Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 277: Like a dream but not a dream

"Okay, now you're full, it's your turn to feed me."

"...I know your preferences, your reaction can't be hidden from me."

"...Don't worry, I'm isolated from this space, no one will see our good deeds..."


Bai Zhi felt that he had a very long dream, a dream that he couldn't wake up from.

In the hazy dream, there were two pictures.

In one picture, the sea surface dyed by the night was deep and distant, covered and wet by the surging red mist, two snow-white fishes came out of the water, and the light-colored fish tails flicked nimbly, gently rubbing and picking, splashing a trembling ripple, crushing the starry sky reflected on the sea surface.

After being drunk, I didn't know that the sky was in the water, and the starry dreams on the boat pressed the Milky Way.

The other picture was in the bedroom filled with red mist, with curtains undulating and phantom whispers heard from time to time:

"So cute and restless, even sticking out her tongue."

"Oh my god, so many spider silks..."

The two pictures alternated and repeated, forming a dream together.

At a certain moment, the dream ended.

Drowsy, Bai Zhi regained her vision.

What she saw was a strange bedroom filled with red mist.

She saw a bed with intricate patterns below, and layers of red curtains hanging and floating around.

She saw a beautiful and charming female face above, very close, with an infatuated look on her face, and under her pupils, there was a crescent moon that was brighter than blood.

This should be the true appearance of the "Blood Moon Witch"? I saw it, and it seems nothing happened? Wait...what is this feeling...Bai Zhi's consciousness suddenly became much clearer.

"Oh, don't look now, you are too young."

The woman came back to her senses and exclaimed, and then a slightly cold hand covered Bai Zhi's eyes, and the latter lost his vision again.

"Well...I mean, wait for you to open your eyes after a while..."

"I didn't expect you to disappear so quickly, the night is only half over..."

The voice came again, and the red mist with a strange fragrance surged up.

Pull Bai Zhi's consciousness into the abyss again.

It was at this moment that a familiar mechanical reminder sounded from the heart:


[Talent 'Mysterious Forbidden Domain' awakening progress increased to 50%]

The skyrocketing spiritual thoughts broke free from the invisible shackles at this moment and were able to communicate with the spirit world.

Color blocks of indescribable shapes and different brilliances filled the field of vision, and then a pure black curtain fell, and a huge black throne was outlined from the darkness, quickly approaching in the field of vision!


In the silent and invisible vibration, a series of colorless dark tentacles stretched down from the throne.

These tentacles seemed to come from the subconscious, crossing the spiritual world, penetrating the barrier between the spiritual world and reality, and came to the real world!

They were full of spirituality, and attacked the indescribable existence in the red mist, entangled with it, and tried to pull it away from Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi resisted the temptation of sinking into pleasure, and madly infused spiritual thoughts into the black throne.

The "Blood Moon Witch" did not stop this resistance, but said a word of appreciation:

"Very good."

He yawned immediately, and said with a hint of fatigue and satisfaction:

"Come here tonight. If I'm not afraid that you can't bear it, I won't bear to leave like this..."

"I hope you will grow up a lot next time, so that I can remove the visual blindness. Well... I don't mind you making more decent resistance..."

"I will come to you every full moon in the future, no matter where you are..."

As the enchanting voice became smaller and smaller, the red mist with fragrance quickly receded, the breath of the "Blood Moon Witch" gradually disappeared, and the soft and light pressure touch on Bai Zhi disappeared.

As for the dark tentacles extending from the spirit world, the same is true.

After waking up from the dream, Bai Zhi was unable to move and see the whole process, and could only perceive everything through spiritual thoughts.

After intuitively confirming that the danger was far away, she was about to open her eyes, but she was knocked down by sleepiness that was several times more fierce than before, and fell into a deep sleep.


In a certain ancient and evil huge palace,

a graceful figure shrouded in red mist slowly stood up, stretched, and sighed to herself:

"Bai Zhi tastes really good..."


In just one night,

Bai Zhi didn't know how many times she woke up from her sleep, so much so that she couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams, and didn't know what happened was real.

This time she woke up and finally opened her eyes.

The dazzling sunlight shone into the room from the window,

and what she saw was the ceiling covered with messy and dense spider silk.

But because her mind was in a mess, she couldn't process the information of this scene, and she didn't know who she was, where she came from, and where she was.

After an unknown amount of time, she gradually regained consciousness and remembered that she was lying on the bed in the hotel.

"Dear master, are you awake?" Xiao Zu sent out a thought.


Bai Zhi opened her mouth and found that her throat was very sore. The syllables that came out sounded a little hoarse, as if she had overexerted or had a bad cold.

Then, she tried to prop up her upper body, but found that her whole body was sore and there was a little tingling in some places, as if she had a high fever.

"I... What's wrong with me?"

Bai Zhi had no choice but to continue lying down. She reluctantly turned her head and looked at the wall on one side. She found that there was a thick layer of spider silk for some reason.

Not only the wall, but also her bed was covered with spider silk, which was equivalent to weaving a new sheet.

She was filled with doubts. She didn't understand why there were so many spider silks in the room, and she didn't understand why her body was in such a state, and even the skill "Advanced Self-Healing" couldn't be repaired.

Xiao Zhu whispered:

"Beautiful master, these are all the spider silks you released last night... Are you sleepwalking? And you made a lot of..."

Bai Zhi continued in a hoarse voice:

"A lot of what?"

Xiao Zhu hesitated:

"A lot... uh... strange sounds."

Strange sounds? Why don't I remember anything at all... Bai Zhi covered her forehead and tried to recall, but there was no result for a long time.

Fortunately, after she woke up, the soreness and pain in her body were relieved at a rapid speed, which made her feel much better. She propped up her upper body and leaned against the head of the bed, staring blankly at the mess in the room.

As her eyes moved slightly downward, she saw the situation on her body.

The buttons of the pajamas were tied together in a misplaced way.

In addition, on the snow-white skin, between the left clavicle and the towering body, a mysterious bright red mark was branded.

Bai Zhi's pupils shrank suddenly, because the bright red mark was composed of an imperfect crescent moon and a complex heart-shaped pattern - it was the symbol of the "Blood Moon Witch"!

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