Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 136 Shadow of the Deer Demon

Chapter 136 Shadow of the Deer Demon

Bai Zhi was surprised. There was actually a spiritual essence in this Jiyuan?

Then his mind suddenly remembered the spiritual essence that he vaguely sensed when he first climbed to the top of Qiushan Mountain to see the waterfall.

Of course, Bai Zhi didn't know at this moment that Jiyuan was located below the lake surface at the bottom of the valley of Qiushan Waterfall.

He immediately quickened his pace and walked deeper into the cave.

Along the way, there were more and more crystals on the walls, emitting different colors of light, illuminating the way ahead.

Moreover, the mechanical prompt sound became louder and louder, and the content was different!


[Weak spiritual essence reaction detected]

[General spiritual essence reaction detected]


The spiritual essence reaction is deep inside, and the reaction is getting stronger and stronger, so what is inside?

His feet are moving faster and faster.

After about a meter of distance, the view in front of him suddenly became clear.

[Strong spiritual essence reaction detected! ]

A wide and huge square finally appeared in Bai Zhi's eyes.

Its vastness is comparable to that of dozens of football fields. Thick and majestic white stone pillars support the high-hanging rock dome, which is magnificent and symbolizes powerful authority.

The stone pillars are carved with thousands of insects and monsters, baring their fangs and claws like demons, and are inlaid with some clusters of crystal veins flashing, with colorful halos flowing from time to time.

The ground of the square is different from the rock. It is like a crystal texture, crystal clear, reflecting the brilliance on the stone pillars and the figure of Bai Zhi.

As for the walls around the square, unlike the magnificent stone pillars and the clean ground, they look very weird and disgusting.

Because, rather than saying that it is a wall, it is better to say that it is a flesh wall!

The wall is pink flesh color, and you can see green and red blood vessels spreading, forking, and interlacing on it, vaguely seeming to expand, contract, and wriggle...

Magnificent, mysterious, evil and weird feelings, at the same time constitute the square in front of Bai Zhi!

Where would the source of the spiritual reaction be?

Bai Zhi resisted the discomfort and walked towards the square with expectation.

As the distance got closer, many weak spiritual reactions came from the crystal ore on the stone pillar. Although there were many, they obviously did not have "general" or above spiritual reactions.

Then, the source of the stronger spiritual reaction should be...

Bai Zhi's eyes locked on the thickest stone pillar in the center of the square.

The surface of the central stone pillar was carved with complicated and mysterious runes. Two huge antlers in the shape of tree branches were raised to both sides, but unlike ordinary antlers, the ends of their forks were extremely sharp and irregular, looking hideous and weird.

Suddenly, Bai Zhi's ears gradually rang with whispers that were sometimes vague, sometimes clear, sometimes crazy, and sometimes laughing strangely...

It just stared at it so fascinated that it didn't even notice that the hair on its legs stood up.

At this moment, the antlers on the giant pillar seemed to come alive, trembling slightly, and then a dark brown deer head with the antlers emerged from the giant pillar.

Then, the deer neck, front legs, hooves... and the whole body of the deer appeared in front of the central stone pillar.

This giant deer was dozens of meters tall, with dark brown hair all over its body, blood-red eyes, and its antlers pointing to the sky and thick hooves were all dyed black. Its mouth opened slightly, revealing sharp fangs, and it made a low strange cry.


Until the giant deer took a step forward and made a huge vibration, Bai Zhi's consciousness flowed like a glacier melted by the warm sun, and he noticed the warning of the spider sense.

A string of information appeared in front of Bai Zhi.

[Object]: Deer Demon Shadow (Demon King)

[Life Force]: 1020

[Body Length]: 65m

[Status]: Unstable

Instantly, Bai Zhi's mind was overwhelmed by a huge shock, not only because of the huge and terrifying figure in front of him, but also because of the information data he had never seen before.

Demon King... a brand new life form note!

Broken vitality!

In the abyss, there is such a terrifying existence...

Escaped from the wild bull and encountered a tiger, each one is more ferocious than the other.

Since its appearance, Deer Demon Shadow has been looking down at Bai Zhi, and his mouth keeps making hoarse throat friction sounds.

It's like a person is "hissing" the turbid air in his mouth to Bai Zhi, it can feel the fishy wind and cold air rushing on its face, and at the same time, a strong power comes, making it slowly retreat.

The Deer Demon Shadow did not continue to move, but huge bloodshot eyes stretched out from the surface of the Deer Demon Shadow's body. The whole body was covered with eyes, swaying around, restless, as if searching for something in disorder.

"Who... are you?"

Bai Zhi asked with a hint of trembling in his voice with his mental power.

The next moment, countless evil thoughts instantly penetrated Bai Zhi's consciousness, like a storm, resentment, rage, madness, bloodthirstiness, depression, anxiety...

This Deer Demon Shadow constantly distorted Bai Zhi's consciousness, making it fall into chaos...

This demon cannot be communicated with or understood!

In addition to thoughts, dark brown tentacles stretched out from under the fur of the Deer Demon Shadow, entwining the spider's body.

In an instant, the spider was submerged and wrapped by the tentacles, forming a dark brown ball of thread.

Could this be Li Yuan's method of sealing me off... Bai Zhi suddenly had a thought.

He might want to use this Deer Demon Shadow to completely suppress me, or even completely wipe me out...

At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared between Bai Zhi's eyebrows, as if solid ice met the scorching sun, and the dark brown tentacles retreated and returned to the Deer Demon Shadow, floating and dancing in disorder.

Negative emotions also disappeared.

What happened... Bai Zhi looked up and saw a deer spirit phantom slightly sideways facing him.

"Are you... the deer spirit in front of you?"

The shape and the white pattern on the body of this white deer are exactly the same as the palace deer spirit seen on the waterfall, but the shape is not real.

Bai Zhi suddenly thought of something, "Could it be that you knew I would encounter this situation? So you left a..."

Since the deer spirit phantom appeared, the Deer Demon Shadow stopped roaring, and even the huge eyes on its body closed one after another.

The Lu Ling shadow nodded slightly, looked at Bai Zhi, and sent out an ethereal voice transmission:

"This is my mind body."

"Once Li Yuan noticed your existence, he would definitely not sit back and watch you practice freely in the Li Cave Heaven. He would either subdue you or suppress you. This is his rule. He seems easy to talk to, but he is always overbearing."

Bai Zhi glanced at the Lu Mo shadow in a calm state, and couldn't help but feel a little curious about the white deer: "Thank you, Lord Lu Ling, for saving me. By the way, what is this monster? It seems to be afraid of you?"

The Lu Ling shadow transmitted: "No, it is not afraid of me, but my appearance has reached a certain balance with it."

"You should already know about my identity. It is actually a sacred object of the Li Religion, just like me."

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