is known as one of the seven sons of the Jinwu Li family, and is a five-day giant Luo Jinxian.

The seven sons of the Jinwu Li family have a good reputation, and their cultivation may not be high, but each of them is the best in the family regardless of their qualifications or perceptions. Like this Li Tianhua who has not practiced for thirty years, he is already a great figure Luo Jinxian, qualification is not bad.

I heard that Jinwu Li ’s family has also created an extraordinary fortune for him recently. No one knows what the fortune is, and so far, Li Tianhua has not sacrificed it.

However, the power of any creature, even if it is only acquired, is extraordinary.

接着 Then three more people appeared on the floating island.

When he saw the three men, Ma Wangye was suddenly scared.

三 All three of them are old seniors living in the secret world of Jinwu, all of whom have cultivated for thousands of years, and are all six heavy heavens.

Although these old predecessors are born in poverty like Master Ma, they have spent most of their lives in the secret world of Jinwu for thousands of years, and they are still in their prime. There are a bunch of Fanxian who follow them in the Jinwu Li family. Eat.

When I saw these old seniors, Ma Ma was scared from the bottom of my heart.

I don't think these old predecessors are Liu Zhongtian's big Luo Jinxian, but the strength is not as simple as Liu Zhongtian.

Luo Jinxian's nine hundred and eighty-one days, each breakthrough of the day, the fairy spirit and the physical body will change accordingly, this change is a qualitative change.

But sometimes, if the amount is large, it is extremely terrible.

For example, these three six-day old Luo Jinxian seniors have each cultivated for thousands of years. The fairy spirit is definitely much stronger and stronger than the big Luo Jinxian in the same realm. The seventh Luotian and even the eighth Heavenly King Luo Jinxian are absolutely not afraid, and it is even possible to obliterate the other party.

When these three six-day old seniors appeared on the floating island, a big owl also appeared on the floating island.

There are three people in the grandma.

One of them is Li Jingya.

The other is Jin Lie of the day.

Ji Jinlie is an old senior who has practiced for 10,000 years, and his qualifications in the Jinwu Li family are also relatively old.

However, because of the problems during the cultivation, the immortals in the body almost collapsed. Although they were eventually rescued, the immortals were also seriously damaged. The strength was not as good as before. The immortals were also very fragile. Even if you do n’t do it, even if you do, you wo n’t be able to support it for a long time, and it will increase the damage of the fairy.

This is precisely why, when the ancient breeze used the thunder to break Li Jingya, Jin Lie could only choose to swallow.

Because he had already consumed a lot in order to resist Jiuhuo Fire Red Flame Tiger that day, he didn't dare to do it anymore, and he was worried that he would increase the damage of the fairy spirit.

If he was not injured that year, he would use his ten thousand-year-old Da Luo to show his repairs. Mo said that Gu Qingfeng had dozens of Zhang Leifu in his hands, that is, hundreds or thousands of them, and he would not take them into his eyes.

Xi Jinlie's existence, like a toothless tiger, is not to be feared at all.

It is natural that Prince Ma is not so scared.

But when he saw the middle-aged man in Da'ao, Ma Ma's heart was not only afraid, but a little fearful.

He knows this middle-aged man named Ding Da.

Ding Da is not a member of the Jinwu Li family. He was also a fan of the Jinwu secret realm, but was later accepted by Jin Lie as a disciple. Therefore, he is also considered a half of the Jinwu Li realm. Today, in the Jinwu secret realm, It is also an extraordinary character, and sometimes even the noble son of the Jinwu Li family jeopardizes him for three points ~ ~ Because this Ding Daxiu is so high, but a nine-day-old Luo Jinxian, one hundred on the field Many people are under his control, including Ma Ma, who also ate food in his hands.

The big Luo Jinxian was born in 1989.

The first to the ninth heavens, the gold of Wu's five elements.

The gold of the five elements is too white.

Therefore, the ninth heaven of Da Luo Jinxian, also known as Taibai nine heaven.

Taibai Jiuzhong Heaven, although each of the heavens is different, but the understanding is the gold of the five elements. The gold of the five elements is a tadpole. Every time you break through the heavens, the magic power of the immortal will be more pure and more vigorous. God, both the fairy and the flesh will be as hard as a tadpole, that is, the legendary tadpole tadpole. If you cultivate a tadpole tadpole, it will be a small perfection.

If you cultivate the Tai platinum heart, every thought and method contains the mystery of heavy gold among the five elements, and it is for the great consummation.

This Dinda entered the Ninth Heaven as early as a thousand years ago. Today, it is not clear if anyone has ever repaired the Taibai Jinmao and whether he has repaired the Tai Platinum heart.

But even if you have n’t cultivated Taibaijin, you have n’t developed a Taibaijin heart. The Taibai Jiuzhong cultivation alone is enough to be called Da Luotaibaijinxian.

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