Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2008: The Pursuit of Heaven and Earth (Part 2)

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"Star Avenue!"

Xiao Naihe's eyes narrowed and his tone suddenly became calm.

After refining part of the memories of Greedy Wolf and Star Ancestor, he has been very keen on Star Avenue.

At this time, as soon as the man in black robe practised Taoism, and used the power of the sun, the moon, and the stars to form a punishment, Xiao Nai immediately recognized it.

"What is the Avenue of Stars?"

Chi Zhanhuo's eyes shrank, he not only heard the Avenue of Stars for the first time, but he didn't know what it was.

Xiao Naihe did not explain, because a pattern appeared above, which seemed to contain the entire universe, mapping the tens of thousands of miles in this area.

"Shen Lei."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise over the sky, and a huge divine thunder turned into a sword spirit, rising into the sky with a great momentum.


The majestic spirit of the thunder and sword came down in the pattern, as if to reverse everything in the world and pack everything up.

"Break me, heavenly sword."

With a fierce scream, the remaining arm suddenly condensed a stream of air, which turned into a strong sword gas and circulated continuously.

Eventually, the airflow chaos into another, forming another sword gas.

The two sword qi collided with each other in the void, creating a strong shock wave.

Click and click.

The entire river surface was directly tossed up, and almost a million pounds of river water were turned up at this time, forming a huge water tornado, circling in all directions.


The red warfare was shocked by a vain sword qi, and the eyes became Venus, and the whole person became weaker.

However, it can be seen that the red warfare stabilized in the void, and then the five fingers extended and contracted, forming a momentum to search the world.

"Catch me."

Although Chizhanhuo only has one arm, its strength remains.

As soon as he catches in the void, he will absorb the man who is on the Avenue of the Stars.


The man sneered.

At this moment, a shadow emerged in an instant.

Another person beside the black robe man suddenly came over, raised his arm, and hit it with a punch.

That kind of momentum is just like smashing the whole world into a huge hole.


This punch has not yet hit Chi Zhanhuo's body, and the aura brought by the air seems to shoot Chi Zhanhuo as a whole person below.

Chi Zhanhuo seems to be bearing the most horrible weight in the whole world, and his body makes a clicking sound up and down.

That is the flesh and bones rubbing against each other, almost to be squeezed into a patty.

Just a gas field has such power.

If a whole fist is smashed on Chi Zhanhuo's body, one has to smash the entire Chi Zhanhuo into powder.

"Dragon Fist."

But at this time, Xiao Nai started.

He hit with a punch and collided with the fist of this huge mysterious man.

Xiao Naihe's fist has a real dragon fist, as if roaring.

The fist of the mysterious man has a fist of destruction, as if to devour everything.

The punches of the two men collided with each other and were shaken away from each other.

Especially Xiao Naihe, who was so shocked by this boxing intent that he was **** and tumbling, almost boring his chest, the whole soul would be smashed out.

"Awesome guy."

Xiao Naihe's pupils shrank, and his spirit avatar could almost be compared to the peak of the ninth level. With some cards, half of the half-step passive could not kill this spirit avatar.

But the other party was simply a punch, and actually retreated from the whole person.

Lifting his head, the mysterious man's clothes had been cracked apart, exposing golden skin, and his muscles showed strong lines of power.

Only the other party's eyes showed a daze.

"Not a living person?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, how could he not see that the other party is not a real life, but a certain kind of existence.

It may have been produced by Taoism, or it may be the same as Xiao Naihe.

"The passive early stage without life."

Xiao Nai took a deep breath, if anyone got this passive early stage of life, it would be comparable to a passive Taoist.

It can be said that no one can kill as long as they don't meet those passive masters who have exceeded their strength.

If Xiao Naihe can get this passive primordial embryo, and with all his current cards, Xiao Naihe can walk sideways in addition to the white inorganics in the whole God Realm.

"Bai Fei actually has such a background. In order to kill people, he not only took action in isolation, but also sent such two masters."

One is the cultivation of the Avenue of Stars, and the other is the spiritual tire of the early passive.

The spirit fetus now obeyed the order to come to kill Xiao Naihe and Chi Zhanhuo.

"The pen is born and the embroidery is beautiful, and the sword is swayed by the wind and thunder."

The mysterious person in front suddenly said a word, the **** thunder sword qi in the void changed, formed a whirlpool of **** thunder, and immediately shrouded the body of Chi Zhanhuo.

Chi Zhanhuo only felt that his body was locked and he could not escape no matter how he moved.

"This feeling……"

Suddenly, the flames of fire struck the whole body with a strange look.

The master came down with a single knife, and the Shenlei vortex came over, tearing away the body of Chi Zhanhuo.

At that moment, the red war was shaking, and the blood was tumbling, which was a little uncomfortable because of this force.

Subsequently, the mysterious man showed a young look, his expression was indifferent, and the stars flashed in his eyes.

What a handsome and handsome boy.

However, after Chi Zhanhuo saw this person, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he condensed directly, staring at each other.

"It's you ..."

Chi Zhanhuo's tone narrowed.

The man looked at Chizhan Huo indifferently, with a cold tone: "Chizun Chizhan Huo, we finally met again. After waiting for you for nearly 20,000 years, I know that you will come here to restore your strength."

"I didn't think that you actually turned to Bai inorganic for surrender."

At this time, Xiao Nai withdrew his body and looked at the two people.

He heard from the tone of the two that Chi Zhanhuo and the other knew each other, and Xiao Naihe also guessed the relationship between the two.

"It turns out that you are the one who chased the red warfare, and Wenquxing, one of the nine-star overlords."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and a figure appeared in the memory of the greedy wolf.

The person in front of him is precisely one of the nine-star overlords.

Now that most of the nine-star overlord has appeared, the greed wolf is dead, the blood gentleman and Yueguan are missing, and the broken army and Xiao Naihe do not know the trace.

What surprised Xiao Nai, Wen Quxing would appear here.

"You actually know our nine-star overlord!"

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