Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 618: Xiye Zulong, the Kingdom of God versus

Many invisible spider silks suddenly spread out and gathered towards the "King of Reality and Illusion", instantly cutting the face into pieces.

But after only a breath, the face returned to its original state, like a ghost that lingered, floating and looking down at Bai Zhi.

"Is it virtual?"

Bai Zhi murmured, and waved her hand gently.

The next second, everything was silent.

The cave, the face, the meat, the ruins... everything disappeared, everything returned to nothingness, as if returning to the starting point of the universe.

Eternal night fell.

She made the "King of Reality and Illusion" lost in the eternal night.

Not only that, the Far North Continent, and even all areas outside the Far North, were shrouded in eternal darkness, and absolute fear swept the world.

But affected by the "blocking", this force quickly retreated from the area outside the Far North.

Moreover, a pink and purple illusory eye actually opened in the darkness. Although the light could not penetrate the darkness, it was enough for Him to send a profound call to the distant starry sky.

The flying speed of the inanimate stars in outer space that were approaching this planet at high speed suddenly increased, and they collided with each other in just a few minutes.

But Bai Zhi just glanced at the starry sky through the bottom rock layer, and the flight trajectories of those stars suddenly came to a standstill.

Then, dark spheres appeared in front of many stars, and a huge suction suddenly emerged, swallowing them all, and then disappeared.

All the destructive stars summoned by the "King of Virtual Reality" were transferred to a certain location in the distant void by the "Net of the World".

No one knows how Bai Zhi did it, how he ignored the power of "blocking" and exerted influence in the place outside the Far North Continent to move many stars away.

But there is no doubt that after her actions, the "barrier" of the entire solar system seemed to have temporarily failed.

In an instant,

the mythical creatures outside the galaxy were ready to move, and the stars showed their filthy and terrifying appearance, and broke into the solar system in an incomprehensible trajectory.

Among them, there was a group of blue-black fog that Bai Zhi was familiar with, with many slender tentacles extending outward, and at the end of the tentacles were toothless round mouths with tentacles like catfish.

The creature of the true god level, "Star Devourer", was flying quickly.

At this moment,

a tiny figure that was incompatible with many huge monsters blocked their path and stood quietly in the starry sky.

This is a human, a human less than two meters tall.

But such a creature as small as dust in the starry sky actually stopped all the legendary and mythical creatures from moving.

He looked plain, expressionless, like a sculpture, wearing rough linen clothes, with long hair draped behind his head, and waved a plain wooden scepter in his hand.

Many huge creatures retreated as if struck by lightning.

Only the "Star Devourer" was not affected, and rushed towards this human like a treasure.

Because he found a source of energy larger than a planet from this human.


The human man's body moved suddenly.

A thousand-meter-high shadow rushed out from his head. This shadow was wearing a robe embroidered with thousands of monsters and demons, as well as a large river pattern.

What was even more incomprehensible was that the shadow had nine arms and a head, and his arms held different strange and inappropriate items, such as petals, bottles, flutes, books, scrolls, etc.

As for the head, it had the same features as the man, but with a richer expression, including contempt, anger, and smiles...

After the "barrier" disappeared briefly, "Tianzun"! The god also known as "Jiuli Emperor" took action... Bai Zhi retracted his gaze to the starry sky and turned his attention back to the Far North under his feet.

Since "Star Devourer" and "Tianzun" can appear, a more powerful existence should be coming soon... Bai Zhi thought so, and then he felt that the underground cave was shaking violently.

It was shaking.

But it was obviously not an ordinary shaking.

Because under this intensity, even the underground space tens of thousands of meters deep began to collapse.

However, due to the display of the "Net of the World", this space, including the area of ​​the Adres vein, quickly returned to stability.

And other places in the Far North Continent were not so lucky.

The cracks, which were tens of meters wide, spread rapidly like a spider web, the rocks bulged, the peaks sank, and the entire plate was in violent motion.

When Bai Zhi ignored the "King of Reality and Illusion" who was lost in the darkness and appeared on the ruins of the outer Adres, a huge dark golden eye came into her sight.

This was an eyeball that was even larger than the main peak of the Adres Mountain.

In its eyes, Bai Zhi was no different from a speck of dust.

What was even more suffocating was that there was not just one dark golden eye. After Bai Zhi appeared, hundreds of them were aimed at her from all directions.

It was like being stared at by the stars in the sky.

This was something that should not have happened.

Because even the "King of Reality and Illusion" was obsessed with the eternal night field opened by Bai Zhi, but these things ignored the barrier of darkness and found her.

Bai Zhi immediately understood the origin of these eyeballs.

They belong to an ultimate dragon that crawled out from the Far North Continent.

"The Resting Night Dragon".

According to the "Nine Li Strange Stories", the "Xiye Zulong" has a planetary-sized body and hundreds of dragon heads, and once brought down miracles in the Far North.

In front of Bai Zhi, there was a mythical creature that could not be visually estimated, which was entrenched on the Far North continent. Although it was not as large as a planet, she was sure that it was the "Xiye Zulong".

Because only this god with the highest attainments in the dark realm would ignore her divine realm and look directly at her.

As for the size, it is not surprising that it can change its size at will at the level of mythical life.

"'Black Night', you did a good job, very good!"

Behind the dark golden eyeballs, there was a thunderous roar:

"If you hadn't made the 'barrier' invalid, you wouldn't have woken up yet..."

Bai Zhi didn't speak. It seemed that there was only this kind of voice left between the sky and the sky, and only Bai Zhi and the "Xiye Zulong" were left.

She waited for the other party to express his attitude.

The next moment, the hundreds of dark gold eyeballs suddenly glared at the same time, and the rolling black divine light shot out, all of which hit Bai Zhi, completely submerging his body and forming a black hole.

"Is this your choice? To be an enemy? In that case, then go and die."

Suddenly, a cold voice resounded in the black hole, and a trace of surprise flashed in the dark gold eyeballs.

As an extremely powerful existence among the true gods, he had no power to kill himself.

Puff, puff.

Then, the sound of tearing flesh and tearing silk echoed densely, and thick and slimy dark tentacles drilled into the hundreds of dark gold eyeballs, swinging uncomfortably like parasitic worms, and black juice rolled down the surface of the eyeballs.


The "Xiye Zulong" who couldn't see the whole picture let out a painful howl. All the dark gold eyeballs were rapidly polluted and dissolved into a black ocean containing endless mysteries under the penetration of the dark tentacles.

As the black ocean expanded, it was also quickly sucked into a place deep below.

That was where the "Deep Dark Throne" was.

After just a dozen breaths, the black ocean that the "Xiye Zulong" turned into had completely disappeared and was sucked into the "Deep Dark Throne".

"The 'Dark' realm... there is only one supreme god. It's okay if you don't show up. Once you show up, your fate is doomed."

Bai Zhi whispered, as if talking to himself, and as if talking to the "Xiye Zulong" who had disappeared.

None of the gods outside the starry sky would have thought that the "Ancestral Dragon of the Night", which was more powerful than most of the old days, would be suppressed by Bai Zhi just after waking up...

No, it's not as simple as being suppressed, it seems to have fallen...

But this is not without cost.

Due to the excessive use of the status power of the "Deep Dark Throne", the slender jade fingers that had originally recovered as before, the fingertips were dyed back to pure black.

Bai Zhi raised the black fingertips and looked at them, without a trace of surprise in his heart.

Although Atlak took all the original pollution for her, now that Atlak no longer exists, overusing the "Deep Dark Throne" again will still not avoid the recurrence of the original pollution.

——It is difficult to find a second guy like Atlak who is willing to take the initiative to occupy her body and create an opportunity to bear the cost of pollution for her.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly, her figure flashed, and she returned to the bottom space again.

The "King of Virtual Reality" has escaped and returned to the "Withered Wasteland" through the virtual portal.

But this old man is not going to give up invading reality.

Because as long as Bai Zhi is not the only and complete master of the "Deep Dark Throne", that is, he reaches the level of complete control and uses its power, he will not avoid pollution.

He wants to force Bai Zhi to continue to excessively use the power of the "Deep Dark Throne".

The virtual portal connecting to the "Withered Wasteland" expanded rapidly, filling the entire underground space in the blink of an eye.

But this is not the limit.

The power of the Kingdom of God in the "Withered Wasteland" began to invade reality-

The glaciers in the far north turned into a gray and lonely wasteland at a speed visible to the naked eye, with rotten and deep soil everywhere, and all kinds of shrubs that looked like radiation products growing out of the cracks in the rock wall, with leaves limp and loose, like the hands of a seriously ill person.

In response to this change, Baizhi tried to use the ‘Net of the World’, but found no resistance.

Because the essence of the “Withered Wasteland” eroding reality is not the splicing of space, but a transformation similar to pollution.

Without any hesitation, Baizhi summoned a phantom of a dark throne, and let this phantom quickly unfold, covering all the dimensions where the “Withered Wasteland” is located.

This is a reverse invasion.

Within the phantom of the throne, there is pure darkness, without the concept and rules of time and space, and there is no object or energy, only darkness itself.

This is the kingdom of God after Baizhi’s death.

“The Kingdom of Darkness”.

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