Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 501: Purifying the Ring of Thought

Chapter 501: Exorcism of the Thought Ring

"Are there two curses?" Bai Zhi muttered.

"Well, it's enough."

At this time, being entangled by the two curses, the "Thought Ring" finally reacted, and a large amount of mysterious energy poured out instantly, converging into a somewhat illusory mountain-like huge figure.

Three evil dragon heads, two tails inlaid with spikes, a pair of broad bat wings behind, no forelimbs, wearing dark gold scales and sharp horns...


As soon as it appeared, the dark gold thick tail swept up to the sky swiftly, as if it was splitting the sky.


The wind whistled with it, but the giant tail stopped a meter in front of Bai Zhi, and the thick scales were clearly visible.

The latter is the state when she first met the "Thinking Ring".


After blocking the tail whip with the "World Net", Bai Zhi's figure has disappeared from the spot, and the whole person has turned into a ray of starlight.

Flashing and shuttling, flying and shooting, in the blink of an eye, she arrived in front of Caesar's head.

The surface of her skin is slightly transparent, flowing with blue-purple light, and the lightning plasma flowing in the blood vessels can be vaguely seen.

The whole person is like a thunder and lightning devil, the faint light on the skin is getting thicker, and the eyes are full of blue-purple light, as if the queen who controls the fate of life and death.

This is the momentum emitted by the "Thunder Gang Body", and it is also a powerful mental oppression.

Although Caesar stood proudly, he seemed to be shocked by this power, and the three dragon heads appeared in a trance for a moment.

Bai Zhi thought about it and pushed forward with a palm in mid-air.

With a human body of 2 meters, he touched a giant creature with a body length of more than 300 meters and a height of nearly 200 meters.

In terms of size, it was like an ant pushing an elephant.

But at the moment of Bai Zhi's thunderous palm push.


Caesar's torso stiffened, and immediately it was like a big bell being hit, and his body burst with a long sound, as if his bones were broken.

As for the dragon head that was in direct contact with this palm, a line with blue and purple crystal light was directly cracked from the middle, and the crack expanded rapidly, revealing the illusory golden substance inside.


With a crisp sound, the dragon head exploded.

A light palm was like detonating a small nuclear bomb.


Caesar, who was wailing, became more stable, stopped flapping his wings, and fell straight to the ground.


The 300-meter-long giant body fell to the ground, causing the earth to vibrate violently, sweeping up huge waves and winds for thousands of miles, and using its body to create a large pit and countless spider-web-like cracks.


Falling with it, there were also nine violent thunder dragons that roared loudly.

——With the blessing of the "thunder and lightning" divinity, Bai Zhi was already able to enter the state of "thunder body" and perform other changes at the same time.

At this moment, seeing Caesar who fell to the ground forcibly raised the remaining two dragon heads, staring at the nine thunder dragons that were attacking, a brilliant golden light suddenly burst out from his body, forming a light shield.


The ‘Sky Thunder Guide’ instantly wrapped it all up, forming a huge ball of light, with countless arcs biting the light shield frantically, causing it to tremble at a high frequency and on the verge of breaking.

After doing this, Bai Zhi aimed her cold eyes at the ‘Thinking Ring’.

With a swish.

Her own ‘Thunder Gang Body’ flashed to the front like dealing with Caesar, with five fingers spread out, covering her head like a dustpan.


The strong wind tore through, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the air within a radius of ten miles was vibrated by her spiritual power, rolling and rolling, like a surging river, thousands of troops galloping, and scattered in all directions.



One blow after another, continuously.

The explosive lightning directly deflated many parts of the pure white ring, and the originally straight lines became uneven, curved and wavy.

Although the "Thinking Ring" has not fully recovered, it is at least a mid-level demigod. After only a few breaths of attack from Bai Zhi, it fell into a very passive and embarrassing situation.

In such a crisis, waves of mysterious energy came from inside the "Thinking Ring", as if it wanted to materialize another monster.

But it was too late.

Because thick and slimy dark tentacles suddenly drilled into the void at this moment.

At first glance, they were hundreds or thousands of them, and suddenly expanded, expanding to each of them like a bridge pillar, and penetrated into the white ring fiercely, making people roll and stir uncomfortably.

Soon, symbol marks emitting hazy halos were drawn out one by one.

As the process of the "Thinking Ring" manifesting a helper was interrupted, the huge ring-shaped body trembled more and more rapidly, and gradually became transparent, as if it could collapse at any time.

At this moment,

the cities near the "Thinking Ring" observed the huge momentum and strange phenomena of the battlefield here, including satellites in space, and even directly captured the specific battle scenes:

The dark sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and thunder swelled.

A huge white ring with a diameter of 5,000 meters, like a flying object, was suspended in the sky;

Around the ring, blue and purple lightning covered the sky, and the dark wind howled and blew a doomsday horn, as if lamenting and crying for the fall of the gods;

On the ground with rolling smoke and dust, a light ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters enveloped the monster figure in the huge pit, emitting dense arcs, which made people terrified. Once the energy contained in it exploded, it would cause a devastating disaster.

For such a shocking picture, the satellite of one of the private companies in the Statue of Liberty Empire broadcast it immediately.

Therefore, without the conditions of active restrictions by the authorities, the live broadcast quickly heated up, and the incident fermented rapidly. In a short period of time, it set off an uproar.

The most mainstream social media platform in the empire was directly paralyzed due to information exchange overload.

According to the intentional hint of the broadcast satellite channel and the speculation of many netizens, the identity of the pure white ring soon surfaced.

——It is the "thinking ring" that should have been eliminated.

The Internet is discussing why the "Thinking Ring" has revived and why it seems to be in such a desperate situation. What attacks it seems to be not official military weapons, but some kind of visible extraordinary existence.

However, their discussion does not affect anything, and no one dares to approach that area to explore the truth.

When the broadcast reached the third minute, the existence suspected to be the "Thinking Ring" finally held on, and suddenly turned into countless tiny light spots and dissipated into the void.

The whole country was shocked, and countless pairs of eyes were stunned in front of the screen.

But many smart people, especially the extraordinary people and "new humans", did not feel happy and relieved, but felt heavy and breathless.

Is there something more terrifying than the "Thinking Ring"?

This undoubtedly casts a thicker shadow over the empire.

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