Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2257: Plane core

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Huang Lin came to Xiao Naihe and said that the call, Xiao Naihe still can not understand.

But what is certain is that Huang Lin seems to believe that he will definitely go to him in the future, because Bai inorganic seems to have gone to a terrible place and has the opportunity to step into a higher realm.

"But if there is such a place, the few people in Chaos Heavenly Stone can't do it without knowing it, especially the blue wolf. He is the most top of the Nine Great Heavenly Palaces, why I never heard him mention it. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head. Although he is extremely powerful now, there are still many secrets that he can't get in touch with at all.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the memory of Jiuwu Youhuang, if there is still the memory of Jiuwu Youhuang in the depths of his soul, maybe he can use this to remember it and look for clues.

But now it is useless to think too much.

Soon, Xiao Naiho left the place and moved towards the wild continent.

He refined the Taoist memory of the Son of Fortune, but other thoughts of memory have not been obtained, so until now I do n’t know what secret there is between the Son of Fortune and Sansheng.

He can only act by chance. The person like Sansheng is very shrewd. Once the other party sees a little flaw, he will be defeated.


On the central continent, a long, big rift runs directly through the east and west.

This rift is the trace left by Xiao Naihe when they confronted them.

The long rift valley is tens of thousands of miles, almost spanning the distance of several ancient cities.

And Chen Ming stood in this rift valley, thoughtfully.

Subsequently, a man appeared from his side.

This man's increasingly handsome, even already a kind of beautiful gesture, reveals a seductive charm between his manners.

He is just sky and rock.

"I have found Tian Daotong, but there is Zulong beside her. It is not easy to take back the ability of Tian Dao Shu from her body." Long Mantian said slowly.

"I knew that when I divided you and Tian Daotong into Yin and Yang 'Tao Daoshu', I originally wanted you two to survive the fittest and help me achieve the great cause, but I didn't expect to replace the" Qianyuan Zhenjing "instead The virtue is completed and restored to the middle of the passive period. However, Tian Daotong always has some abilities in the Taoist book. You can only go further if you fully obtain it. "

Chen Ming looked at the sky.

At this time, there was a blood on the top of the long sky, forming a small vortex.

This is the vortex of the gods and souls in the power of heaven and earth. Into the passive early stage.

However, after stepping into the early stage of passiveness, he obviously felt that his originality was a bit insufficient. It turned out that he was not a complete Taoist book, and his originality was incomplete.

If you want to go further, you must get the power of another part of the Taoist book.

And Heavenly Daotong is another book of Heavenly Dao.

"Not even you can solve it, Zulong seems to have recovered a lot."

"Yes, although Tian Daotong has made rapid progress, he has reached a half-step passive, but Zulong has returned to the passive state, and his strength is not under me."

Chen Ming looked slightly, pondered, and suddenly said, "Do you know where they are now?"

"Zulong is very cunning. The last time I found them, they were just out of the sky, but they are no longer there."

"Then forget, you go to follow up first. My three sons, the Son of Creation, and I still have big things to do now. If it can be done this time, I can not only return to the peak period, but also go further."

Between the words, Chen Ming's calm face suddenly appeared slightly awkward, staring deadly at the sky, and said in a murderous tone: "If it wasn't for more than six thousand years, the mysterious outsider emperor, I do n’t need to be reduced to this, maybe I have already become the same as the Bai inorganic, to pursue a higher supremacy. "

Long Sky nodded. He also knew about the things for more than six thousand years. When the Sixth World Jihad, Tian Dao Chen Ming was hit hard by some other world emperor and his strength retreated.

That is why Chen Ming will divide the power of the Heavenly Taoist Book to seize the luck of the plane and restore his strength.

Without that, the long sky will not necessarily be born.

"Let's go first, the three lives are coming, I have sensed his breath."

The long sky was slightly nodded, and the foot straddled, suddenly striding across a space of tens of thousands of miles, and disappeared before the rift.

Soon after the long sky disappeared, a layer of starburst appeared in the sky, constantly surrounding, forming a figure.

This person is exactly Sansheng.

Sansheng glanced in the direction of the sky-long departure, and said nothing.

"The Son of Fortune? He should almost wear Xiao Naihe's flesh together!" Chen Ming suddenly asked.

"Cultivation of this person naturally has his own decent position, let alone you, even if I can't control his will, if he wants to come, he must have come early."

"This time it matters a lot, it's about whether the three of us can be promoted to the peak of passiveness. I hope that the Son of God will not make a mistake in this aspect."

Sansheng raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in an inquiring tone: "Oh, Brother Heavenly Dao, could you have stepped into the passive late period?"

"I am not in the late stage, even worse. As long as the plan is successful this time, even if I am not in the passive stage, I can go directly to the peak of the passive."

Chen Ming has this strength, because his peak period is the late passive period.

Besides, he now wants to step into this state, at least 60% sure. If it wasn't for the immature timing, Chen Ming had already done it.

Soon, a gloom appeared in the air.

This fine mane worked and opened a crack in the void.

And a person came out of the crack, and this person was the "Son of Creation."

When Xiao Nai was close to the wild continent, she had already noticed that two huge qi and blood turned into smoke, and directly rushed into the void, only Sansheng and Chen Ming.

"Are both of you waiting for this Son?" Xiao Naihe said suddenly with a creative Son.

Sansheng said coldly: "You are late, for the sake of chemistry. You have this attitude. How can we cooperate? Wait a moment, but we need absolute trust. You should put away that attitude."

"Haha, Brother Sansheng said a lot. Anyway, Xiao Nai is gone now. Are you still afraid that the plan will not be blocked?"

Xiao Naihe deliberately came one step late. If an arrogant person such as the Son of Fortune appeared on time, it would certainly appear a little out of place.

Simply, Xiao Nai He will make no one in the eyes of the Son of Creation directly.

"This matter is not Xiao Naihe's problem ......... Forget it, we are almost gone."

"it is good."

Until now, Xiao Naihe is still pretending to be the two of them, but he just doesn't know what the three of them are going to do, and where to go now.

Xiao Nai didn't know how to cut the other party's topic for a while, and quietly set out the other party's words.


There was a burst of tearing sound in the void, a closer look, it turned out that there was a glimmer of oil before the three lives.

This ray of light tore a place in the void, showing a long cypress, which seemed to lead to some world.

"What a strong smell of sulfur, what's going on? Where are the two of them going?"

Xiao Nai began to wonder in his heart.

As they went farther and farther, this space channel even spread a kind of scorching heat, even Xiao Naihe and three of them felt the obvious heat.

"Are we at the core of the plane?" Chen Ming suddenly asked.

"It's almost the same as before." Misaki pointed to a long river of molten slurry.

Xiao Nai He was slightly shocked in his heart, they actually want to enter the core of the plane, where is the underground core of the first plane, hiding the core.

The temperature and heat carried by the core of the plane can be said to be able to burn anything.

This pure flame is completely different from the underworld industry fire. The flame in the underground core can even melt away the heavenly black stone.

It can't be melted like the underworld karma.

The melting of the underworld karma is directly using the decomposition of the underworld.

The flame of the earth's core is completely melted away directly.

Even the powerless late strongman, once devoted into the core of the earth, has life worries.

"What the **** are they doing here?"

Xiao Nai took a deep look at the two of them in front of him, thinking continuously.

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe heard Chen Ming's voice: "Three lives, although I know you want to refine all the creatures in the first plane, but I still don't know what to do with you and Dahua!"

At this time, Xiao Naiho suddenly burst into a flash of light.

This time Chen Ming really asked the time, if Xiao Naihe no longer knew the purpose of the two of them, if he continued, Xiao Naihe would sooner or later expose his flaws.

"However, it's crazy that they want to refine all the creatures in the first plane. Even masters such as Bai inorganic and Huanglin never thought about refining the whole first plane.

Xiao Nai He was also slightly shocked in his heart. If the creatures of the first plane were directly refined by them, how many people would they get the blood of.

By then, the two men didn't know how powerful they would be.

These two people directly established their promotion on all the life of the first plane, and it was simply too sad.

Although Xiao Nai thought this way, there was still a trace of indifference on his face, saying: "Sansheng, didn't you tell Chen Ming?"

Obviously, Chen Ming should not have been a group of them from the beginning, but may have been added in the middle.

"No, if we tell our secrets from the beginning, then everything will be of no value, Brother Tiandao, please forgive me."

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