Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1791: True Dragon

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"An ancient dragon?"

That figure, Shenwei, is definitely Taikoo Zhenlong.

The huge dragon had a length of nearly a thousand feet, and the long envelope shone down, and all the dragon scales recovered a transcendent power.

And that kind of supernatural horror is extremely extreme. If a creator sees this ancient ancient dragon at this time, if one is not careful, it may be crushed by this dragon.

Archaic Zhenlong in the Archaic period, but once dominated the three realms of man, demon and demon.

In this way, the behemoth began to be weakened after Tiandao and Taikoo Christmas.

Especially in the period of the ancient times, there was plenty of luck in the world, and there were countless masters who reunited in the void, and many people began to slaughter the dragon.

Archaic dragons are all treasures, whether it is dragon blood or dragon scales, they can be made into immortality and Taoism.

Although the former has paid a heavy price in the long battle between the monk and the ancient dragon, but in the end, the ancient dragon's reproductive ability is far less than that of humans, and it has been slowly replaced.

After arriving at Taikoo and in the middle of the ancient times, the Taikoo True Dragon should be completely extinct.

For tens of thousands of years, there is no news of Taikoo Zhenlong.

Compared with Taikoo Zhenlong, the ancient fierce beast is a piece of cake.

Archaic Zhenlong was born in the realm of the reunion of the void, and once he became an adult, he immediately became the level of the founder of the world, and he took the world by air.

"It's really an ancient dragon."

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved. Although he had calmed down, he was still a little curious.

Although he already has the experience of being a man of two generations, and he has integrated true dragon essence and blood, he is not a real ancient dragon.

In front of him is the real Archaic Dragon, even Xiao Naihe, this is the first time to see such a dragon!

"It turned out to be an ancestral dragon. Didn't you think you didn't die? In that big battle that year, I clearly saw that you were already a dragon body bursting, and the soul was smashed. Even if the original unity exists, it can't survive, how can it not die? ? "

Tiandao ontology seems to know this true dragon.


A glimmer of light suddenly broke out in Zulong's eyes, and Xiao Naihe saw many meanings in this Zulong's eyes, including anger, madness, murder, and so on.

"It turns out that it is an ancestral dragon. I have heard that in the time of the ancient real dragon, there was a true dragon called the invincible among the real dragons, called the ancestral dragon. The invincible ancestor of the dragon is the original one. There is a strong divine power, but obviously it is not stepping into the passive realm, there should be no unity of origin. "

Xiao Nai moved slightly in his heart.

Zulong's reputation is too great. At that time, Xiao Naihe also read about Zulong in some books.

Zulong is the first true dragon among the archaic true dragons, which is equivalent to the existence of the invincible among the four realms.

For example, the white inorganic in the God Realm, the north and south clothing in the Demon Realm, and the ancient holy Saint in the human world exist at these levels.

However, in a certain war, many experts from Taikoo united to fight against this ancestral dragon. Finally, I heard that the ancestral dragon was slaughtered. I didn't expect it to appear here.

"Zulong, you actually collaborated with this traitor, it really disappointed me. Although you are far less than before, but now there is only one real dragon left, where was your invincible status of that dragon? Go? Actually it has fallen to this point, trust me, as long as I can complete the third generation of the six origins and achieve the merits, I can restore the peak period, which may help you restore the strength of the Zulong period. "

The heaven and the earth follow the temptation.

"God, do you really think I will be fooled again?"

Tiandao saw that Zulong's strength was far less than the previous peak period, but Tiandao is also the same, not in the peak state.

Rao is now even more powerful, and he is still very afraid of Zulong.

"It's a pity that you are obsessed with confusion, and I can only tell you by action that this is no longer the age of your dragon."

As soon as the sound fell, the body of Heavenly Dao suddenly took a step towards the front.

"Tianwei can't be blasphemous, God's God!"

A sound appeared suddenly in the voice of Heavenly Dao, which seemed to contain an irresistible divine power.

"God, you look down on me too much."

Zulong roared, and the dragon claws came out, and the airflow exploded in the entire void, as if all the stars outside the domain were torn apart.

The strength of Longwei is not under Tianwei.

Rao is why Xiao Nai saw this place and could not help but secretly praised it.

One day at a time, one of the two most powerful forces in the world, at this time, a strong collision occurred from the outer starry sky, the stars suddenly fell, and countless airflows burst out

This force seems to contain a smell of destruction and rebirth, and there is a big need to regain control of the entire outer sky.

Subsequently, these two rays of light continued to explode, and bursts of noise came from all directions, like countless thunders.

"The heaven and the earth are boundless, ten years of life and death!"

The sound of the sky was also spreading at this time, and the book of heavenly Dao in his hand suddenly glowed with countless lights, and it would be shrouded in Zulong's body.

"Long sky. Your opponent is me."

Tian Daotong smiled coldly, and a scripture book appeared in his hand at the same time. The scripture was exactly the same as the long sky. The only thing that was a little weird was that the Taoist book in Tian Daotong's hand had a supreme power.

"Huh, you don't deserve it."

"Really? Why didn't you try it?"

Tian Daotong's body seemed to sway with tears of tears, and he quickly caught up with him.

The book of heaven and Taoism that only two people saw later seemed to be two huge planets, and the lions kept colliding in the air, generating a strong spark.

Bang Bang Bang, click.

A loud noise, the starry sky within 100,000 miles, suddenly became extremely shining.

"God, you shot me at the beginning, united with the masters in the human world, destroyed the body of the dragon, and shattered the soul. If it were not for the dragon at the most critical moment, he separated a part of his flesh and blood. 60% of the strength has been restored. Are you afraid that you would not expect today? "

This Zulong's eyes burst into a star-like light.

"Your Heavenly Path holds the world, but suddenly my archaic Zhenlong takes the lead in the world, and the joint masters shoot me at the archaic Zhenlong. Genocide, don't wear heaven!"

There was another roar. The sound of Zulong seemed to contain infinite thunder. It immediately shattered the star stones in a radius of 100,000 square meters, and shattered all the star stones into powder.

"Heaven, I know you were attacked by that person during the Six Worlds Jihad, and now your personality is damaged, and you fell from the altar of unity." Zulong smiled coldly.

"You don't have to be too premature, your ancestral dragon is not bad? You are just recovering 60% of the strength now, which is no better than me."

The sound of Heavenly Path was cold. When one shot, the golden light between the five fingers overlapped, and a long mountain range was formed, and the entire ancestor dragon was suppressed in the outer starry sky.

But at this time, there was a sudden wave of boxing in the void, as if smashing from countless spaces.


Breaking a space is another space.

A fist of fusion of humanity, witchcraft and demonism, and the dragon's will of real dragons come together.

From a punch, the God Wheel is revealed in thousands of miles.

"Promise against the current, Dragon Fist!"

Xiao Naihe's boxing intention broke out not far away, as if the stars around him gathered at this time against Xiao Naihe.

His fist actually formed a dragon roar, not even under Zulong.

Dragon Breath!

The three powers of the powerful real dragon and the **** buddha merge into one, and the three-level spiritual power of the Divine Mind converges into one, smashing the entire spiritual mountain range.

This force of crushing Gula was crushed down, and both the main body of Heavenly Path and Zulong had to temporarily avoid the edge.

"It turns out that although there is a strong humane breath in this law, there is my true dragon blood. If this dragon is not wrong, you should have integrated a minor real dragon's blood, and your current The physical strength is no longer under the dragon. "

There was also a trace of surprise in Zulong's voice.

Xiao Naihe's fist, like Wu Po Xinghe, even at the moment the body of Tiandao felt a strong danger and could not help avoiding the edge.

"Now that the general trend is gone, stay unaware. Xiao Shengzi, Zulong, and you traitor, I will never forget the shame of today."


A gust of wind rolled up, and the entire extraterrestrial sky became chaotic at this time, as if the meteorite had to fall down in hundreds of thousands of miles.

The heavenly figure slowly became unreal.

"The heaven and the earth are boundless.

At this time, the book of heavenly Dao in the hands of the sky suddenly flew up, forming a white light avenue in front of it, leading to an unknown distance.

The body of the heavenly path and the long sky and the sky set foot on this white light avenue.

"Dafa Seal."

Xiao Nai's five fingers spread out, the French seal was empty, and he shot it fiercely.

However, when this image was taken, it swept over the sky and sky, and the sky and sky were already illusory, as if the entity was not here.

"Unreal space?"

Xiao Nai knew at first glance that the sky and sky had transferred his partial body to another place.

"Xiao Naihe." After a long day's glance, only a slight glance at Tian Daotong, he locked his eyes on Xiao Naihe, and said in a very indifferent tone: "The next time I see you again, I will Will become stronger and stronger than you think. The third generation of the six sources must be completed! "

"Haha, I'm waiting for you."

Xiao Nai is not afraid!

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