Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2015: Teach you

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Sure enough, I came over.

Chi Nahuo gave Xiao Nai a deep look, and the kid knew it early in the morning.

Not only that, Xiao Nai actually behaved so calmly.

Up to now, the red war is basically certain. The reason why Xiao Nai changed his appearance is probably because of the young man behind him.

Although the young man was in the middle of the ninth layer, he was younger than the age of one.

Even if it is placed in the God Realm, it is rare in the mid-ninth middle period of less than one Jiazi, and it is a genius among geniuses.

However, Xiao Naihe should not be afraid of this son, because Xiao Naihe looks younger on the surface.

Although Chi Zhanhuo knows that Xiao Naihe is a reincarnated 'old monster', but now the age of Xiao Naihe's performance will never be more than 30 years old, which is even more terrifying.

"What kind of grievance is there between these two people, especially King Huo Luo. Although his breath is unstable, he is still King Huo Luo, and he actually follows this young man. This young man has a great future."

At this moment, Chi Zhanhuo's mind kept scraping away to see what character Wu Shenyi was, but he could not find any news about the young man.

Of course, where does Red War Fire know that Wushen Yi is not a person in God Realm, but comes from the lower realm.

However, at this time, Xiao Naihe was still very calm, and the following Huoluo and Wushen had come to the front of the red war.

The God of War has always paid a courtesy to the red war, and said politely: "This senior, the junior is courteous."

Xiao Naihe looked at Wu Shenyi's move and moved a little in his heart. "It seems that after Wu Shen passed the battle with me and was broken by my heart, although it was difficult for me to improve, but instead I got arrogant and became more Introverted and insidious. "

Looking at this approach, Xiao Nai suddenly felt that Wu Shenyi had an unfathomable taste.

But this is also the case. Xiao Nai could not be afraid of Wu Shenyi.

Wushenyi is even more powerful now. After the Dao Xin is broken, it is too difficult to be difficult to restore.

Unless he can defeat Xiao Naihe again, or humiliate Xiao Naihe to make his thoughts smooth, he can restore his mind.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible for Wushenyi to want to further his cultivation in his current state.

Xiao Naiho also saw this, so he would not have any worries.

Instead, he paid a little bit of attention to the Huo Luo King. Xiao Naihe had speculated that before the Huo Luo King was killed by himself, he deliberately separated a ray of divine spirit and left it in God Realm, even his current body is one. Spirit fetal avatar.

Although the Huoluo King is not as good as before, the soul and flesh have already entered the tributary, but the Ninth Master has a trace of soul, and can always take the rebirth at any time.

This Huo Luo King's experience is still there, and can be restored to its peak state at any time.

So Xiao Naihe already had an idea to start working on King Huo Luo.

Chi Zhanhuo gave Xiao Nai a little glance, then said: "I don't know what happened to you?"

"Senior, here is the heir to the Danting in the 3,300 world, named Wu Shenyi. This time I came to God Realm, originally to visit Senior Pan Lingzi."

"Dan Ting?"

Chi Zhanhuo shook slightly, but soon returned to normal.

But this reaction was still seen by Xiao Naihe.

Although Dan Ting is a force in the lower realm, in God Realm, the statement is not small.

Especially in Danting, there is a master, Huang Lin!

Emperor Lin is the existence of a passive state, placed in the world, the existence of the passive state is the invincible existence of this world.

Even if it is a red war, I dare not underestimate this imperial palace.

"It turned out to be Dan Ting's successor, but the old man heard something about it, but he didn't know what was going on with the old man. The old man was not a member of Dan Ting, and he had no connection with Dan Ting.

"Predecessor misunderstood. This time I came here to visit Senior Pan Lingzi. After all, Senior Pan Lingzi has a great abyss underneath. Senior came to find Pan Lingzi Alchemy, maybe there are some ways to do it."

"What is your relationship with Pan Lingzi?"

"It is ashamed to say that Senior Pan Lingzi has a half-mentor-apprentice relationship with him. Senior Pan Lingzi has coached the juniors in the future, and the two lovers of Pan Lingzi will also be the next mate.

Wu Shen smiled slightly, although the tone was very indifferent, but it could not conceal a deep and complacent tone.

On the contrary, after listening to Chi Zhanhuo, I had a little idea.

I did not expect that this young man was not only the heir of Dan Ting, but also had such a deep relationship with Pan Lingzi.

Chi Zhanhuo does have a request for Pan Lingzi. After hearing Wu Shenyi's words this time, he will inevitably have some ideas in his heart.

However, thinking of the subtle tone in this sub-tone, the idea in Chi Zhanhuo's heart was directly pinched off.

"Heir Danting, it's a big deal. As far as I know, there are several heirs in Danting, and they are fighting each other. No one should say that he is the only Danting heir . "

At this time, Xiao Naihe faced a common face, and spoke lightly.

Hearing Xiao Naihe's voice, Wu Shen frowned, and subconsciously glanced at Xiao Naihe.

At this time early in the morning, Wu Shen noticed Xiao Naihe, but Xiao Naihe's breath was ordinary, and it didn't look like a master.

So Wushen ignored Xiao Naihe early in the morning.

But now Xiao Naihe's voice points out his status, knowing that there are several heirs in Dan Ting, it shows that this person has paid attention to some situations in Dan Ting.

"This Daoist seems to know many things in my Danting."

Wu Shenyi looked at Xiao Naihe slightly and thoughtfully. Although the tone was very calm, the news contained in it was only understood by the talents.

Xiao Nai smiled faintly: "I know more about Dan Ting, maybe you know more than you know?"

This time Wushen was even displeased in his heart. He didn't expect this ‘ordinary person’ to be so rude.

What does it mean that he knows less than that person? I am one of Dan Ting's heirs. I do n’t know as much as an outsider. How is this possible?

This time even the Fire King next to him had some thoughts. I saw King Fire who was indifferent and coldly said: "Your breath is greater. Judging by your breath, it should be only around the middle of the nineth layer. I did not expect your Being so exaggerated, do you think you can boast about talking about a master who has reached the top of the ninth level? "

Obviously, Huo Luo also regarded Xiao Naihe as an ordinary cultivator.

Xiao Naiho concealed his breath in the ranks of the mid-nineth layer, even the Huoluo King could not find the depth of it.

"I just know, are you dissatisfied with Huo Luo?"

Xiao Naihe seems to be deliberately angering King Huo Luo.

"Huh, if you don't look at the face of the Daoist next to you, then you are now slamming me Huo Luo Wang, this king must have given you a lesson." Huo Luo Wang snorted.

"Oh? Since King Huo Luo wanted to teach me so much, then I might as well have taught Lord Huo Luo first."

Xiao Nai suddenly had a thought in her heart, and then shot.

I saw Xiao Nai's five fingers spread out, and with a momentum of searching the world, he shot towards Huo Luo.

With one shot, the airflow rolled around, as if countless streamers converged into a river, forming a rolling sky river, and everything had to be washed.

"Do you dare to take action? Okay, let Ben teach you this little boy who knows nothing."

Huo Luo Wang also moved the real fire, although he is not the existence of the body, and his strength is not as good as before.

However, in the current state of Huo Luowang, at least the existence of the late nineth layer, not all cats and dogs can be disrespectful.

This time, Huo Luo also started.

As soon as he started, the airflow in the original void rolled up, and he was imprisoned directly.

The waves of the river flow seemed to be frozen.

As soon as the power of the acupuncture point in the Huo Luo King was opened, he punched out with a punch, and the punch was violent, as if swallowing thousands of worlds.

"World and earth live together."

Suddenly, the thought of King Huo Luo was full of hot smell. When his punch broke out, the airflow around him seemed to become a fiery world, flooding the whole sky.

The strong airflow rolled up, as if to wrap up Xiao Naihe as a whole and bombard it.

Huo Luowang's approach is not to kill Xiao Naihe, but to break Xiao Nai He Xiuwei.

Since the Huo Luo King has been unable to grasp the mind of the red war, this red war is a real ninth peak. Although the Huo Luo can see that the flame of the red war is unstable, his strength may be between him and his own, but once desperately, Neither side is easy to say.

Therefore, Huo Luo did not want to provoke the red war with Xiao Naihe being exterminated.

"King Huo Luo, your punching is really too gentle. It seems that I am going to teach you what is called punching."

While King Huo was thinking about the Red War, Xiao Naiho's voice came again.

This time Xiao Naihe's tone was more domineering.

"Fist in."

Xiao Naihe drank coldly and shrank his fingers to form a punch.

It was just such a punch, and the powerful punches suddenly gathered, and the thoughts in Xiao Naihe's body were twisted together.

"Buzz buzz!"

In this fist, there was a strong roar, just like a real dragon traveling to the sky, giving a roar.

"True Dragon Fist?"

King Huo Luo felt a bad feeling in his heart. This punch was too familiar, and King Huo Luo thought of a terrible person.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Xiao Naihe seemed to have played enough, only to see Xiao Naihe's right hand swept across his face, a white light flashed, Xiao Naihe showed his true face of Lushan.

"It's me, why don't you know King Huo Luo?"

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