Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1838: Gods at dusk

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Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief. He killed King Huo Luo and Bei Songyang one after another. He had also dealt with Chen Beixuan before and hurried over.

Even if the strength in his body is constant now, he has also consumed a lot of energy.

However, Xiao Naihe did not hesitate. He took out a few nine-quality Juyuan Dan from his own space-time world and recovered most of his energy.

Just when he was relieved, suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.


A sky of thunder descended from the sky, and with a click, torn through the sky of prohibition.

"Kylin Thunderstorm!"

A leisurely voice came from a certain depth in the void, and it seemed that there was an ancient and unfathomable power in the voice.

When Xiao Naihe heard this voice, there was a kind of spirit that was slightly shaken, it seemed that the whole person was going to be absorbed.

"If you come to France!"

Xiao Naihe slapped with both palms, and his heart moved, and then there was a golden light in his eyebrows.

When this golden light converged into the void, it seemed that countless streams of light merged together to form a huge Buddha statue.

The Buddha statue seems to be an unfathomable force from the ancient times. It is a majestic, immovable Buddha, like a mountain and a sea like a prison.


The unicorn **** thunder in the sky has already descended on Xiao Naihe's head.

That is definitely beyond the limits of the sky and thunder, and does not belong to the status of this sky, but it seems to be gathered from Taiyu, there is a kind of ‘thunder’ light born in heaven and earth!

"This is ... half-step passive."

Xiao Naihe's pupils shrank, and in this cold time, this **** thundered a loophole, that is, waiting for Xiao Naihe's most dangerous moment to attack himself in a flash.

Someone must have figured out the best time, and at this time the weakest self broke out with a killing blow.

"Vajra is not bad!"

A flash of light broke out in Xiao Naihe's eyes, and then a wave of **** thunder shattered Xiao Naihe's Buddha statue and smashed it **** Xiao Naihe's body.

An ancient **** thunder came down, even if it is the master of the nineth peak, simply using the physical body to resist, it may be smashed into smoke in a flash.

However, Xiao Naihe is now physically strong, and the King Kong in the Wu Dao is not bad. Using the Buddhist and Taoist phases, he has stimulated his flesh and blood power to the limit.

"Six Dao true bodies, the sixth weight, Tian Dao true bodies."

Since absorbing the power of Heavenly Dao, Xiao Naihe's comprehension of the true body of Heaven's Dao is even better than that of the previous days.

It is a real body that cannot be shaken between heaven and earth, and neither Heaven nor the Dao can destroy Xiao Naihe's physical strength.


This divine thunder hit Xiao Naihe's head, but instead of entering Xiao Naihe's body, he shook it on the surface of his body.


A stream of electric current seemed to be a dragon snake, wanting to tear off Xiao Naihe's body.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate. He just used the strength of the six real bodies to forcibly protect his body.


But at this moment, the **** of thunder became more powerful in the next breathing time.

The **** thunder that bombarded Xiao Naihe actually increased the strength, making everything twisted in the thousands of miles, which is not inferior to the force that broke out when the Huoluo King burned his blood, even more powerful.


At this time, Xiao Naihe's flesh was actually shattered into pieces by this burst of thunder, and this time together with the soul of the gods turned into fly ash.

"What? How could the Son be killed?"

The disciples in the Yantian Pavilion below saw a sudden horror in their hearts after seeing Xiao Naihe's flesh and soul at this time.

One by one looked at the **** thunder in the void, and then looked at the flesh and the soul soul fragments that had been bombarded into powder. A desperate thought spread all over the heart.

Xiao Naihe has become a totem for all the disciples in Yantian Pavilion, and now he is bombed into fragments in front of them alive.

That kind of despair seemed to fall into the **** from the clouds in an instant.

At this time, Lian Yun Weixue's face became pale.

"Haha, Xiao Naihe, you are finally dead."

That was the voice of Zong Sheng. Within the best time of Zong Sheng's selection, the ancient God Thunder broke out and bombarded Xiao Naihe.

Now Xiao Naihe's flesh and soul are bombed into pieces, even the master of the nineth peak, will certainly die and cannot be resurrected.

At that moment, it can be said that it has all the power of Zong Sheng.

A whole layer of thunderlight condensed throughout the entire thousands of miles of space.

The Night King and the Immortal Elders standing underneath, glared at this time, but did not act lightly, but stared at the shattered fragments of the soul and the massive body in the void.

"The great Nirvana of the heavens, Nirvana is born again!"

"The spirit of God is not scattered, resurrected in place!"

Xiao Naihe's voice seemed to come from the ancient times, and it rang leisurely throughout the sky.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe, who was originally bombarded into fragments of Divine Soul, slowly gathered the Divine Soul Body together.

And the pieces of his flesh, also under the thick monstrous demon power, slowly recovered to his true body.

"What?" Zong Sheng's face changed greatly, and his eyes were horrified.

However, at this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in Zong Sheng's mind, as if he had thought of something like: "The Imperial Dust Witch Book and the Heavenly Demon Scriptures are complete?"

At this time, the disciples in Yantian Pavilion underneath saw Xiao Naihe resurrected and froze at once. It was a feeling of falling from heaven to hell, and then re-entering heaven from hell.

Even when Daijun's ancestor saw this place, he turned his eyes and was shocked.

"How come? Even more powerful, if the soul and flesh are completely smashed and turned into fragments, it will definitely die. How can the Son be resurrected on the spot, what magical power is it?" Zhu Jia said horrorly, unable to describe it with words. The shock in my heart at this time.

There is such a magical power in the world. Even Zhu Jia, the proud daughter of heaven, feels incredible.

"The Divine Son has supernatural powers, and it is no longer possible for us people to speculate. I estimate that among the four realms, as long as there is no source, I am afraid that no one in the world can kill His Highness."

Ancestor Dai Jun exhaled gently, his voice trembling slightly.

Yes, Dai Jun ’s ancestors were actually right. If Xiao Naihe used to keep the soul of the gods before, even if the spirit of the gods was torn, they could be resurrected in place.

Then the flesh is also a weakness.

At the peak of the Nineth Layer, although Xiao Naihe had a five-fold real body, he could not really resist all attacks.

If the **** thunder fell like Zong Sheng just now, Xiao Naihe's five-fold real body could not resist, and he would definitely die.

But now there is the "Big Nirvana of the Heavens" to rebirth. As long as it is not the passive master's method of destroying the original body of the flesh, even if Xiao Naihe's flesh is cut into pieces, he can be reborn like the Phoenix.

Both soul and flesh can be reborn and resurrected, as long as the passive state does not take action, no one in the world can really kill Xiao Naihe.

This is the biggest benefit that Xiao Nai pushed to half-step passive in one pass.


At this time, another voice came.

When Xiao Nai heard it, he immediately heard the identity of the other party.

"Watching the sea?"

Presumably watching the sea, I did not expect that Zong Sheng would actually explode with a killing blow at that time, and he did something to Xiao Nai.

At this time, the sea watching torn the void, revealing a hand.

Five fingers squeezed to form a fist, which hit Gulai fiercely and smashed Zong Sheng on him.

Zong Sheng originally exploded all his strength to attack Xiao Naihe. He did not expect that Xiao Naihe could not be killed, and he also spent a lot of power.

Now that the sea watched with a punch, Zong Sheng was too late to resist, and quickly ran the whole body of mind, with his hands blocked.

Bang Bang Bang!

Zong Sheng's body was knocked open, back and forth, his face slightly pale.

In the end, Zong Sheng saw Xiao Naihe deeply. When he gritted his teeth, he immediately tore the void and escaped directly into the void tunnel.

Seeing here, Xiao Naihe already knew the situation between these two people.

Guan Hai also disappeared at this time, he was chasing Zong Sheng over there.

"Master, the caster of the **** thunder just now seems to be the master who was projecting in Yantian Pavilion that day." The voice of the Night King reached Xiao Naihe's mind.

Xiao Nai nodded: "He is Zong Sheng, and he just followed him to watch the sea. Both of them are alien life, afraid that they survived the Six World Jihad. I did not expect Zong Sheng to have such a good chance to catch , Hands on me at that time. "

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly. ;

If it weren't for him to step into a half-step passive state now, I'm afraid that the **** of thunder could just bomb his own flesh, and even the resurrection of the soul would be useless.

It's really dangerous.

"Shall we catch up?" The immortal elder asked.

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and now he had recovered, his eyes glared, his eyes flashed, and he looked into the sky.

"Several, since they have already arrived, why haven't they shown up yet?"

At this time, the sky was slowly darkening, showing the scene of dusk.

Before the setting sun, a ray of light suddenly condensed from the void.

Then I only saw two figures in front.

Among these two, one was covered with magical energy, and a monstrous force flashed in his eyes. Between each move, they revealed a far more evil atmosphere than the ancient magic road.

This person is Jun Yongye.

The other person, dressed in a gray coat, but with a handsome appearance, also has a sky-like power in his eyebrows, and when he opens his eyes, he conveys an invincible breath.

He is the flower phase.

"I didn't expect the two of you to appear? Are you looking at the joke of Yantiange?" Xiao Naihe smiled slightly, his hands behind his back.

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