Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2381: Forbidden waters

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Time hastily passed, five days have passed.

It has been five days since Xiao Naihe unraveled the clues in the Yushen plate.

Within these five days, Xiao Naihe had already begun to prepare to go to a certain place.

In the words of the market, the mixed column is likely to be somewhere.

From the clues in the Yushen plate, this place should be in the extreme north area.

In the words of the disk, the Hengtianzhu was originally born in the extreme north area. From there, two great vigors were obtained. It is likely that the Hengtianzhu is now in the extreme north area.

"If I can find the Hengtianzhu this time, and find the inheritance of the ancient world clan, even if I can't get the inheritance, I can get the Hengtianzhu, it is definitely a huge opportunity for me."

Xiao Naihe is very clear about the significance of mixed Tianzhu to him.

Although the inheritance of the ancient world is powerful, after all, it is a great inheritance of an ancient race. If other cultivators know, it is necessary to choose between the inheritance of the ancient world and the mixed Tianzhu. Xiao Naihe believes that there are still many people who will choose the former.

Because the inheritance of the ancient world clan is a huge opportunity that can definitely let their strength skyrocket.

Although the Tiantianzhu contains the Qi of Longevity and the Qi of Chaos, if you do n’t cultivate and understand, it ’s like a tasteless taste.

Xiao Naihe is different. He himself has merged with Chaos Qi. He knows how to manipulate Chaos Qi.

If you get a mixed celestial column, ingest chaotic true energy from it, maybe it will excite the chaotic celestial stone in your body and open the starry sky world.

Once you open the starry sky world, you can get the treasures of heaven and earth in your body to repair the divine personality, even if there is no inheritance of the ancient world clan.

So this time Xiao Naihe's main goal is still mixed Tianzhu.

"Boy, you must get the mixed Tianzhu. This mixed Tianzhu contains the most mysterious Chaos Qi in Taiyu, which can be comparable to the origin Qi. There is also the law of the longevity realm, if you can penetrate, Even if you peep over the passive, the mysterious realm might not be. "

I was repeatedly told by Xiao Naihe's knowledge of the sea.

He also worried that Xiao Nai did not know the value of the mixed Tianzhu, and instilled Xiao Naihe along the way.

Xiao Naiho directly ignored the nonsense of the disk, and for the importance of mixing Tianzhu, I am afraid he would not be stranger to the disk.

Shangguan Jiajia followed her. She had already taken a leave this morning and said that she would go out to perform the task.

Suzaku College is not a sacred place to study alone. In fact, there is a mission system in Suzaku College. Suzaku College advocates practical teaching.

So many times, Suzaku College encourages students to go out to perform tasks and hone themselves through life-and-death combat.

Moreover, there are college points for performing tasks, and enough points can be exchanged for many benefits in the college.

For example, some powerful Taoism, immortality medicine, and even various cheats to stimulate students' enthusiasm.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Shangguan Jiajia went out for the reason of performing tasks.

The two of them were able to walk thousands of miles in a blink of an eye with a fire-powered horse-drawn carriage.

To reach the extreme north area, you can basically arrive in two or three days.

Xiao Naihe sighed softly: "The longevity world is still big. If you follow the speed of this crane, you don't know how many continents you can travel between two or three days."

There is a huge gap between the longevity world and the first plane, that is, the size of the area.

Although there are 3,300 worlds in the first plane, there is also God Realm, extraterrestrial starry sky and the like, but compared with the Eternal Realm, that is the comparison between the firefly light and the sun.

Dangdang is a human area, almost the size of an entire first plane.

Not to mention that the territory occupied by other races is larger and wider.

Xiao Naihe, the area where they traveled this time, was already near the edge of the Terran Land.

A little closer, it is the land of no land and the demons and sea clan.

At this point, Xiao Naihe and Shangguan Jiajia had to be careful.

"The sea area is forbidden in front, very close to the sea clan, be careful, don't be found!"

Shangguan Jiajia watched the crane reach the sea, and the prudence in his heart was even stronger.

Even if the Shangguan Jiajia Jiuzhong Peak exists, they dare not walk around outside, especially the edge of this human race territory. Once something goes wrong, no one can be saved.

"Hai people?"

Xiao Naihe knew some of the origins of the Hai clan. The Hai clan is a middle-upper race among the clan, and it is inferior to the big races such as the devil, demon, and elf.

However, compared with the human race at this stage, it is not much worse than the human race in terms of number.

The people of the Hai tribe are all in the thick sea area. At least more than one third of the ocean in the longevity world is the site of the Hai tribe. It can be seen how powerful the Hai tribe is.

The relationship between the human race and the Hai people is not very good, so when this time out, Xiao Naihe and Shangguan Jiajia used some means to change their appearance and prevent them from being discovered.

"Now put away the crane to avoid accidents."

Although there should be no one here, Xiao Nai should be more careful.

This front is surrounded by the ocean, and the other two are facing the mountains, Xiao Naihe feels a very rough spiritual wave here.

"The spiritual breath here is really uncomfortable. If I have stayed here for a long time, I estimate that I may have to be degraded."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, a layer of white light condensed around him.

This white light protects Xiao Naihe's body and prevents the entry of foreign breath.

"I heard that the forbidden sea area is one of the great forbidden places in our longevity world. Here, even ordinary people in the sea area dare not go in and out casually. I heard that the forbidden sea area is in danger, and even passive experts came to explore , And finally died here. "

When Shangguan Jiajia talked about the back, the expression on his face slowly changed, and his eyes kept flashing with fear.

Now the name of the banned sea area really makes Shangguan Jiajia feel very concerned.

Not many of the inheritance of the ancient world clan may be in this area. Shangguan Jiajia anyway, even if it is dangerous, it must come in.

The two of them turned over the mountain quickly, but after a while, they had reached the back of the mountains.

Suddenly a thick fog filled, they seemed to escape into the thick fog.

"The miasma here only came out after thousands of years, we have to be careful."

Xiao Naiho finally understood why the ban on sea areas is one of the ten prohibited places listed by the human race.

The degree of danger in this place is more dangerous than Xiao Naihe's first visit to the desert of the Changsheng Realm.

"We have reached the forbidden waters, but where is the thing hidden by the king of the world?" Shangguan Jiajia asked, rubbing his hands.

"Looking at the clue above Huntianzhu, it should be a confluence of yin and yang, a middle ground."

Xiao Naiho seemed to recall something, and suddenly there was a piece of debris in his hand. The debris turned in the void, and the debris suddenly appeared, revealing its appearance.


Soon, this piece of debris whirled in the void, and the light released from it seemed to be brewing all existence, and it was constantly colliding on the sea surface of the forbidden sea.

"It's here, look ahead."

Xiao Naihe spoke, pointing in the front direction.

Shangguan Jiajia followed Xiao Naihe's gaze and only saw a small island in front.

The island showed a breath of nothingness, obviously an island that had been deserted for many years. At this time, there was a wave of sword gas.

"What's going on? How do I feel that there is a sword wave fluctuation on that island, is there anyone who can't succeed on the island?"

Shangguan Jiajia's face is not very good-looking, if there are people here, it is not a good thing for them.

After all, the inheritance of the ancient world clan, the fewer people who know this kind of thing, the better. Once this news comes out, Xiao Naihe and Shangguan Jiajia must not be able to keep it.

At that time, the two of them will have to be turned back no matter how powerful they are.

The inheritance of an ancient world clan is enough for a cultivator to grow to the top of the spiritual world.

This kind of news spreads, even if it is a human race alliance, it is estimated that they can't keep them.

Therefore, this time Jiaguan Jiajia only came with Xiao Naihe and did not bring anyone around him.

"There should be no one on this island. I feel that this sword energy is not sent out by human beings. Instead, it seems that it is because of any formation that has been triggered since."

"You mean, there were people on this island.",

"It may be that this breath is like the ancient clan, but we will go ahead and talk about it."

Xiao Nai couldn't help but say that the figure flew directly into the movement.

There were even other difficulties along the way, but it was not difficult for Xiao Naihe.

Jingle Bell!

It was at this time that a fine mane was suddenly released from Xiao Nai and He Huai. This fine mane was poured into the void and shot directly into the sky.

Suddenly the black clouds spread from all sides, covering the whole sea.

And the island is wrapped in a layer of mysterious prohibition.

Around the black cloud, there was still a thunder, mixed in the clouds.

Xiao Naihe felt that the thunder in the clouds, with a kind of dim power, even if it is an ordinary passive strong man, if he had eaten these thunder attacks, he was afraid that his body would not be able to stop him.

"This is ... Yushen plate?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, and then took out something from his arms. This thing was the Yushen plate. The Yushen plate released a dazzling light. When it was poured into the void, the entire island was instantly Wrap it up.

And in all directions, surrounded by black clouds, the entire island suddenly produced a difficult and powerful force field.

Xiao Naiho only felt that his soul and flesh seemed to be swallowed up by this force field.

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