Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 383 First coffee charge, new curse

Chapter 383 First charge of coffee, new curse

After returning to the dormitory area worriedly but without incident, Li Haofan opened the door and found that in addition to Lao Yang and Angkor, his six roommates had also returned early.

Without thinking carefully about why the others were allowed to go back to bed early, Li Haofan just assumed that they were also "evacuated" in an emergency like himself.

"Mom, Lao Yang and Angkor are all possessed!" Li Haofan cursed as if to express his emotions, hoping to get a response.

However, the six people turned a deaf ear and gathered in the middle of the dormitory, whispering something.

놛If you listen closely, you will see that they are full of obscure 놅 syllables.

At this moment, 늀놇, six pairs of eyes looked towards 놛.

"You...what are you talking about?" Li Haofan pretended to be calm, but actually he swallowed secretly and asked.

"Let's pray," said a younger man among the six.

"You can come too." One of the middle-aged men pulled Li Haofan into a circle of six people.

Looking over the faces of the six people one by one, Li Haofan suddenly felt that their faces were a little strange.

Say a prayer? Like what the supervisor said? ...녦I have never heard of anyone in this dormitory believing in anything before...

Wait, Angkor Lao Yang is in trouble, how can we gather 6 people in this dormitory at this time?

Li Haofan suddenly broke into cold sweat.

"People are a collection of desires." The middle-aged man said in a low voice:

"God, or the universe, is the same as humans, lust is his nature."

"——Induction, light, magnetism, thought, and energy are all aspects of desire in the same universe. Suffering, emptiness, and darkness are just the resting period of the universe that is always getting stronger and stronger..."

"Expressing and offering your desires to God correctly is the correct way to pray to God..."

"Come on, read 놖." The middle-aged man stared at Li Haofan like an eagle and blurted out a string of ancient 놅 syllables.

I don't know why, although this syllable is obscure and difficult to understand, Li Haofan can remember the details and reproduce it completely after listening to it once.

Li Haofan opened his mouth, but didn't speak for a long time. Suddenly he felt his stomach churn.


My stomach was supposed to be empty, but I vomited something new.

——It was a puddle of pink vomit, with a toad lying on it, a pink toad that was still alive.

I saw the toad raised his head slightly, and actually uttered human words, and the content was the mantra recited by the middle-aged man just now:

"The angel of lust, the breeder of chaos..."

The next second, Li Haofan's vocal cords, tongue, and lips cooperated uncontrollably and repeated the words.

Not only that, there were six people next to him who also pronounced the same 놅 syllable.

"The Angel of Indulgence..."

"The breeder of chaos..."

The sound of this prayer was silent at first, then gradually became louder and louder, echoing throughout the room and reaching far away through the doors and windows.

In the sunny afternoon, Bai Zhi came to the coffee shop as he had done these past few days and ordered an iced latte.

At this time, she would be glad that she didn't have her period, otherwise she wouldn't be able to drink cold drinks like this.

In addition, there is one more thing to be thankful for.

The name of the "Spider God" in the urban isolation base has been spread to everyone.

Under Ye Chuyang's secret guidance and word of mouth, many people in isolation who were troubled by mental pollution chose to resist the erosion of the "Star-Burning Dragon" by chanting the name of this unknown being.

Although the base supervisors completely quarantined people such as Petroleaf Cake who had clearly pronounced the name "Spider God", they were still unable to stop the spread because they could not find the source.

However, this has also caused the release date of those quarantined in Ye Chuyang to be greatly postponed.

Bai Zhi had no regrets about this.

Not to mention the life-saving grace, Ye Chuyang should feel flattered just by spreading the honorable name of Her Majesty the Queen.

Sitting on the seat next to the window, she was scrolling through her cell phone and holding the coffee cup, biting the straw. Suddenly, guided by her spiritual intuition, she heard a conversation about herself.

The source is the two clerks at the coffee making counter:

"Hey, this is her fourth day here. Have you got the contact information of that beauty?"

", even though I didn't get any contact information from her, I still gave it to her every night..."

puff! Bai Zhi almost choked.

Please tell me clearly, what are you talking about? !

Suddenly, she looked at the coffee in her hand, and her expression became bright.

Hand...hand 녈coffee?

"You kid, that's fine. It's not during working hours. I'm supervising you all the time. I'm really worried about you doing something against professional ethics."

"Brother, please stop teasing me, that man was handcuffed, and he came home only..."

"Haha, okay, okay, you still failed today, you fell in love... This kind of thing every time you come to the coffee shop alone, you are the last one to leave. Miss, she must be single, or she is in a long-distance relationship, no chance 녦The lost time will never come back again.”

Don't worry, it will never come again... Amid a sudden chill and speechlessness, Bai Zhi was about to withdraw his hearing and amplify his senses, and heard one of the clerks say:

"By the way, the boss asked us to pay more attention to checking the hygienic conditions in the store today. You guys, don't be obsessed with beauties."

"What's wrong?"

"A customer at the milk tea shop next door drank a toad from his cup, or took it out of his mouth. Do you think this incident has a big impact?"

"Fuck! How big is the toad for someone to drink it into his mouth?!"

"Well, the important thing is not the process, but the result. Photos and surveillance videos are all available, you can't refute it."

Bai Zhi searched for keywords on social media, and it turned out that this happened in Jingchu City.

Maybe the toad didn't come from the milk tea, but was naturally vomited from the human body... As she watched, such a thought flashed through her mind, and she habitually raised the coffee to her lips...

At this time, as if she remembered something, she silently put it down again, got up and walked out of the coffee shop.

"What a dirty world..."

"Where should I go to slack off next? Tea shops and coffee shops are definitely not an option..."

As soon as she stepped out of the door, she received a message from the worm-shaped earrings:

"Great, beautiful, and holy master... I feel the opportunity to grow..."

Since the cursed worm cast the "different" curse on the "Lord of Silence", the latter has a higher status and the former has lost too much energy, so it has rarely communicated with Baizhi during this period.

Until recently, under the spiritual nourishment of Baizhi, the cursed worm has recovered to the state before the battle of "Quiet Ruins".


Baizhi remembered that there are two ways for the holy poison, the cursed worm, to become stronger -

one is to devour a large number of poisonous worms, and the other is to absorb a large amount of negative emotions.

And every time it grows, it can awaken a new curse.

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