The time when Raida Eijin, recorded as the emperor who led the last revival of the middle period of the empire, appears in history books in earnest in 1425 of the Tersia calendar, that is, during the ‘Great Migration of the Beasts’.

At that time, as a young prince of the empire, Raida’s insight was praised as a feat in history, but in the eyes of the people of that era, it was an eccentricity itself.

Right now, just like Yohan, the commander of the military department, endlessly wanders in front of the soldiers and grumbles.

“I can’t believe it… … How could you trust such a dark insider and live alone? Even if you are still immature, you are too immature!”

“I heard that that inexperienced person embarrassed all the court scholars at a contest from the year he turned fourteen, is it true?”

“Be quiet, palace! Arguments and facts are different things… … Oh, how can you be so frustrated?”

No matter how you look at it, this man is a kkondae… … Leoren shrugged and glanced up at the sun parakeet perched on his bow.

“Hmm, are you Lane Ludwig’s pet dog?”

“Pets, pets, pets.”

“Awesome. Even the pet bird is a sun parrot, does that guy even resemble Rin-sama? Serwebon cries sadly every time he meets him.”

“Genuine, genuine, genuine.”


Leoren had no way of knowing, but this was the first reunion in two hundred years between the members of the hero’s party.

As Pipi spread her wings and expressed her joy, Serwebon resonated loudly and scattered the light of the World Tree in all directions.

In that mysterious light, the weeds that had been withered around were revitalized and rose up to bloom.

“… … .”

Meanwhile, a cold wind blew in the center of both camps, blowing the beautiful blonde hair of Crown Prince Raida.

Raida’s eyes narrowed after hearing all the stories that had happened in the ancient snowfield north of the barrier.

Baek Doryong Shar’Kasrani, and Jinryong died to reseal it… … .

“And there was an undercover operation until the beastmen became enemies of mankind?”

“Yes, it was all manipulated by someone. As I said, the Commander-in-Chief also had a 5-star possessive spell.”

“To be honest, I still have a hard time believing it. But it’s also ambiguous to simply dismiss it as a lie. Do you have any witnesses to prove your actions?”

“Kiran Wolf Vlado, an officer of the Wall, will testify.”

“That is impossible. He must have already been executed.”

From noble mtl dot com


I couldn’t accept what the prince had said, so I asked back like an idiot.


Kiran was executed?

I still have fond memories of that good man who smiled and said we’d meet again later… … .

“About a month ago. A letter has been sent to Grand Duke Duren in the North, and to the Raida royal family and Prince Vlado asking for permission.”

“Did you allow it… … Execution?”

“If it had not been for Madelia’s intervention, you would have met the same fate. Because communication with a traitor cannot exist by nature.”

Kiran is dead… … Unpleasant sweat broke out down my back, and my head felt dizzy.

No, no.

Calm down, Lin.

The only way to ensure that Kiran’s death was not in vain was to allow the prisoners to enter the Empire’s lands.

“I can’t be a witness, but the great true dragon’s blood flows in Akirea here. He is the direct alter ego of Alakishi, the Watcher of Harbadonia.”


“I trained him to put his tail in while he was in the Yongin state, so he doesn’t keep his tail out… … Feel my body temperature and you’ll know I’m not lying.”

Raida, who carefully reached out to Aki’s head, removed her hand in surprise.

It was as hot as fire… … .

The only time a person has a body temperature like this is when they die of a fever.

“This, this cute little baby… … Jinryong, the absolute life form?”

“Yes, when Alakish-nim reached the end of his lifespan, he created an alter ego to carry on his mission, and that is Aki.”

“… … !”

“He was a sad man. He lived alone all his life and passed away without seeing his daughter’s face. If you take this child to the Imperial Office, it may be used as evidence.”

As Lane let out a bitter smile, Madelia, who had been silently watching, stepped in to help.

“There is a diary of Emmitsa that has been passed down as an heirloom in our family. Originally, only the heirs of the family are allowed to read it, but I will extract only the part about the prisoners and submit it to the Imperial Council.”

“… … !”

“You will do great things. It’s like unraveling a conspiracy involving beastmen with high insight.”

“If it was really a conspiracy.”

When Ryda spoke in a tone that seemed to take a step back, Lane hurriedly intervened.

“Leave it to me. I will definitely unravel the truth and let the world know. All honor goes to His Highness, of course.”

Ryda caressed her chin carefully and thought for a long time before finally staring straight at Lane with her green eyes.

“Before concluding, I would like to ask one serious question. Why are you trying to help the prisoners so much? Are you sympathetic? repay? Or lust for honor? Is there something I don’t know about?”

I remembered getting a similar question from Griffion the other day. Why are you trying to help… … At that time, I was overcome with emotion and shed tears.

“I just can’t leave it alone.”

not now.

Don’t rely on the shaking of emotions, let’s express my heart honestly and calmly.

“The Darkness tried to use us humans to deal with the prisoners. To give the beasts the most miserable end… … I just couldn’t pretend I didn’t see it.”

“Is it chivalrous? In return, it might turn the whole empire against you? Have you ever thought about the outcome?”

“If that happens, it will hurt my head, but I don’t regret it. Because I did what I thought was right. If time could turn back, I would do the same thing.”


“It’s shameless, but that’s why I need your Highness’s help. I can only see darkness now… … The truth will surely come out. Definitely.”

I wondered if the prince, Raida, was staring at me from a distance, but suddenly the corners of his lips went up faintly. At first I thought it was a joke.

“What I realized while studying royal studies was that the emperor had to take care of the subjects under his rule, not for profit or reason, but for emotion.”


“You don’t need a good reason to help your subjects. It’s just, that’s how it should be. Lane Ludwig, just like you this time.”

It was an incomprehensible conversation.

Why are you talking like this? It was then that Ryda smiled for the first time. It was a comfortable smile that showed off all of her neat front teeth.

“Trust me. your golden heart According to what you said, those prisoners are all people I need to take care of.”

what… … After staring blankly at Rida, the tension that had reached its peak collapsed in an instant, and I let out a foolish laugh.

It was an extremely rude act that shouldn’t be done in front of the imperial prince, but he didn’t show any displeasure.

I just waved my hand lightly and told him not to care.

“Instead, there is one condition.”

“Tell me.”

“I will definitely become the emperor. If what you’re saying is true, the credit that solved this beast man situation will exert great power in the next yellow line. If it’s a lie, everything I’ve accumulated so far will fall into the pit.”

“That will never happen!”

“Yes, then the problem is after becoming emperor. In order to run the political situation, we need reliable people around us.”

Here, Ryda paused for a moment. What are you trying to say? No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with the right answer.

“If you are talking about recommending a person, I am still a student, so I do not know the personal network well… … .”

“Are you leaving me out knowingly? you. I’m talking about you, Lane Ludwig.”

“yes… … ?”

“I don’t know when it will be, but will you be able to help me by becoming one of the four stars of the emperor, a magic star?”

“… … !”

“Wizards like to say high risk, high return, don’t they? All I’m taking this risk right now is to get you.”

I was speechless for a moment.

The Yellow River Secretary, appointed by the emperor, was treated like a marquis in the empire, and it was a position where he could wield unbridled power.

There, the Sorcerer, who is in charge of the ‘Emperor’s Wisdom’, was able to command the legislation and judiciary according to the Emperor’s order as the Emperor’s Prime Minister, and also participate in the Imperial Council where the electors gathered.

“Your Highness, this position is too undeserved for me.”

I was so embarrassed that I got down on one knee.

I was born as an orphan, so it was a place I never imagined… … It seemed like it would be an impossible position for someone like me.

Then, Eijin Raida’s clear eyes shone with playfulness.

“Of course, it would be too much now. Because you and I are still young. But what about 10 or 20 years from now? The wizard who was on par with the current magician at the age of 16?”

“… … !”

“I said it was a condition, but in fact it was half a joke. I just wanted you to think about it from now on. I can’t help it if you don’t want to.”

What did Ryda say now?

Are you saying that you will do a favor without any condition or benefit? Are you up for an adventure? It was unknown what it meant, but it was clear that he had received tremendous favor from the second-in-command of the empire.

A hearty smile formed on Madelia’s lips as she watched the scene.

‘Nangjungjichu (囊中之錐), you’re not the kind of person who can hide just because he wants to hide… … The world will somehow find you.’

Of course, now was not the time to dwell on such thoughts. Madelia said.

“Your Highness, if it is all right, may I ask how you can convince His Majesty the Emperor?”

“of course. According to Lane, beastmen are all great warriors. honor is important. yes?”

“yes. It was said that general warriors have skills from the lower ranks of gold to higher ranks of silver ranks, and warrior commanders have skills from the top ranks of gold ranks. It’s Eldwig, the 5th gold-rated adventurer.”

“What if the royal family gave grace to those powerful warriors? It is said that the Raida royal family will be able to mobilize between 1,000 and 2,000 elite troops in an instant in case of emergency.”

Suddenly, my stomach rumbled.

Seeing the prisoners being treated as mercenaries, I wasn’t comfortable with it, but Rida smiled bitterly, as if she had read my disappointed expression.

“It’s only when it’s father’s congratulations. promise The day I inherit the family, the prisoners will be free from all restraints.”

Madelia’s eyes widened.

That’s great. After all, this crown prince can’t be called a 16-year-old child like Lane Ludwig.

Opposition may arise from several families in the Empire. However, for the imperial family and the head of the Eijin family, there could be no more tempting proposal than this.

It was because the five electorate families that ruled each region were all increasing their armaments as if they were competing.

Historically, the forces of the Duren family were the strongest, but if Aijin embraced the beasts, the balance of power would collapse.

“Thank you, thank you very much, thank you, Your Highness!”

“It’s still too early to be thankful. Because there are still a lot of practical limitations. I cannot promise only a rosy future.”

Ryda sighed as if she was also frustrated.

“How do we cross the strait? Where will you mobilize the ships to carry the number of 200,000? And you can’t take prisoners to the Empire land recklessly.”

“… … !”

“Even if you put off convincing the Imperial Council until later, you must first convince your father and the westerners. You don’t know what will happen if you just recklessly take them in.”

It sure is, but… … I’m going crazy, I don’t know what to do now, I’m out of breath.

She had almost run out of the food Kiran had brought her (it would cost an astronomical sum to bring food to feed two hundred thousand people by sea), and above all, she did not want to keep the wounded and children in the Abyssal Lands.

And also, according to Eldwig, in a land like this full of adventurers and monsters who are both outlaws and rogue boats.

Think, don’t stop thinking.

What to suggest here, how to solve the situation, think after thought, more, more, more, before it’s too late, soon… … .

“Kal (open).

Gurs (on both sides).

Oufari (water).


It was then that I heard a clear and cold tone that could not be expressed by anything in this world. In my two lives, I had never heard such a pure sound that made my heart tremble.

Everyone looked to the east as if possessed… … In no time, I was stunned.

There the sea, the North Sea, parted. It was neither a poetic expression nor a metaphor. A divine miracle that no magician or judge on earth could achieve.

“What… … ?”

“The sea parted… … ?”

“What nonsense… … ?”

And like the dawning sun that clears the dawn, there was a light of transcendence over the once one but now divided sea.

The light was blindingly blue and breathtakingly beautiful, but I realized after a while that it was a dragon.

It’s not a true dragon, it’s not a flying dragon, it’s a divine dragon.

“Aki, look at that… … .”

It was so spectacular that I forgot how to even think in the moment of excitement.

The white dragon legions, white dragons with pure white scales and pure white wings, crossed the horizon with a clear sound of flapping their wings and landed one after another on the marsh of eternity.

In front of the three of us, no, the four of us, who had their mouths open in a daze, the source of blue light personally scattered and landed.

I wonder if my heart was instinctively moved by God’s kindness, light, and holy figure, and when I came to my senses, a handful of dew was forming in my left eye.

No, it wasn’t such a simple feeling… … It must be because one certainty was vividly flashing in my brain.

In the whirlpool of countless relationships, an endlessly long, exhausting, enjoyable, and sad journey has come to an end.

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