Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2658: Undead Seeds (Part One)

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Suzaku Academy.

Xiao Naihe also left Suzaku College for some time. Since getting the space shuttle treasure from the auction, Xiao Naihe used this treasure to enter the Peacock Holy Land.

Later, Xiao Naihe did find the Seventh Realm in the Peacock Holy Land, and also got the legacy of the ancient saints, and even stepped into the peak of the passive.

In terms of Xiao Naihe's current ability, Mo said that it is in the human race, I am afraid that in the longevity world, they are all in the top ranks.

However, although he stepped into the Lord, he did not belong to the people in this circle.

Xiao Naihe is like a freelancer. Too few people know him, not to mention people who know Xiao Naihe's true ability.

Originally with Xiao Naihe's strength, once he became a holy venerable, Suzaku Academy would have no feeling for him.

He stayed in Suzaku College before, but it was only a transition period.

Now that he has become a holy prince, after this transition period, he still returns to Suzaku College.


He wanted to use Suzaku College and other means to investigate the background of the Undead Lord.

Although Xiao Naihe knew that there were certain things about the Undead Lord, Xiao Naihe did not know about the background of the Undead Lord.

It is impossible for this undead sacred lord Xiao Naihe to keep him alive. The undead sacred lord knows too much. Once the undead sacred prince spreads out the things in the elf's hinterland, it is definitely a huge disaster for Xiao Naihe .

Although the Undead Lord is unlikely to spread this kind of thing, after all, the Undead Lord has also received many benefits in the hinterland of the elves.

The benefits he received would be thoughtful as soon as other saints knew.

At this point, as the undead Lord, he would rather rot the news in his stomach.

However, in order to prevent this, Xiao Nai decided to kill the undead Lord.

There is another reason. This idea has been considered for a long time after Xiao Naihe entered the longevity world.

He wants to leave Yan Tian Pavilion and Yun Wei Xue and others in this longevity world.

That's right, he does have this idea.

Although he can hold moonlight warships in his body and can accommodate people from a continent, it may not be a good thing for them.

If Xiao Naihe simply stayed in the longevity world, even if the status quo is maintained in this way, there is nothing.

But Xiao Naihe already had an idea, he knew that he would definitely enter the secret of origin in the future.

What is the origin of the secret realm? That's where the Lord pursues Supreme Avenue.

From the memory of the blue wolf, I know that this origin is extremely dangerous and far more mysterious than the longevity world.

Xiao Nai is not sure if he really entered the secret realm of origin, if something goes wrong, he can protect Yun Weixue and others.

It is very likely that Xiao Naihe can't really keep it.

Secondly, people from Yantian Pavilion may become Xiao Naihe's burden.

Since public and private, Xiao Nai has to keep them in the longevity world.

However, the longevity world is not peaceful now, and Xiao Nai and He Maoran left Yun Weixue and others here, which may not be safe.

Therefore, he must cultivate his own power. Before leaving the longevity world and heading to the origin of the secret realm, he must cultivate at least one person he believes in.

Yun Weixue must grow up to be able to block the existence of the Lord alone.

In this way, Xiao Nai can leave the world of longevity without fear.

Therefore, Xiao Nai's cultivation of Beiqiong is in fact helping Yantiange train them a supporter.

Therefore, Xiao Naihe's willingness to make friends with Molou, Gaozang Buddha, and Spiritual Buddha, is the kind of love that Xiao Naiho brought in.

Like the Spirit Buddha, or the Holy Master who was released from the Buddha and the Devil, Xiao Nai had already planned.

Both of them are holy and powerful.

In the past, Xiao Nai, the character of the spiritual Buddha, was still trustworthy. Cultivating good friendships and helping the Yantian Pavilion in the future should not be a problem.

Then the deity of the Buddha, the devil, and the governor, Xiao Naihe wanted that person to serve himself in the period, in fact, he made plans for Xiao Naihe and Yan Tiange.

"I haven't seen Wei Xue in a long time, and I don't know what happened to them?"

After Xiao Naihe and Bei Qiong returned to Suzaku College, they were separated and entered their own courtyard.

When Xiao Nai came back, no one else knew.

He planted layers of enchantment in his house.

Now the enclave he planted with such strength is not the same level as before, and can be broken at will by being a relatively strong man.

Even the four ancestors in the academy were afraid that they would not be able to do even close to the enchantment.

"The heart is like water, the mirror is not Taiwan."

Xiao Nai He sat on the ground and closed his eyes.

His heart and soul were silent for a moment, and his consciousness entered the starry sky world inside him.

In the center of the starry sky world, a tall tree stands among them.

This big tree is the causal tree that Xiao Naihe obtained before.

Now this causal tree has become the lifeblood of suppressing Xiao Naihe's starry sky world. With the ability of causality, it is absolutely worthy of the lifeblood of the starry sky world.

"The Moonlight Battleship is coming."

Xiao Naihe turned his head, and a warship suddenly appeared from another space.

A warship was drilled in this space, and it was the moonlight warship.

Xiao Nai put Yantian Pavilion and others in the Moonlight Warship. The capacity of the Moonlight Warship is equivalent to a small world, let alone a Yantian Pavilion.

Even the number of ten Yantian Pavilion, Moonlight Battleship can accommodate.

Among the moonlight warships there is the divine light that Xiao Naihe had opened before, and there are also Lei Chi, some branches of the river of time, and the anger of all living things.

The entire moonlight warship is like a holy place for monasticism. Once inside, Xiao Naihe can feel huge anger and popularity.

When his thoughts moved, he could even feel that any disciples of Yantian Pavilion were practicing, retreating and living in this warship in an orderly manner.

"It seems that Wei Xue still has great skills. In my constant time, I was able to cure the Yantian Pavilion so orderly."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, very satisfied.

His thoughts seemed to be shrouded in light, covering every disciple's thoughts.

He could feel the actions and existence of any disciple, but the cultivation of others was far less than Xiao Naihe's, but he could not perceive Xiao Naihe's breath.

Yun Weixue, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes, and a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

"Miss, this is ..."

"Well, he is back."

That's the sound of Xue Luo. Today's Xue Luo is also very good at practicing here, and a mysterious and powerful atmosphere is released from all over.

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