“Help me?”

“A human kid?”


Seeing the beast warriors whisper suspiciously, I was able to intuit that my turn had finally come.

“I didn’t come here to fight. I didn’t come here to insult Griffion. I just came to tell you that the barrier gates can be opened peacefully.”

The wall peacefully… … ?

Just when the beastmen’s eyes were about to widen, someone burst into laughter. It was Opus, the polar bear.

“I did something, but Barrzen, these little guys really fooled me. I guess it’s because I’ve met less wolves since I’m only in the depths.”


“Don’t you know? It’s just used! Because I want to be protected even to the barrier! Do little kids under the age of majority really think like that!”

“I, I mean—!”

“—Don’t pretend! You don’t think you know your wicked nature? All the warriors here know!”


“All three of my sons who believed that were killed by humans. All of them are great warriors and have fought the abyss.”


“The youngest of them all saved a dying wolf and sent it back to the wall, and then he stabbed him in the neck from behind and killed him! To make my son his major!”

As soon as the words were finished, murmurs of approving Opus’ words could be heard from here and there.

“My husband died too, to a human… … .”

“My daughter wasn’t even a warrior… … .”

“I had no father when I was born. He died because he was tricked by a wolf… … .”

I was suffocated by the complicated and oppressive reality that seemed to be tightening all around without any resolution.

how? What should I say at a time like this? To that hatred that has taken root in the heart, even in the soul… … .

Tell me, Lista. In this case, what the hell should I do in this situation?

“… … lane! lane! why are you quiet say something… … !”

Sensing that the situation was going strangely, Cassena grabbed me and shouted something, but I couldn’t hear it because my ears were deaf as if I was submerged in water.

“… … Be honest. I lied because I wanted to live… … .”

“… … .”

“… … Then, in consideration of the honor of the Durancus tribe and Lord Arakish’s dedication, I will let you go this once… … .”

Is there really no way? Is there no solution to this enmity built up over hundreds of years?

No, it can be solved, but it may have been insufficient for a guy like me.

Then, here, it is better to just cross over the barrier and find a solution under the barrier… … It was then.


A strangely dignified voice came out from among the crowd of beastmen warriors.

Receiving the respectful concessions of all the warriors, the warrior who broke through the ranks was the tallest and fiercest beastman warrior Lane had ever seen.

He had the head of a pure white eagle, and in the sharp eyes of a bird of prey, he could feel the might of a warrior who had survived the harsh years.


Opus turned to him and shouted in surprise, and suddenly he came to his senses.

Is this Griffion?

The warrior of warriors, the chief of chiefs, warchief Gryfion?

Griffion didn’t respond to Opus’ cry, just walked straight out and faced Rain.

“Answer me. You said you came all the way here to help us. Why?”

“Isn’t it obvious without seeing it? You don’t even have to ask. It must have been a mix of lies to survive.”

“I am asking this human boy.”

When Griffion cut off his words briefly and decisively, Opus, who had been sarcastic, immediately shut up. Not just Opus, but all warriors.

At the same time, I could feel that all eyes were on me and Gryfion. heavy and messy.

“And Varzen, neither do you. Not even Arakish. Now, answer me.”

Let’s calm down, and let’s stay calm.

I don’t know the true intentions, but it was obvious that Gryfion gave the opportunity to talk. There was no guarantee that the favor would last forever, so what I was going to say from now on was the most important thing.

But how should I talk about it? Nowhere in the world has there been a solution as clear as mathematics.

“So, I heard about Enuel-sama from Chief Beduel… … .”

It could have enumerated practical problems.

The Spider Lord is being unsealed, and now the power to control the old has awakened. So, humans and beastmen should unite again.

If they wage a siege to forcibly break down the wall, everyone will be swallowed up and die.

“I could see how the beasts have fought all along in this land… … .”

But, but why?

I must have weighed the possibilities while recalling such countless rational judgments in my head, but my mouth was babbling like this.

It was the most difficult thing to express the sincerity, the true intention in the heart, but how on earth.

“He lived like that, but at the end, he broke down the barrier… … Become the enemy of the world… … If everyone remembers that way… … .”

As I said before, this might have been rude meddling stemming from a sense of kinship with Enuel and the prisoners.

Unexpectedly, I came back like this. But what would my mind be like if the warrior party colleagues had been recorded as enemies of the world?

My comrades lived to the best of their ability and returned to the dirt with a record high. Prisoners deserve such joy as well.

“That is so sad… … .”

Is it shame for telling the truth, or is it sadness from thinking about the painful waiting life of the warrior party colleagues?

I couldn’t see anyone’s face with my blurry vision, so I lowered my head.

But even with a shaky voice, he had to finish his speech. Because this opportunity will never happen again.

“So I just, I just thought, I want to help you guys. You may think it’s off topic, but… … So it was… … .”

A desolate silence overwhelms the area as if dancing in the arctic sea breeze.

All the beast warriors doubted their ears at the words of the human boy and their eyes when they saw the dew shining in the boy’s eyes.

The boy’s sincerity, which was briefly and boldly explained, melted and rang the heartstrings that had been frozen in their hearts in a low and clear way.

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Cassena happily crossed her arms and nodded along with Pippi, and a soft smile formed on Arakish’s lips as he looked at Lane with a surprised look.

‘As expected, it wasn’t because of Karenden’s fragments.’

It’s not because of the black sheep. It’s faint to that child, but it smells like gods. The same as Tersia-sama and Karenden-sama whom I briefly saw in my childhood.

– Whoa, Bell! Are these really your kids? How can you be so cute?

At that time, Barlzen approached Lane, hugged him tightly, and shouted in a voice mixed with tears.

“You heard me? This guy is our Durancus, no, Barlzen’s friend! I, Varlzen, will not let anyone who insults this guy once again!”

There were quite a few humans who pretended to listen to the stories of the beastmen and then took advantage of them.

There were countless people who pretended to acknowledge the prisoners and stabbed them in the back.

However, there has never been a human who shed tears upon hearing the story of the beastmen and sincerely thought of their honor.

“Laugh, don’t be ridiculous! Do you think you would believe what you humans say! All they have to do is reach the barrier! They’re going to shoot us in the back and go inside!”

Opus shouted like that, but his own voice was not as sharp as before, and there was no voice agreeing with it.

“Human boy, I want to know the name your father gave you.”

Griffion raised his hand to silence Opus, then asked. When I said his name, Griffion put his hand on Lane’s head.

“Lane Ludwig, son of Cavan, and Gryfion, son of Ralquen, will trust you.”

All the warriors looked at Griffion with surprised eyes.

The same goes for Lane, who never imagined it would be this easy.

I thought I had to convince them by presenting a rational and realistic blueprint, but I thought I made a mistake.

“It is funny. I have been fooled by humans so much that now I can tell whether they are telling the truth or lying.”

From noble mtl dot com

Isn’t that what he said with a faint bitter smile all of a sudden?

“Okay, so what are you going to do? What would you like me to do?”

“Wait a little, wait a little. I’ll go to the wall and talk to the white wolf. I will make the barrier open peacefully.”

“Is that really possible?”

“It may be impossible for me, but it is possible for Lady Cassena here! Since he is the direct descendant of Emmitsa Page, his influence is enormous.”

When I urgently pointed at Cassena with both hands as if to support it, the beastmen stared at it and started whispering blankly.

“A legitimate descendant of Emmitsa?”

“Is that guy?”

“No, I think I know. that hair color… … It appears in the old stories as well.”

Cassena seemed to be a little taken aback by such attention, but she cleared her throat proudly and nodded vigorously.

“Okay, wait until I’ve been to the Wall! Rain and I will solve everything and come back!”

At that proposal, the warriors split in half and began to murmur.

Waiting, how on earth is it getting colder? Can you really open the door, these little kids?

Griffion’s aides also had a heated argument over the possibility of this happening, and it was truly a moment of dry saliva.

It took a while for Griffion to finally raise his hand to silence the warriors and draw all attention to himself.

“Brothers, shouldn’t we also sincerely repay the sincerity these children have shown us? I believe it will be an honorable thing for our warriors as well.”

“… … !”

“Lane Ludwig, and Cassena Page. I will wait for you guys here for ten days, taking four days as a good amount of time to travel to the Wall. Until then, I will not march to the Wall.”

Cassena and Varzen looked at each other and smiled broadly with excited expressions. My eyes grew hot with an indescribable, heavy thrill.

Did it really come through?

Did you really know

The words I was about to say, the sincerity I had in my heart after hearing Enuel’s story… … Maybe that’s why, I was bowing deeply to Griffion.

“Thank you thank you. I will never disappoint you.”

* * *

If the qualifications of an educator include skillfully wielding carrots and sticks, Lynn was probably the breadwinner as an educator.

Because the magic education for Turaina was done without any compliments, only with scoldings and scoldings. He only knows how to use a whip.

Lynn was also aware of her problem, so she was having a headache.

How, I can’t say that I did well. I feel ashamed even when I try to praise him, so I feel like I have thorns on my tongue.

-You’ve only done this much, are you saying you’re done now?

—Is this what I did after a month of learning magic?

─You can’t do this? Would it be enough to teach a passing old woman for a week?

That’s why at times like that, Lin’s special sarcasm would come out more than usual. Turaina cried and studied harder.

“I wondered why you’ve been fat these days, was it only because of that?”

So (really reluctantly) I asked Lista for a solution to this problem. Because I really didn’t know if it would be good.

“It’s barely, I haven’t had a more difficult problem than this.”

When I replied bluntly, Friede, who was breathing smoke from a smoking pipe with his legs crossed next to me, giggled.

“What is difficult? You are already doing well.”

“No, what are you talking about?”

Then, with her hair tied up and her long white neck exposed, Rista, who was sharpening the blade of the supreme satellite sword Surpin with a whetstone, smiled brightly.

“That’s right, Friede is right.”

“Don’t play around.”

“It’s no joke. The fact that Rin came to us with that issue is enough to show that she is treating people with sincerity.”

What the hell are you talking about, I tilted my head, but Friede hit Rin on the top of the head with a pipe.

“Just do it as usual! Rather, if you suddenly praised me, I would think you were possessed by a demon and would be rather scared? Ugh, just thinking about it is terrifying. That little boy will run away.”

That’s for sure, when Rin nodded in agreement, Friede laughed ahahahaha.

“You can’t do anything well from the start. You just have to work little by little and slowly.”

Friede was always like a psycho, but there were times when he spoke in such a sincere and kind way.

“Someday you will be able to do well. To convey your true feelings.”

As if agreeing with that, Keith, who had been standing behind him for some reason, placed his hand on Rin’s head and smiled.

“What are these? I never said I wanted to tell you my true feelings! It’s just that it’s hard to teach that kid… … .”

“I’m ashamed of that again, so I’m taking it out, oh, it’s cute. Hold on tight to Keith. I need to tickle you for the first time in a while.”

“Oh, no! Hey Keith!”

The moments of my memories that shine more beautifully than any other time in life.

And at the end of these memories, there was always an echo of Rista smiling brightly as if a flower was blooming.

“It’s okay, Lin. Rather, since Rin usually doesn’t reveal her true feelings, you should know right away if Rin tries to tell you the truth, right?”

“… … okay?”

“Yeah, just like we found out that Rin is actually the kindest kid.”

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