Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1962: Unexpected opponent

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Xiao Nai He raised his eyebrows, and this breath instantly locked himself, as if it had turned into a huge network of consciousness, and wrapped himself up.

That kind of mental sweeping can only be done by the masters of the Nineth Peak, and the ordinary Nineth Peak still exists.

"who is it?"

Xiao Nai He thought, and suddenly turned his own consciousness.

The consciousness is like a sword. Xiao Nai has since merged part of the power of Chen Daoxuan's Heavenly Dao and transformed it into a kind of consciousness to attack the supernatural power.

A consciousness knife suddenly came out, directly cutting off the net of consciousness in nothingness, and slashing that huge net of consciousness.


At that time, Xiao Naihe could even hear the strange noise from the void.

"The man's consciousness was recovered just now. Who is this? There are quite a lot of masters in this conference, but the strength of this master is estimated to have reached the level of Night King and Huo Luo King."

Xiao Naihe had a bright heart, and took back his knives of consciousness.

If he is willing, he can use his own astronomical star map to calculate the position of the other party.

Since Tianji's star map merged with Xiao Naihe's power of stars, as Xiao Naihe became more and more aware of the Avenue of Stars, this heavenly star map became more and more profound.

Xiao Nai can count more and more things.

But here, Xiao Naihe did not want to expose his astronomical star map.

Unless Xiao Nai cultivated the Avenue of Stars to the Ninefold Realm, he would be willing to run the celestial star map in front of outsiders at will.

"This person just came to test me for failing, and used the means of sweeping the mind, and spent a lot of energy. It was just to test me. This person is not simple."

Xiao Naihe did not continue to pursue, because the quarterfinals have already begun.

Zhang Yijun was wearing a Zongfu coat and a gold crown, like a real dragon on earth.

Every move reveals an aura of immortality.

"This time the Phoenix is ​​over the third level of the assessment, the selection of the quarter-finals, for three consecutive days, during which there is a one-hour break. Now, 16 participants are invited to enter their names into the ranking picture above.

Soon, a brilliant picture scroll came up, as if it were a thousand miles of mountains and rivers, locking the picture scroll in Xiao Naihe's hands.

This picture was created by the magic edict of the magic palace and was used as a treasure for the ranking of participants.

"go with."

A light flashed in Xiao Naihe's hand, and a jade slip flew between Xiao Naihe's hands, and escaped into the three hundred-mile scroll.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe's name appeared in the top 16.

The names of Ye Mo and Luo Yun are golden, and one **** is Ye Mo in the final. The other was Luo Yun who was sent to the semifinals.

"The quarter-finals are also a life and death game. Once the two sides agree to the game, it is equivalent to signing the life and death game. As long as there is no opening for help, we will not shoot."

Zhang Yijun said slowly.

This kind of game is definitely a situation of life and death. Masters who have cultivated to this level, all of them are carrying the divine power and killing everybody.

For example, before the confrontation between Xiao Naihe and Lei Jiuao, as well as the contest between Xiao Naihe and another eighth cultivator, both of them died in the hands of Xiao Naihe.

Similarly, in other games, there were many dead people. Xiao Naihe didn't pay much attention to the filmmakers in it.

"The first exam, Tang Beiling played against Confucius."

Xiao Naihe glanced at him. One of the players was in the middle of Jiuzhong and the other was in the late Jiuzhong.

As soon as these two people appeared, they immediately formed a strong lethal field.

"Hey, it's interesting. As soon as the two went up, they just started playing."

"No nonsense, neat and tidy, it's not bad. It's a pity that the land girl is only in the middle of the 9th layer."

"This method of random drawing really depends on luck. Maybe the one with the worst strength is likely to encounter a higher-level master at the first level."

Everyone's eyes turned, and the stage had already begun.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't care. He used this period of time, but began to simulate the exercise of the Avenue of Stars.

He certainly wouldn't be under the eyes of all eyes, directly into the inner world to practice, but he has reached a critical moment in the cultivation of the Avenue of Stars, and it just needs a lot of exercises.

Xiao Naihe's consciousness is very powerful. If it is not combined with the power of heaven and earth, otherwise Xiao Naihe can't use such a complex star power drill in his mind.

It is the power of Heaven's Tao that makes his own consciousness more powerful.

"If Chen Beixuan didn't die, according to his current power of consciousness, it is estimated that only those top passives can be comparable."

Xiao Na couldn't help thinking.

The competition soon ended, and Xiao Naihe also deduced his own practice of the Avenue of Stars in his own mind, and had vaguely touched more insights on the Avenue of Stars.

Time continued, Xiao Naihe glanced at his ranking, knowing that it was not his turn, but he didn't know which one was fighting against himself.

But no matter who it is, Xiao Naihe is not afraid now.

"The second hurdle, the Huofeng genre Xiao Nai played against Dongfang Tang!"

Zhang Yijun's solemn voice came like a thunder, squeezed out in all directions, and shocked everyone with rumbling ears.

"Dongfang Tang and that Xiao Nai?"

"Is this gap too big?"

"The Eastern Tang Dynasty is a genius disciple in the Phoenix Sect, and Xiao Nai is the person of the Huofeng Branch. Not to mention that the Huofeng Branch is simply a small sect. That Xiao Nai, no matter how powerful, is far from the East Don. "

"That's not necessarily true. Dongfang Tang is really powerful. But since Xiao Naihe can even kill Lei Jiuao, his own strength is estimated to be in the late period of Jiuzhong. It's really fighting, it's hard to say the outcome."

"Then let's wait and see."


Xiao Naihe didn't notice that because of his confrontation with Eastern Tang, it caused a lot of discussion.

Xiao Naihe is indeed a dark horse. In the eyes of these people, Xiao Naihe was born, and it is already the limit to reach the top 16.

If you are lucky, you might choose a weaker opponent, and you might get into the quarterfinals.

Just encountered the Eastern Tang Dynasty, then everything is too mysterious.

"Xiao Naihe, I didn't expect to meet him. It's just the quarterfinals. I want to enter the quarterfinals. This person can't stop him."

Dongfang Tang said lightly, and as soon as his thoughts moved, the figure was like the wind, and he was already on the ring.

The huge ring-shaped platform enveloped tens of thousands of miles and spread long.

In the sky, there are hundreds of light curtains enclosing together, showing all the actions in the ring in it.

"Come up."

Dongfang Tang's voice is very indifferent. In his eyes, defeating a little-known Xiao Naihe, it was a matter of hand.

Xiao Nai is no nonsense, stepping on it, as if stepping on the lotus, tearing the void, but a few breathing time, has come to the Eastern Tang.

"Space shuttle, good skills. Unfortunately, the person you meet is me, if you meet other people, you may have the opportunity to enter the quarterfinals."

A flash of surprise flashed in Dongfang Tang's eyes, and soon disappeared.

"No more nonsense, just start playing."

"Well, don't think that if you kill a Lei Jiuao, you will be invincible. In my eyes, Lei Jiuao, a young man like this, can kill as much as I want."


"You admit defeat, as soon as I shoot, that is to see the blood, you can do it for yourself."

Dongfang Tang said slowly, when looking at Xiao Naihe, there was a disdain in his eyes.

Xiao Nai shook his head. When he looked at Dongfang Tang, he was not looking at a clown.

Realizing the meaning in Xiao Naihe's eyes, Eastern Tang suddenly changed his face and said coldly: "Since you don't want to admit defeat, then I'm welcome. The first move, I want you to lose."

As soon as the voice fell, the Eastern Tang's palms pushed, and suddenly a gust of wind came out, and countless days of voices fluctuated.

Huh ...

The wind sounded like a divine music in the void, a murderous musical note flickering and turning into a substantive brilliance.

"This is the Jiuzhongtianyin, this Eastern Tang first attacked fiercely, and really did not show mercy."

Jian Feng frowned.

A middle-aged man next to him smiled faintly: "No one dares to keep their hands in this kind of game. Even if they have the certainty of winning, they must go all out."

"Uncle Shi said, unfortunately I still wanted to compete with this Xiao Nai, but I didn't expect to meet Dongfang Tang."

Jian Feng's tone was full of regret.

"Maybe you will fight with Dongfang Tang, you must take a good look at Dongtang Tang's means. Although Xiao Naihe is not as good as Dongfang Tang, it should be able to last for a while."

After the middle-aged teacher finished speaking, he stopped speaking.

The entire Yanwuchang suddenly experienced a spatial distortion, and the substantial light of countless musical notes flashed, directly surrounding Xiao Naihe, and it was about to be pierced.

"God fist."

Xiao Naihe glanced at him, and his body was full of acupuncture points.


Suddenly, the countless musical notes were all dispelled by Xiao Naihe under the breaking of the punch.

"Huh? It's a bit of a skill, I still look down on you."

Dongfang Tang froze for a moment, then smiled.

"No wonder Lei Jiuao is not your opponent. You do have the strength to enter the quarterfinals, but the person you met is me."

Next, the Oriental Tang's five fingers grabbed a huge vortex in the void.

Inside the vortex, there is an infinite blade of true energy, which forms a strong airflow.

It seems to break away from the void, to smash the void and break the vacuum.

Xiao Naihe glanced at it again, and it was another punch. This punch was plain and unremarkable, but with the force of his boxing power, combined with the power of his own acupuncture, the void was re-stitched in one fell swoop.

Xiao Nai's indifferent voice suddenly came out: "The God of Fate!"

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