Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 46 Putting screws on the wheel of the times

"Chief Zhang, the system of our website can be run and launched today, but without publicity, there will definitely be no users using it."

"Section Chief Zhang, log in to your account and allocate numbers yourself, register yourself, and give it a try."

"Brother Zhang, in the early stage, all the different departments in the hospital will have to combine more than ten numbers."

"Brother Zhang, I will put these materials in Corey first. There is no need to paste them first. I will paste them by myself when we move the computer and printer."

"Brother Zhang, when our website is ready, I will treat you to a drink of Maotai. Thank you very much."

Fang Zhuo burst out with great enthusiasm to promote progress in the medical department, and talked about all aspects of the website that needed to be connected with the hospital.

Zhang Kaibing is indeed a section chief who does things well. Not only did he understand in detail how the so-called online registration works, he also tried the registration process himself, and then he spoke highly of it.

"Xiao Fang, your online registration is really good. Our hospital doesn't need to make big changes. It's very convenient and it's really an improvement."

"I heard from Dean Sun that this is a pilot project, right? Will it be finalized in the end?"

"It's just that the scope of application is relatively narrow..."

When Zhang Kaibing said the turning point, he paid attention to the expressions of Fang Zhuo and Su Wei. Seeing that they were not dissatisfied, he continued to speak directly: "There won't be many people using it. You need a computer. That is, people in the city use a computer." Use it."

He frowned: "So, I'm afraid it will take a long time for it to become truly popular. The people who need this kind of registration to save time the most are the people in cities, counties, and villages who don't use computers very much."

Fang Zhuo was surprised that Section Chief Zhang was not only quick at work, but also had a keen eye. How long did it take him to know...

He admitted: "Yes, Brother Zhang, registration must be done online and offline for quite some time, and most of them are offline. However, I have confidence in the speed of Internet development in our country, and the registration network is also related to this hook up."

"Oh, that's it. I don't know much about the Internet, but it's really fun." Zhang Kaibing admitted his shortcomings. He thought seriously for a while, "It seems very possible. I think it's really good. Use Computers are very convenient.”

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "It would be more convenient if I could use a mobile phone in the future."

"Mobile phone?" Zhang Kaibing was not only surprised, but also disbelieving.

He felt there was no need to discuss things he didn't believe in, so the focus of communication returned to the connection between the hospital and the website.

It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that Fang Zhuo and Su Wei left the medical department.

Just in the elevator, Fang Zhuo was full of praise for Zhang Kaibing.

"This section chief is really a hard-working person. He has a straightforward personality, a keen eye, and a good heart. If I didn't have money, I would really like to recruit him to the company."

"Tsk, companies like ours that deal with hospitals need this kind of talent. Hey, hey, I will definitely talk to him when I get rich."

Su Wei didn't have so many feelings, but after hearing what he said, she compared it and said: "Better than Sun Xingqun."

"The two are incomparable." Fang Zhuo said disdainfully.

"I am a vice president after all. If I come to your company, my connections will come in handy." Su Wei teased.

"Hey, it's really not surprising. I have screwed the first screw into the wheel of the times." Fang Zhuo said sarcastically, "A person like him can only be compliant. If you go against the grain, you will be coldly abandoned."

Su Wei smiled, and suddenly remembered what he and Zhang Kaibing said just now, and asked: "Do you think you can use your mobile phone to register in the future? Then only a few people can use it?"

"Of course it can, and it's more convenient." Fang Zhuo stood at the door of the hospital, looked around, and said casually, "I have said many times, you should not look at the situation staticly, that is metaphysics, you should dialectically look at the ever-developing technology and internet."

Su Wei now has some dialectical feelings. She never thought that she could actually build this website in a short period of time. Although it has not been officially launched yet, everything seems to be on the right track.

"Xiao Su, was my bike locked here just now? Why is it missing?" Fang Zhuo looked for it blankly.

Su Wei took a look and confirmed: "Yes, this is it. There is a railing next to it."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the railing and then at the vacant spot, his doubts mixed with surprise.

Where is my bike?

Where is the big new bicycle I bought?

I just said that I put screws on the wheels of the times, and my own wheels have sailed away without mercy?

"Mr. Fang, your bicycle may have developed dialectically due to your influence." Su Wei suppressed the inexplicable gloating that came out of her misfortune, with a serious face, "Don't be anxious, development is often spiral, you may pay back later. Can come back and be found.”

Fang Zhuo glanced at the unsympathetic teacher Xiao Su and reluctantly admitted the fact that cycling was a sport and developed.

"Forget it, let's eat first. This Section Chief Zhang is still a workaholic. He has to figure out the situation even if he doesn't eat lunch. He is so suitable for an Internet company."

"You have to make money quickly so that you can poach people, and you have to make a lot of money, otherwise you won't be willing to come if you have a staff." Su Wei was still teasing.

Fang Zhuo agreed with this statement. He squinted and said, "I am already considering a package plan before and after attracting venture capital."

"A package plan?" Su Wei couldn't help but laugh, "When others say, I don't believe it, but if you say it, I definitely believe your bad intentions."

"Don't make trouble, it's a win-win situation for me." Fang Zhuo added in his heart, even if the other party didn't know how he won for the time being.

University of Science and Technology of China campus, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Xin was thinking about the website as he walked to the dormitory.

"Zhou Xin, Zhou Xin!" Mentor Liang Min's voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah? Teacher Liang, what's wrong?" Zhou Xin looked up and took a second to react.

"Aren't you working on that Internet application project? When I have a big class in two days, you call your person to come on stage and give me a case to use." Liang Min said without refusal.

"Uh, okay, okay, thank you, Teacher Liang." Zhou Xin couldn't refuse.

Liang Min nodded, took two steps, then stopped, and turned around and said: "There will be an Internet Development Forum meeting over there in Lin'an in two weeks. I will sign up for your company later, and you can also go and learn more about it. The development is very good, don’t limit your sights to Luzhou.”

"Okay, okay." Zhou Xin naturally agreed again.

In addition to being a strong person, Teacher Liang is very good to students in other aspects.

Zhou Xin thought that the second news should be considered good news, and he could talk about it when he meets his boss next time.

After walking for a while, he was stopped again.

"Senior, where is Brother Fang?"

This time it was Wei Zhen.

Zhou Xin said "Huh" and did not answer. He was afraid that he would reveal his boss's schedule. This man rushed directly to the hospital to deliver food. It was now meal time in the evening.

Wei Zhen looked a little angry: "I asked my friends who majored in economics and management. There is no such name as Fang Zhuo. Why did you lie to me?"

"..." Zhou Xin felt guilty and said reluctantly, "I didn't lie to you. Brother Fang didn't say he was from the University of Science and Technology of China. Well, he is indeed majoring in economics and management."

Wei Zhen's eyes were bright: "Then which school is he from?"

"Luzhou Printing..." Zhou Xin recalled and confirmed, "Luzhou Printing Technology School."


There was strong astonishment on Wei Zhen's face.

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