The intervention of the "God of Wisdom and Torch" allowed Baizhi's "stolen" identity and fate cognition to return, but the partial control of the "Dark Throne" was still not lost.

Seeing this, the "King of Virtual Reality" once again put checks and balances between Baizhi and Atlak.

Otherwise, Baizhi will be the final winner.

And at this time,

Atlak had "stolen" the control of the "Dark Throne", including the same degree of control.

Although he could not completely suppress Baizhi to occupy an absolute dominant position, it was enough for him to exert the power of the "Dark Throne".

——For the same original relic, even if the control is different, in the hands of the demigod and the old man, it is definitely the latter who has a greater advantage.

At the same time,

Baizhi felt the movement of the "Dark Throne" behind him.

One after another, dark and dry hands suddenly stretched out from the backrest, ignoring the ‘World Network’ and grabbing her with the power of the old status.

——Since she had just launched the space “collapse”, she had already escaped from the hidden state of the ‘Night Veil’.

These dark and dry hands tightly grasped various parts of her body and pulled her towards the throne.

The originally cold and hard throne seemed to melt, becoming soft and wet, like a pool of stagnant water. Bai Zhi found herself gradually sinking into the throne.

How long will it take before she sinks completely.

It is conceivable that terrible things will definitely happen at that time, and she may even be forever trapped in the throne and never be able to break free.

Atlak’s use of the power of the “Dark Throne” exceeded Bai Zhi’s imagination, or it can be said that it was combined with his own power to achieve this level.

Seeing Bai Zhi in danger, Atlak, who was trapped by the brass chain, laughed sinisterly, regardless of the fact that his body was entangled in the collapsed space:

"Original pollution is a curse. You will regret forever that you did not give up this original relic in time..."

"Soon, you will be absorbed by the 'Deep Dark Throne', but you must not be too scared. You will still retain a certain degree of self-awareness and even a clear consciousness."

"And when you become the master of the 'Deep Dark Throne', the original pollution will be borne by you... until you completely lose yourself..."

In response, the orange-red torch in front of the human-shaped halo was unable to intervene.

This is a struggle between the masters of the "Deep Dark Throne", and the "God of Wisdom and Torch" cannot help either side from the inside.

Even the "law" that forbids "stealing" cannot stop it. He cannot directly interfere with Atlak's spirit like the "King of Reality and Illusion".

As the body sank three times, extreme coldness gradually spread from Bai Zhi's back, both from the inside and from the throne behind her.

The terrifying and evil fate enveloped her.

At this moment, she thought of the "Original Moon".

The old man, the former owner of the "Blood of Destruction", was completely integrated with the original relic, and finally seemed to have completely lost himself.

And now, I am afraid that I will repeat the same mistake and become the "Original Night" who has lost himself... Bai Zhi then thought of more:

Could it be that when the "Deep Dark Throne" deduced the honorific name for me in the spirit world, it had anticipated my own ending?

Or, will any owner of the original relic, the "Dark Throne", end up as the "Original Night"?

Is this the ending that the "Blood Moon Witch" tried her best to prevent?

A desperate and self-deprecating thought flashed through Bai Zhi's mind.

But she was still unwilling to give up.

Even if she couldn't escape the fate of becoming the "Original Night" in the end;

At least, at least let Atlak succeed, the evil god who influenced and stole her fate...

With a thought, Bai Zhi, who was in a desperate situation, made a crazy decision.

She controlled a dark tentacle as thick as an adult's arm and pierced through her body.

No purple demon blood flowed out, because this dark tentacle reached into another dimension, the hidden dimension that contained Bai Zhi's divinity.

Ignoring the divine substances such as "darkness", "lightning", "spider", and "disaster", the dark tentacles went straight to a bright red crescent moon.

That was the symbol of power left by the "Blood of Destruction" in Bai Zhi's body.

The two kept getting closer.

And the bright red crescent moon seemed to sense something, like a hungry beast seeing plump and beautiful meat, and suddenly pounced on the dark tentacles.

Bai Zhi decided to actively stimulate the "Blood of Destruction" and let the "Origin" erode in her body...

This was the only way for her to quickly deepen her connection with the "Deep Dark Throne", or the only way to control it.

In this way, she could regain the dominant control of the "Deep Dark Throne" and prevent Atlak from building her into the throne.

It is better to die in glory than to live in disgrace.


The silent vibration spread from this secret dimension to the underground palace space, and then to the real Adres Mountains and the Far North Continent...


[The progress of awakening the talent 'Mysterious Forbidden Domain' has been increased to 88%]

When the dark tentacles touched the bright red crescent moon, many changes that could not be described or understood occurred.

On the throne, Bai Zhi, who had sunk halfway, suddenly closed her eyes.

The dark hand bones that were holding her body loosened and slowly melted into the invisible.

Atlak narrowed his cunning and sinister eyes, his scarlet pupils flashing with a light of disbelief, and he lost his voice and said:

"Destroy the blood!"

"How could there be another power of the original relic in your body... It's Him, it's Him... Daindra... It seems that it's too late..."

"But 'Night', you're finished..."

The intermittent and sinister voice was halfway through, and Atlak's entire body completely disappeared in the collapsed space node.


In the "Blood Moon Ruins" filled with blood mist.

Under the crimson moonlight,

A beautiful woman wearing a blood-colored deep-necked and backless classical long dress walked along the road with inch-thread statues standing on both sides, and came to the side of a scarlet blood lake.

Daindra raised her head slightly, staring at the quiet jade-colored night sky, her beautiful eyes, her charm disappeared, and her eyes were complicated.

"You are such a stubborn fool spider... If you hand over 'Deep Darkness', how dare you use 'Blood of Destruction' to help you deal with those two old men? Once you touch 'Blood of Destruction', the original pollution will also spread in your body."

"Even if you hide the container of 'Blood of Destruction', 'Blood of Destruction' will be launched to help you..."

"In the end, you still believe in 'Blood of Destruction'..."

"You are even willing to end up like this. Are you willing to put down your pride and ask for help?"

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