Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1706: Villain

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Nalan is invincible like an enemy. The blood in his body instantly boils.

Not because of excitement, but to feel Xiao Naihe's eyes at the moment, a strong danger emerged from the thought in the entire mind.

It was the moment when a strong dangerous idea erupted, Nalan Invincible had a feeling that his soul would be shattered into pieces.

That's why I saw Nalan's invincible energy and blood turn, and the spiritual power of Shennian burst out at this time.

But now everyone's attention on the court was attracted by Wu Shenyi, and he didn't notice the actions of Nalan Wuci and Xiao Naihe.

"Xiao Shengzi, do you know Nalan is invincible?"

At this moment, Lai Yang's voice came, and it rang slightly in Xiao Naihe's ear.

Others on the scene didn't notice, but Nalan Invincible instantly noticed that there was a fluctuation between Xiao Naihe and Shennian.

Looking down, I saw Xiao Naihe's eyes locked on Nalan's invincible body.

"Brother Lai knows that Nalan is invincible?"

"Having heard of his reputation, Nalan is invincible in the Nine Heavens. He is also a young genius. He has been practicing for less than a century, and now he has stepped into the realm of a dollar. Experts claim that Nalan Invincible will be able to become the level of the Ninth Supreme Master in the future. "

Between the words, Lai Yang's eyes also looked at Nalan invincible.

Lai Yang looks very young on the surface, younger than Nalan Invincible, but the true age is much larger than Nalan Invincible.

"A genius less than a century old?"

Xiao Nai said secretly.

But also, even the self of the previous life was only able to withstand the state of the creator when he was practicing for a hundred years.

In comparison, Nalan Invincible is indeed a genius.

Unless Beinanyi inherited the Heavenly Demon Codes and was selected by the Heavenly Demon Codes, otherwise let alone one hundred years, even five hundred years, they may not be able to enter the realm of the creator.

However, compared with other people, Nalan Invincible nowadays, like Wu Shenyi, Tian Daotong, Long Tianlong, and Liu Xiu, they have a bad background.

Wu Shenyi and Liu Xiu, both younger than one hundred years old, have entered the ninth realm of one yuan each. This talent is even more amazing than Nalan Invincible.

However, we can't ignore that these two people have the help of other experts, there are nobles around, and they have accumulated a lot of details.

If you don't have the abnormal talents of these younger generations, otherwise Nalan Invincible is indeed a genius!

"How could Nalan Invincible's daughter have feelings with this God of Martial Arts? According to intelligence, Naran Invincible followed his own daughter and connected him, Wu Shenyi and Huolu King together to show their sincerity. "

A trace of fineness flashed in Lai Yang's eyes, and he took a step forward.

"Brother Xiao, why did you know this person? Although Nalan Invincible is a good genius, I heard that he has a bad heart and is very careful. On the surface, it can't be seen, but anyone gets it. He, this invincible Naran will deal with it in secret, but be careful. "

"is it?"

Xiao Nai looked indifferent.

"Haha, but Brother Xiao is not afraid of these with your strength. If a person is powerful to a certain level, he is not afraid of any conspiracy."

Lai Yang does not worry about Xiao Naihe at this point, just like Lai Yang now, the strength of the late Jiu Zhong, even if he offended Nalan invincible, it is nothing.

Because the difference in strength between the two is too great, don't look at the two people are in the Jiuzhong realm, but one has just stepped into the early stage of the Jiuzhong, the other is already a master in the late Jiuzhong, is a world of difference.

What conspiracy, conspiracy is not a problem for the master with strong strength.

Just like Xiao Naihe, his current strength, even if Nalan invincible wants to deal with him, all kinds of strategies are useless to Xiao Naihe.

Unless you can call the master of the original unity to deal with yourself, but how can the master of the original unity be easy to move.

And now there are three passive realms in the 3,300 world.

Therefore, it can be said that in this 3,300 world, no one can deal with Xiao Nai anymore. Nalan is invincible, and Wushen can't do anything, even Beisongyang and Junyongye.

"Today is the day of my Wushenyi's great joy, not only the same class, but in all 3,300 world, God Realm, Demon Realm, or Demon Realm, as long as they all come to participate in my Wushen's Great Day, they are my friends. We do n’t say anything else, we just talk about wine. "

At this moment, Wu Shen screamed, and his voice spread throughout the manor. For a time, Xiao Naihe's attention was slightly removed from Nalan's invincible side.

However, at this moment, Liu Xiu's expression flashed with a hint of fineness, holding Xiao Naihe and laughing: "Brother Shi, Wu Shenyi is now attracting so many people, it is time for us to take action."

Xiao Nai was about to speak. Suddenly, his gaze turned to the other side, and he suddenly saw a person.

The man walked to the front, and arched his hand at Wushen.

When seeing this person, Wu Shenyi also moved his eyes and laughed: "It turned out to be Brother Ling Xiao Ling, who also came to participate in the next banquet."

This person is none other than Ling Xiao.

It can be said that among the several God contenders, the most secretive person with no performance at all is Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao, you can find any flash points on him. Even in the two assessments, Ling Xiao's performance can only be described in two words-mediocre.

That's right, it's mediocre.

Ling Xiao's every move was completely without any advantage.

In the eyes of others, Ling Xiao is simply not possible to become God.

But Xiao Naihe knew that there was a very powerful person behind Bei Xiao-Bei Songyang.

Even when Xiao Naihe saw Ling Xiao for the last time, this man exhibited the meaning of an eightfold realm.

This person entered the Eighth Realm from the Seventh Realm without moving, and no one knew.

It can be seen that Ling Xiao is deeply scheming.

"A man like Wu Shenyi is not terrible. What is terrible is the mansion of a man like Ling Xiao, who has a deep mind and is quiet. If it is not found that there is a North Songyang beside him, I am afraid that this person is also a black horse." Xiao Nai **** secretly moved.

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