Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1686: Wonderful master

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The place where Liu Xiu took Xiao Nai came was in a very quiet courtyard.

There are rockery and flowing water in the yard. A dozen large trees stand in the current, and there is a momentum to rush into the clouds.

From time to time came a sound of birdsong from all around the courtyard, but it was a peach.

Xiao Naiho also stopped, looked around, and looked around.

"Brother, wait a minute, if you see that person, please don't be offended, can you give me a face?"

While Xiao Naihe appreciated the scene in the courtyard, Liu Xiu hesitated and said.

Hearing what Liu Xiu said, Xiao Nai was about to say something, and suddenly heard a voice from outside the courtyard. It's broken, like someone came over.

Three people appeared in front of Xiao Naihe, and one of them was Mr. Long. This need not be introduced.

There were two people beside him, one man and one woman.

The female is very young, about twenty years old, with peach pollen noodles and picturesque stars, and is a beautiful embryo.

The green veil on her body moved slightly with the wind, bringing out the breath of a fairy.

Eightfold realm, thunder over nine disasters.

As long as Xiao Nai sees that this woman's star eyes seem to be flowing one by one with lightning, she knows that this woman has stepped into the eighth state.

However, what really caught Xiao Naihe's attention was another man. The man's face was sharp and angular, and his eyes were like eagle eyes. When he turned his eyes slightly, it was like there was a burst of gas.

Standing there, you can feel the amazing momentum of this person!

This momentum is like turning the whole person into Taishan Beidou and standing in the courtyard.

"Everything is in control, one yuan, the realm of the late Jiuzhong, and only one line away can step into the peak of Jiuzhong."

Xiao Nai was rather curious. At one glance, he could completely see the man's real cultivation.

This person's cultivation is already in the late nineth layer, and only one line away, he can step into that mysterious and mysterious, the peak of the nineth layer, and become the world's top first-class master.

However, this person is not familiar with Xiao Naihe, he can feel a demon breath from this person.

In today's three-thousand and three-hundred world, whether it is to cultivate humanity or demonism, there are many, and the two will not look down on each other because they practice different avenues.

But this man who practiced demon Taoism had a breath familiar to Xiao Naihe, but Xiao Nai didn't know where he had seen it for a while.

"It's too familiar. Who is this person? Although I don't know him, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Xiao Nai thought flashed through his mind.

"Have seen Mr. Chu!"

Liu Xiu smiled slightly and clenched his fists.

As for the girl next to him, Liu Xiu didn't care how to care.

The man named Mr. Chu nodded, and a faint smile appeared on his face: "Liu Gongzi does not need to be rude, since I am willing to assist you, we will not need so many rites."

In the same way, Mr. Chu paid a gift to Mr. Long next to him. He nodded and said hello.

Both Mr. Chu and Mr. Long are masters in the late Jiuzhong period, but Mr. Chu's breath is thick, and he is three points more powerful than Mr. Long.

After all, this Mr. Chu's breath has begun to condense into Taoism, and when Taoism becomes 10%, he can immediately become the master of Jiuzhong Peak.

Mr. Long's current Dao Guo has not yet fully condensed, and it is still a little worse.

But he just nodded his head, and didn't seem to talk to Mr. Long.

Xiao Nai understands that Mr. Chu is here to surrender to Liu Xiu. Like Nalan's invincible surrender to Wushen, if Liu Xiu becomes God in the future, then this Mr. Chu also has great benefits.

By comparison, Mr. Chu is more polite to Liu Xiu.

But being too proud.

It is not surprising that Xiao Nai did not have a temper, but who has a good temper. Although Mr. Chu had a bad temper, Xiao Na didn't care.

"This is the person Liu Xiu said, no wonder Liu Xiu would tell me just now, let me wait a minute to give him a face, but general knowledge of this person."

Xiao Nai He could not help but smile slightly.

But he laughed out loud and did not hide it. Although it was very light, everyone around him heard it.

Mr. Chu raised his eyebrows, and to outsiders, Xiao Naiho's move seemed rude, especially in front of Mr. Chu.

Mr. Chu frowned and said indifferently: "I don't know any advice?"

Xiao Nai He pointed to himself, and confirmed that the other party was talking to himself, and could not help but smiled lightly: "The advice cannot be called, you don't need to care about me."

"I heard that there is a master next to Liu Gongzi, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by him. I have not only heard it for the first time. You are the master."

Mr. Chu turned his gaze and placed it on Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Liu Xiu and Mr. Long suddenly froze, and Liu Xiu smiled bitterly. It was Mr. Long, a faint smile appeared on his face, but he secretly said in his heart: The meat play is coming.

Everyone can see that Mr. Chu seems to be targeting Xiao Naihe. There is no conflict between the two of them, neither Liu Xiu nor Mr. Long know.

But looking at Xiao Naihe's reaction, it seems that he did not know this Mr. Chu.

"Not only that, I also heard others say that your Excellency is the legendary Son of Sanxiu. Since the disappearance of the Archaic 'Holy', there haven't been many years of Son Sanxi. Some people in Danting are calling Your Excellency is Xiao Shengzi. "

"This is just what other people say."

"No, no, now when outsiders talk about Liu Gongzi, the first thing that comes to mind is your Excellency, Xiao Shengzi. Others say that Xiao Shengzi is the best helper around Liu Gongzi. I don't know if it is true or not."

Xiao Nai asked lightly: "I don't know what your opinion is."

He finally realized that this Mr. Chu was here to provoke, and he came everywhere against himself.

A strange smile appeared on Mr. Na Chu ’s face: “I know there is a Mr. Liu You beside Liu Gongzi, who is now a demon, and I ca n’t match it. But it ’s Liu Gongzi ’s left arm and right arm. , I do n’t know if I really have that kind of tolerance. "

Good fellow, Mr. Long finally understood why when Xiao Nai appeared, this Mr. Chu had always been so hostile to Xiao Nai.

Dare to love is to see Xiao Naihe's position of 'left arm and right arm' beside Liu Xiu, and wants to replace Xiao Naihe and squeeze Xiao Naihe out.

Seeing this, the smile on Mr. Long's face became more intense, and there seemed to be a feeling of wanting to watch a good show!

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