Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 462: Becoming a Demigod (Part 1)

Chapter 462 Becoming a Demigod Part 1

Shao Mingzi's non-resistance aroused Bai Zhi's vigilance, and he immediately wanted to stop his 'binge eating'.

But it’s also at this time,

The external spiritual essence flows into Bai Zhi's body at a faster speed, and the "color of the strange star" inside and outside resonates;

A great will that far surpassed Bai Zhi and the two "colors of strange stars" suddenly appeared.

"The King of Virtual Reality"!

The will of the old gods has come in person!

This will is between reality and illusion. It comes from the unknown space outside the universe. It carries ancient, heavy, and decaying power. Like the ancient stars landing on the ground, it fiercely breaks into and impacts Bai Zhi's consciousness. Deepest!


Bai Zhi couldn't help but let out a very thin whine,

Her mind was in chaos, filled with the explosion of stars and the destruction of spirits.

The whole person's body, soul, consciousness... began to tremble violently, and could collapse at any time, ushering in the final loss of control.

Even a mid-level demigod cannot withstand the sudden attack of the will of an old god, let alone her who is less than a demigod?

The "King of Virtual Reality", this ancient god, has engraved his spiritual imprint into the "Color of the Star" transformed by Shao Mingzi, waiting to launch this fatal blow!

"Bai Zhi, feel free to accept the transformation ceremony prepared for you by the great 'King of Virtual Reality'..."

Reunited after a long absence, Shao Mingzi made her first and last voice.

She disappeared.

Under the dominance of the will of the "King of Virtual Reality", the two "Color of the Stars" began to merge and devour each other, and soon became one body, joining forces to launch a general attack on the still independent Bai Zhi.

——From a certain perspective, Shao Mingzi is being transformed for the second time by Bai Zhi's "Color of the Star".

For a moment, Bai Zhi suddenly felt a palpitation of ecstasy and fear, the pollution from the "King of Virtual Reality"...


"Sblood thou stinkard..."


The sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling resounded, mixed with the whispers of ancient gods and the loud sounds of stars falling and exploding.

땢For a while,

The four "radiant spells" bloomed with unprecedented light, forcibly blocking all the pollution from the old gods for Bai Zhi.

even so,

In the transformation ceremony led by the "King of Virtual Reality", the will of the "Color of the Star" was strengthened more than ten times.

Bai Zhi still came to the most dangerous moment.

놇This is the most difficult moment,

The "Throne of Darkness" in the real world trembled slightly, and the dark water below rippled in circles.

Then dark tentacles stretched out from behind, crossed the distance, grabbed some of the "color of the strange stars" floating outside Bai Zhi's body, and tried to pull away.

But the spiritual imprint of the "King of Virtuality and Reality" was too strong, and those pink-purple halos did not move at all.

It's a pity that the "Throne of Darkness" has limited contact with Bai Zhi, otherwise he would not be able to help her out of the predicament.

Now, it seems that there are only two choices before Bai Zhi——

Either take the initiative to be transformed into the "color of the strange star" and retain part of yourself;

Either go out of control and lose yourself completely.

A group of dark creatures stomped and screamed, anxious because they could not help their "master".


At this time,

The bone dragon took the initiative to come out and came to the bottom of the "Throne of Deep Darkness". It let out a long roar and laid down its huge body;

Hundreds of other dark creatures—night-gaunts, withered undead, nightmare beasts, succubus, hell hounds, etc., seemed to have received some kind of summons and gathered under the throne.

The next second,

Then the bone dragon opened its huge mouth, and the netherworld flames spurted out, drowning all other dark objects, and burning them into corpses without any breath...

The netherworld flames burned fiercely, and finally swallowed up the bone dragon itself. It wailed and used its last life to cry out the ancient syllables:

"Dark night——"


The outline of the "Throne of Darkness" suddenly shook, and the extended dark tentacles suddenly solidified, pulling the illusory form of the "Color of the Star" away from Bai Zhi's body.

Crack, crackle!

There was a violent explosion in the netherworld flames.

The intense fire spread from under the throne to Bai Zhi's feet, and then suddenly opened to both sides, revealing the tens of thousands of burnt black corpses and broken bones in the center...

From Bai Zhi's point of view, the corpses were piled high, like a tragic staircase leading to the throne.

Yes, the ceremony is not over yet.

Promotion continues...

Her eyes were inexplicably sour, and her eyes were sometimes dazed and sometimes clear.

On the verge of losing control and ready to be transformed at any time,

놇The whole body is entangled with a strange light of pink and purple, shrouded in a sacred and pure light, surrounded by dark tentacles,

Step by step, with great difficulty, we walked toward the road paved with the bones of countless dark things.

But as she gets closer to the throne, the reaction of "Color of the Stars" becomes more and more...

The whispers of the ancient gods, the loud noises of falling stars and explosions, and the sounds of howling ghosts and wolves, unexpectedly penetrated the obstruction of the "Glory Spell" and came one after another.

In an instant,

She only felt that her field of vision was completely filled with pink and purple. She only relied on her induction and the cold temperature of the ghost flames on both sides to ensure that she did not drift away from the corpse ladder, but she could not take another step.

Until a burning sensation came from above the chest, and a crimson light flashed.

——After the "God of Spiders and Curses", "Goddess of Radiant Golden Star", and "King of Reality and Illusion", another true god-level being intervened in the promotion ceremony.

The sticky light blue mist, mixed with the crimson mist, was released.

Enshrouded by the "Mist of Tranquility" containing the will of the out-of-control "Lord of Silence\

,"Strangely, Bai Zhi did not feel any desire to sleep.

On the contrary, the will of the "Color of the Strange Star" seemed to be affected, and the polluted sounds were much smaller.

This gave her a slight chance to breathe, and she moved again and approached the throne.

Snap, snap.

Snap, snap...

Illusory cracks appeared on the surface of her body, and the rich original spiritual power leaked out, making every move of her reach a ten-thousand-pound force, and stepping on the corpse ladder was accompanied by dense bone breaking sounds.

Although she was temporarily free from transformation, she was closer to losing control than ever before... Even the "Mist of Silence", "Dark Throne" and "Glorious Charm" could not save her.

She only relied on her own reason to maintain herself, and the danger level was no different from an ordinary person walking on a spider thread over a thousand-foot abyss.

I don't know how long it took, when the illusory cracks were completely dense, even the jade face could not see the former beauty, and there was not an inch of intact skin on her body.

The broken body that was about to lose control finally landed in front of the throne, turned around at an extremely slow speed, and sat down.

Time, frozen at this moment.

The evil palace, the dark throne, the broken jade body, the dark flames, the tragic bones, the crazy halo;

The empty underground, the towering buildings, the hideous carvings, the bowed dragon, the quiet spiders, the mountains of flesh and blood;

Including the encirclement and suppression in various places thousands of miles away, and the plight of the followers.

It seems to have condensed into an eternal picture.

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