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Now, it is Xiao Naihe's most dangerous time.

How powerful the early strong in the passive state is, even if Xiao Nai and Xiu Xi are recovering extremely fast now, they are far from being opponents of the other party.

And his biggest hole card underworld industry fire is not used when dealing with Beiqiong. He will not reveal his hole card too early when it is absolutely necessary.

This time he had to urge the underworld industry fire, but what he didn't think was that the "Dragon Bottle" mobilized by Alinka could actually swallow the underworld industry fire, causing Xiao Nai to lose a lot at once.

The rest of his underworld karma is just being urged.

"His hiss."

At this moment, the rotating dragon bottle in the void suddenly made a strange burst of tearing sound.

Xiao Naihe's expression moved, staring tightly at the dragon bottle in the void.

"what happened?"

Somehow, there was an ominous hunch in Arika's heart.

"Ah, my bottle, no!"

At this moment, the spirit of Tianlong Bottle suddenly made a violent cry.

A scorching and inexplicable cold force burst directly from the Tianlong bottle. Xiao Naihe's pupils shrank, and he saw a crack inside and outside the Tianlong bottle.

It was like a cobweb that had been cracked open, densely packed, spreading continuously.


The fire in the underworld actually burst out from the crack of the dragon bottle directly.

"How is it possible? This is the" Dragon Bottle "that the adult gave me, and it was torn. What kind of flame is that?"

Seeing the Tianlong bottle actually torn by a flame, Alinka suddenly felt very painful, almost gritted his teeth, and even blood jumped out.

The Dragon Bottle is a passive level of Taoism. There is little natural energy in the longevity world that can threaten it.

But it was this mysterious black flame that actually tore off the body of the "Dragon Bottle" and burned it.

Thinking of this, Alinka suddenly seemed to think of something else.

"If this black flame were put on the human body, what would happen?"

Although Alinka could not believe it, he knew that once this black karma covered the human body, even if it was an ordinary passive state, he was afraid that he would be burned cleanly.

What a terrible flame, even in their barbarians, had never heard of any real fire that could tear the Dragon Bottle apart.

"Alinka, hurry up and get out the black fire inside. Uncle Ben can't stand it."

The body of the dragon bottle is equivalent to the human body, and the spirit is equivalent to the human soul.

Once the human body is gone and the soul is scattered outside, the loss will face the danger of disappearing.

Now the same is true of the Dragon Bottle. It is a spiritual life after all, but if the bottle body of the Dragon Bottle is not protected, it will soon be completely burned.


The gray man named Alinka didn't move, but hesitated.

Because he knew that the fire of the underworld industry could even burn the body of the dragon bottle, so it was considered that Alinka could not withstand this industry fire.

"What are you hesitating about, do you really want to dispel my soul?"

Qi Ling screamed.

If the Tianlong bottles are all burned out, then its spirit will be finished, without a container, it will not be far from death.

"Wait for me to grab this kid, extract the memory thought in his soul, and find the memory of the black fire."

Alinka's eyes moved, and instead of grabbing the Tianlong bottle, he shook his head and forced him directly to Xiao Naihe.

At that moment, a sudden killing erupted from all directions, as if the cold eyes locked on Xiao Naihe's body, leaving Xiao Naihe unable to move.


Although Xiao Naihe didn't expect how powerful the underworld industry fire would be, it was unexpected, but he also knew that this was his best opportunity.

"The Way of the Nine Witches!"

Between talking, Xiao Naihe rolled out a palm, and a black flame appeared from the palm of his hand.

This group of flames is the underworld industry fire, burning continuously.

In a flash, the power of karma was poured into the entire room.

But there was no burning sensation. Instead, there was a kind of frostbite in the industry fire, which could freeze the coldness of the world.

Even Arlinka felt this chill with a danger.


At this time, more underworld industry fire burst from Xiao Naihe's Yuandan and rushed towards the entire room.

This black industry fire is even more huge. Xiao Naiho has almost drawn a third of the industry fire power in his body. This underworld industry fire surrounds Xiao Naihe.

Alinka was about to capture Xiao Naihe. When he saw that Xiao Nai actually protected herself with black fire, she quickly stopped.

"You still have so many?"

Alinka's voice made no secret of his uneasiness and anger.

Obviously this Xiao Nai is nothing at all, but the other party did not know what great luck they had gone, and actually got such a weird and mysterious flame.

This black flame will destroy the Dragon Bottle.

Thinking of the Dragon Bottle, Arlinka has already given up.

He underestimated Xiao Naihe, and actually let the other party push him to this point.

"He may have actually got the array, but when I see Xiao Naihe now, I'm afraid I won't admit it at all. And even if I want to have this on Xiao Naihe, it is not easy to get it now."

If it were before, Alinka thought about it and killed the opponent directly is the easiest.

But now the situation has changed.

Alinka watched the Tianlong bottle burned by the fire of the underworld industry, and it was burnt clean. At this time, even the Qiling spirit carried a madness in the air except for the rest.

Unfortunately, slowly, the spirit of the instrument has turned into nothingness, floating in the void.

"I don't believe it. You black flame can be used unlimited times."

Arinka made a cold voice.

On the contrary, it was Xiao Naihe. With the virtue of the underworld karma, he suddenly felt confident.

"you may try it."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, this underworld industry fire is indeed a fetish, and even the passive Taoism may not be able to withstand.

That Alinka must have dared not touch the underworld karma, otherwise he would not have seen the Tianlong bottle disappear directly.

When the two were in a stalemate, all of a sudden, there was a loud noise throughout the Suzaku Academy.

As if something broke the sky, Xiao Naihe and Alinka changed their faces slightly.

Because of this sound, it is near here.

"It seems that today can no longer be delayed, back away."

Alinka's red brilliance emerged from Alinka's body, and he quickly retreated towards the outside.

He knew that he couldn't get anything now, unless he could find a way to take the strange black flame from Xiao Naihe's hand.


As soon as the thought moved, Arlinka had already broken through the enchantment of the void and flew out towards the outside.

If someone was outside Xiao Naihe's room, he would be able to see Arinka's body, already stained with blood.

And Xiao Nai exhaled when she saw that the other party had actually broken through the barrier.

The underworld karma on him has been completely collected.

"This man named Alinka should not have left because he was afraid of my underworld karma. It was what happened in the Suzaku Academy, and he was scared away."

There was no hesitation between Xiao Nai and He Shennian. I only saw Xiao Naihe's figure as if it were an aurora, and it suddenly flew out.

At the next moment, Xiao Naihe had already flown out of his residence.

There are many masters in the Suzaku Academy, although Xiao Naihe has not seen the high-level figures in the college.

But Suzaku College, as one of the largest colleges in the Terran League, is naturally guarded by powerful masters.

"And I can see from the voice of Arinka that this person does not know what the reason is, and included the array in the history of the clan formations. Obviously, the other party should not be a person in the academy, and may be hiding at that time. What, or other reasons. "

Various thoughts came to Xiao Naihe's mind.

Just as he flew out, he suddenly felt a lot of powerful breath coming out like mushrooms.

"What happened just now?"

"How did I hear a loud noise."

"You heard correctly, there is a voice, let's go and see."

Xiao Naihe heard many people's voices.

Here is the closest to the line school, many students in the line school have already run out.

One by one ran towards the source of the sound.

Not only the Daoyuan, but also the people from other departments.

Such as Kendo Academy, Wuxiu Academy, Dandao Academy, etc.

That voice was very loud just now, and it almost spread throughout the entire Suzaku College, and it seemed to shake the whole college.

Everyone felt a wave of shaking.

"Huh? What is that?"

Xiao Naihe suddenly heard someone yell, his eyes locked, only to see two people standing on the eaves in the distance.

The two men confronted each other, and a huge breath continued to diffuse in the bodies of the two men.

The students around them felt an indescribable sense of oppression and stepped back.

Suddenly, within a few miles, there was no figure.

"Medium Passive!"

Xiao Naihe's pupils shrank slightly, and he wouldn't see the behavior of the two people here.

"It's the director of Wuxiu Academy, Wu Tongtian!"

"Senior Wu Tongtian, he actually appeared here."

"Wait, who is the man opposite him? Awesome aura, almost comparable to Senior Wutongtian."

"Look at it, they seem to be doing it."

Everyone talked one after another.

Among the voices of discussion, only a rumbling sound was heard, and the entire void seemed to collapse, and the two men instantly collided with a strong spark. It seems that the whole world is torn apart.

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