Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 138: Old Stories in a Small Town (Part 1)

"This 'poison refining Gu'... is really related to the 'immortal transformation Gu'..."

Bai Zhi suddenly remembered what happened in Zheng Yueling's room before he was transformed.

Just when Zheng Yueling was about to do something bad to him and perform some mysterious ritual, he suddenly lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he became a spider.

"It seems that when I was still a human, I was really planted with the 'immortal transformation Gu' and became Zheng Yueling's pet, but I have no memory of planting the Gu, which is really puzzling."

"In addition, Lu Ling's body cannot completely restore the 'poison refining Gu' to the 'immortal transformation Gu'. After all, its body is 'good fortune', not 'time reversal'..." Bai Zhi muttered to himself.

Good fortune, good fortune.

It means to create evolution, to grow new and unknown changes from the original ordinary species.

So the talent of this ‘Immortal Gu’ not only inherited the power of ‘immortality’, but also combined with the characteristics of its own spider body to give birth to new characteristics.

“The body is immortal, but the soul is still at risk of extinction. If I don’t have ready-made spider eggs to use...” Bai Zhi concluded after reading the talent analysis.

Next, Bai Zhi held his breath and concentrated, and after thinking for a while,

Finally, he decided to grab the spiritual essence extracted from the stone pillar, the spiritual essence polluted by the evil god!

The reason is simple. Bai Zhi can’t accept sitting and waiting for death, trapped in this place where the shadow of the deer demon can wake up again at any time. Once it is really sealed here, it will be difficult to escape.

Moreover, it can’t accept Li Yuan’s request.

The first requirement is to stay in the cave and be free only after transforming - but who knows when it will transform? If it doesn't transform, won't it have to work for a lifetime?

The second requirement is even more needless, don't even think about it, it's no different from selling yourself.

At this point, Bai Zhi just wants to take a gamble.

Even if... it will cause the will of the strange purple light to revive, since it has been successfully suppressed once before, it is not afraid of the second time.

Bai Zhi also speculated that the spiritual essence in the meteorite fragments in the past may have been contaminated!

What's more, the strange purple light appeared when it was on the verge of death last time, and there is no evidence that grabbing the spiritual essence contaminated by the strange will awaken the strange purple light.

At this time, Bai Zhi no longer hesitated, jumped onto the stone pillar, and began to grab the spiritual essence.

As the mysterious invisible energy surged into the body of the demon spider, its life value began to rise slowly.

At the same time, a large amount of information and memory surged into Bai Zhi's brain.

After an unknown period of time, Bai Zhi hung on the stone pillar like this and fell into a deep sleep...


In the dimness, time seemed to have returned to a few years ago.

Once, it was still a human child named "Bai Jie"...

That was when he was still in elementary school. He lived with his parents and brother in a small town in Miaojiang, living a not-so-rich but plain, comfortable and warm life.

Miaojiang was the birthplace of the Wu Gu clan in ancient times. A few years ago, due to its mountainous basin landforms, steep mountains and closed regions, the people were poor and the technology was backward, which was incompatible with the rapidly developing big cities in the federal society. The small stone town where his family lived was even more remote and far away from the city.

If he were in a big city, a child of his age would have gone to various cram schools frequently to bear the pressure that does not belong to this age in order to get into a good university; or he would be tempted by various impetuous and bad habits and indulge in luxury all day.

What the little boy felt in Xiaoshi Town was that the schoolwork was easy, the people were simple, the neighbors were harmonious, and he was carefree.

In his childhood, he thought that this kind of happiness and worry-free life would continue, and he would go to school in the town until high school...

Until - a strange father and daughter moved into Xiaoshi Town.

The father and daughter rented a dilapidated old house that had not been lived in for several years and moved in.

The reason why no one lived in the old house was that it was said that there were unclean evil spirits in it.

Legend has it that a long time ago, a family who lived in the old house, men, women, old and young all died suddenly in the old house overnight. They died miserably, and the liquid in their bodies seemed to have evaporated, turning into several mummies.

The foreign teacher who came to teach in the town taught them that there were no ghosts in the world, and warned them not to approach the house on the way home from school.

Every time the boy passed by the old house, although he did not dare to stop for a step, he could not help but take a look inside.

He was curious about why the father and daughter dared to live there, and worried whether there were really unclean things inside, and whether something would really happen.

The father of the father and daughter looked very old in his impression, and looked like an old man in his seventies. He was indifferent and did not like to deal with people. With his hooked nose and cold eyes, people in the town always felt weird.

The girl lived on the same road as the boy's family and was in the same class in the town, so the two had a good relationship and often went home together after school.

Later, the boy recalled, but he could not remember her name.

He only vaguely remembered that she was fair, which was very different from the dark skin of the people in the Miaojiang area, and her facial features were unusually delicate.

In addition to her skin color, the other things that impressed people about the little girl were the purple marks that often appeared on her skin in the summer and the fact that she came home very late every day.

People in the town said that these scars were caused by her cold old father.

But the neighbors never heard the little girl scream. She went to school normally every day and came home late, but she didn't want to stay at home with her weird father to avoid domestic violence.

The people in the town also said that the little girl's mother should have been beaten and ran away, so she left her to live with a father with a weird temper.

Before meeting the little girl, the boy had never come into contact with the concept of "domestic violence". The coldness and violence behind it were unimaginable to him when he was young.

Even if he sympathized with the girl, he could neither empathize with her nor make any changes.

The only thing he did was to stay with the girl in school for a while, read books, chat, or walk around the town, and try to delay the time when the girl came home.

His parents reminded him many times, "You can make friends with that girl, but never step into her house!"

Every time he heard this, the boy saw a terrible seriousness on his parents' faces.

He always obeyed and did it. In fact, even if his parents allowed him to enter the old house, he would never dare to do so.

So, many nights under the moonlight, he would stop and say goodbye to her more than two steps away from the door of the old house.

He didn't dare to get closer.

Every time the little girl said goodbye to him, she would show him a warm and playful smile...

It seemed that the girl's injuries had nothing to do with herself, or... she could no longer feel the pain.

Every time, the boy could only watch her wave goodbye and walk into the old, dark old house that symbolized strange legends and cruel childhood...

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