Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3557: Xuanyuan Waner's weakness

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At this time, the mutation suddenly emerged.

Suddenly, a huge palm stretched out directly from the inside, blood tumbling, full of thousands of miles, as if covering half of the void.

The powerful force of shock reverberates throughout the space.

The power released by Xiao Naihe was grasped directly by this huge palm at this time, and it was crushed by force.

"What?" Xuanyuan Waner's face changed.

Someone inside?

How can it be?

At the same time, when this huge palm covered it, five fingers formed the general shape of Tianzhu, countless thunderclouds spread all over, and the vacant void would tear.

The powerful force made Xuanyuan Waner almost flew out.

Her immortal strongman in the third paragraph was even more shocked.

"Shenlun Skywheel, all methods remain unchanged."

At this time, Xiao Naiho's voice sounded, and every word was like a mysterious sound, woven like a hymn, full of power.

Five powerful forces could not invade the slightest, so they were locked in the sky and could not move.

At this time, thunderclouds suddenly appeared from high above the sky and spread out, and the entire space seemed to be trapped.

A figure appeared slowly. It was a boy who looked like eleven or twelve.

But the mysterious and vicissitudes hidden in the other person's eyes are all showing the deepness of this child.

I saw that the other party's body moved, as if the void had turned into a world of tens of millions. Xiao Naihe and Xuanyuan Wan'er were only a drop in the ocean.

The other party seems to be the son of the gods above the nine heavens.

In every move, it has drawn the initiative of this world.

"It's not under my control." Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, the thought was very clear.

He could sense that he could not control this place.

After obtaining the associated monument, the causal tree is to fully awaken all the memories and to contain all the control of the causal land.

Xiao Naihe naturally also gained control of the entire land of cause and effect.

The place of cause and effect is much larger than that in the eternal secret realm at the beginning, ignoring cause and effect and time and space.

In such a place, Xiao Nai is invincible.

But now Xiao Naihe feels that he has jumped out of another time and space from the land of cause and effect, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect you to come in."

The boy spoke slowly.

Although his voice seemed very immature, the deepness in his tone reminded Xiao Naihe of the other party's unfathomable depth.

If this boy is really regarded as the age of eleven or twelve years old, the dead person must be them.

Because the causal tree also has no memory of the boy, but after gaining control of the causal land, the causal tree also constantly digests the bit by bit that has occurred in the causal land for countless years.

Wait a minute, you should be able to digest the relevant memory of this space.

Xuanyuan Wan'er said: "We are from Eternal Tianyu."

Tong Zi glanced at Xuanyuan Waner and said, "Of course I know that you are from the eternal Tianyu. You are the contemporary heavenly master of Xuanyuan Taiyu and a descendant of the Xuanyuan family."

Xuanyuan Waner's face changed again, and then said: "Yes, how much do you know?"

Xuanyuan Wan'er hasn't been out for many years, and she doesn't like to show up. Although there are many people who know her, there are very few people who have actually seen her.

Now the boy said his identity, which was very unusual.

Tong Zi smiled proudly: "I know so many things, you have been squatting outside the seal for thousands of years, you can't even crack a seal, and dare to call Heavenly Dao? It just insulted the word" Heavenly Dao "!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole void seemed to be thunderous and continually shaking. The other party's words are like cannonballs, word after word, and before Xuanyuan Wan'er reacts, dozens of words will be directly transformed into some kind of force, and they will be directly exploded.


These dozens of words seemed to come alive, and they turned into real dragons and phoenixes.

"Cross Star."

Xuanyuan Waner's body flicked, sinking quickly to avoid.

As soon as the palm opened, the sky and the sky shattered, and the sun and the moon were dull. There was a loud noise. The countless stars formed were woven into a chain, directly blocking the front.

However, the power of the dozens of words, the immense vastness, and the true meaning spread out, blocking this world, and suddenly the Xuanyuan Waner ’s defense was drawn away, and it seemed to be transferred to another one. space.

"not good."

Xuanyuan Wan'er was taken aback, she directly summoned destiny at the critical moment.

The opening of the powerful Destiny Space directly protects his true body and soul, and stiffly blocks the bombardment of these dozens of words.

At that moment Xuanyuan Wan'er was almost torn apart.

At this time, Xiao Nai also shot.

He covered it with one hand, condensed his fist, and smashed the vacuum directly. The whole body opened a hole. The thunder that he vomited even turned these dozens of words together with Xuanyuan Waner.

Xuanyuan Wan'er looked pale and looked at Xiao Naihe with a grateful look.

She didn't expect to be rescued by Xiao Naihe, but even more she couldn't think of it, she was almost in the hands of the boy.

Although she despised it, such repressive force also let Xuanyuan Wan'er know the other party's horror.

Xiao Naihe didn't say anything, but took back his thunder.

That is not a simple thunder, but the power of destiny hidden in Xiao Nai He Qiaoqiao.

His second destiny Promise Destiny, when entering the next stage, can evolve countless forms of power, this thunder is a form of Promise Destiny.

"The power of destiny, the tens of millions of Taiyu stars and the world of hundreds of millions of planes in the eternal heavens, actually gave birth to such a weird destiny." The boy looked at Xiao Naihe and said thoughtfully.

The Promise of Promise is that Xiao Nai directly broke through the limits on the original system of monasticism, and created another avenue system, and through the enlightenment of Cause and Effect Avenue and Eternal Avenue, he has already evolved a system no less than these.

Although it is still incomplete, it should not be underestimated once it is formed.

The boy continued: "There are several kinds of destiny in your body. Even the destiny of the cause and effect tree has evolved. It seems that you not only got the cause and effect tree, but also let it reach its maximum limit."

"If you win the prize, you are not bad. You have realized the true meaning of the Eternal Heavenly Path to such a degree. It seems that your understanding of the Eternal Avenue has reached the point of fascination." Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Tong Zi's pupils shrank, and then returned to normal: "It turns out that although it is very thin, but you also have the breath of Eternal Avenue, do you still want to open up the eternal destiny? No wonder you perceive the eternal breath in me."

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