Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1619: Beyond expectation

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What Xiao Naihe noticed was that a very familiar breath came from this ancient book, which seemed to evoke a certain power in Xiao Naihe's body, and made Xiao Naihe feel a slight tremor. Then catching the book, it is working magic ...

Click and click.

This divine thought was surrounded by this wordless sky book at once, as if it had formed an extremely deep light and injected it into the book.

"What is this?"

At this time, when Xiao Naihe's mind was poured in, a few strange characters suddenly appeared on the cover of the green leather book.

After these characters appeared, they were powerful and vertical, but they were not the fonts Xiao Nai knew.

In his previous life, Xiao Nai went to many worlds and learned a lot of writing, but he has never learned this kind of writing.

"What do these words mean?"

Xiao Naihe carefully touched the cover of the book, and then suddenly there was a burst of aura on the cover. Between the flashes of light, it suddenly seemed like a sword and penetrated into Xiao Naihe's body.

After feeling this ray of light, Xiao Nai was shocked, as if some mysterious power had seduced the party, giving the flesh a taste beyond control.

But when Xiao Naihe saw these words, his body shook at the same time, it seemed to evoke memories of when he didn't know when, and suddenly the soul seemed to be touched by electro-optics and shook.

"This is ... is the script of the Wu people?"

I do n’t know when Xiao Nai suddenly guessed. Although he has n’t studied the characters of the Wu clan, the source of Wu Dao in his body actually flew out at this time, as if communicating with Xiao Nai He made Xiao But at this moment, he immediately recognized it.

At the beginning of Xiao Naihe's mind, the book of Yuchen Wushu didn't know the text on the original source book, but Xiao Naihe just glanced at it and wrote down all the contents in it, mysteriously.

But now, Xiao Naihe glanced at the words and recognized them as the characters of the Wu clan, but they could not understand the meaning!

"What's going on? How could there be such a thing in the hands of the immortal elder, this must be something in the Wu people, it's a scripture! It's a Taoist secret or something, I don't know yet. But I have to ask."

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Nai turned his gaze and shouted, "Immortal Elder, from what point did you get this book?"

At this time, the immortal elder originally recovered from the Taikoo Leichi, but after hearing Xiao Naihe ’s words at this time, he quickly stood up and the figure moved, and his eyes seemed to release a burst of flame, which was covered in an instant. Locked on the wordless book in Xiao Naihe's hands.

"This scripture? I got it in the hands of a cultivator that year, that cultivator is dead, and is definitely not here now. I don't know if there is any problem?"


Xiao Nai smiled bitterly. He thought that he had found a clue. Finally, he had a chance to find out the truth of the destruction of the Wu clan. But now it seems that the last clue is also broken.

At this time, Xiao Naihe was very helpless, shook his head, and said: "Since there is no clue, it is useless, but the text on this book is indeed very important, but I don't understand the Wu people's text, which is not easy to handle. what."

Recalling that before, when Xiao Nai obtained the Yuchen Wuxian, he did not understand the Wu people's writings, but he very strangely understood all the contents in the Yuchen Wuxuan.

At that time, the dust and witch book appeared out of thin air in Xiao Naiho's mind. Every page of content, every text, seemed to be a tadpole script. It floated up and flew into Xiao Naihe's body, and Xiao Naihe's The flesh merged and let Xiao Naiho mysteriously know all the contents in the 'Yuchen Wuwu'.

He dare to guarantee that he had never learned the Wu people's writings. As for how to know it, Xiao Naihe was very curious, so Xiao Naihe was very concerned about the news of the Wu people.

Even in order to find out the secret of the extinction of the Wu people, they even dealt with the idea of ​​heaven.

"Under the whole world, people who know the characters of the Wu people are afraid that there are only two people. The first one is that of North Songyang. North Songyang has practiced the magic power of the Wu people, and he has actually practiced to a half-step passive state, obviously it is I know the writings of the Wu people. But this guy and I already have a life-and-death feud. I can't find him. "

Xiao Nai thought for a moment.

Just kidding, Bei Songyang regards Xiao Naihe as the mantle of Beinanyi, and wants to detain all of the "Demons of the Heavens" on his body. From the moment when he met in the temple on the central mainland, Xiao Naihe and Bei Songyang were already The enemy of life and death.

Now if Xiao Nai and He really found Beisongyang, they were afraid that they would fight immediately.

Beisongyang has stepped into a half-step passive state, and its strength is three points better than that of Xiao Naihe.

"Then there is only the last one, which is the legacy of Wen Shizong of Izumo God Kingdom Mingyuezong."

When Xiao Nai arrived in the Kingdom of Izumo God, he met Wen Shizong of Mingyuezong and knew that this man was the orphan of the Wu clan.

Wen Shiyi must have known the characters of the Wu clan, and there was no grievance between Wen Shiyi and Xiao Naihe. Instead, the other party owed Xiao Naihe a great relationship.

At that time, Xiao Nai took the debris of Wen Shiyi's father from the hands of Heavenly Demon Star.

"It seems that I can only go back to the Kingdom of the Cloud God, but now is not the time, at least to wait for the Immortal Elder and the Night King to recover from their injuries."

After closing this book, Xiao Naihe closed his eyes and put everything in front of him.

At this time in his eyes, these magic weapons, Taoism, immortality everything seems unimportant.

Ever since his "Yuchen Wuxuan" practice became more and more pure, Xiao Naihe felt that his predecessor might have a great relationship with the Wu clan, otherwise he wouldn't be able to appear Yuchen Wuxun for no reason This six-dodge book is located.

As time passes, day and night, Shaoguang travels like time, spending seven hundred days in the world of time and space, and only seven days outside.

The Night King and the Immortal Elder have recovered in the time and space world of Xiao Naihe.

This still relies on the time power of the space-time world, the fertility of Taikoo Leichi, and the vitality of everything.

It can be said that if there is no one of these three things, these two people want to restore their strength, only fear that it will take ten times and one hundred times.

"Thank you Master!"

The immortal elders and the night king both paid their respects to Xiao Naihe, and felt a strong sincerity from them.

Xiao Nai nodded and said, "Immortal Elder, how are you recovering now?"

"It's all based on the world of time and space. My injury has been restored. If it is possible, I am willing to stay in the Yantian Pavilion to assist your master."

"Huh? Don't say this now, you should go back to Dan Ting first, to Wu Shenyi's side. From now on, you must notify me of what happened in Dan Ting in the dark, I am Your divine spirit has left the consciousness, even if it is across dozens of worlds, it can communicate instantly. "

Xiao Nai cultivated Yantian Pavilion just to build a different information and intelligence system.

Immortal elders now have access to Dan Ting, and although the Night King has turned to Xiao Naihe, but he also left a little means in the Nine Heavens Realm. If there is anything in the God Realm, the Night King can know at first And then inform Xiao Naihe.

It can be said that Xiao Naihe now controls the information and intelligence of the two most powerful forces.

One is Danting, and the other is God Realm.

Moreover, Yantian Pavilion is developing rapidly now, and the information gathering information is more and more complete.

Although the Yantiange Information Intelligence System has not yet matured, it is not much different.

"Everything is subject to the master's instructions, but I worry that Wu Shenyi is not easy to explain."

Between the words, a trace of embarrassment appeared on the immortal elder's face.

When the immortal elders came out to chase Xiao Naihe before, the other party assured him that they wanted to take away Xiao Naihe's life.

But now Xiao Nai not only lived well, but also influenced the immortal elders.

If Wu Shen knew that Xiao Nai was still alive, I was afraid that he would have any ideas.

Xiao Nai is not worried about Wu Shenyi's discovery, but there is an imperial Lin behind Wu Shenyi.

If Huang Lin knew that he had transformed into an immortal elder, how would he deal with himself then, it would be hard to say.

"I already had this expectation. When you go back, you will be attacked by the night king. Even though the night king was seriously injured, he united me and drove you away. Wushen saw the strength of the night king In this way, he must have believed in seven points. "

"Fortunately, since this is the case, then I will go to the Dan Court first and meet with God of War once."

The voice fell slightly, and I saw that the body of the immortal elder was already like a streamer, and flew out in a flash, leaving the world of space and time.

And Xiao Naihe also opened his hand, five fingers, and took the Night King to fly out of the space-time world.


In a mysterious realm, the sky was filled with a thick scent of incense, and it filled the void.

In front, there are more than nine hundred strange furnaces, each of which has a dragon and tiger form, which seems to have been handed down from ancient times.

Huh huh huh ...

At this time, the more than nine hundred red furnaces were ringing at the same time, and there were constant waves of fluctuations.

Like a boiled teapot, it made a sharp sound.

Subsequently, bursts of red incense from more than nine hundred red furnaces filled the front figure.

This person is no other than Wu Shenyi.

At this time, Wu Shenyi, the whole person seemed to have entered a state of no selflessness, his eyes moved slightly, and burst of light.

At the moment when this burst of light erupted, it suddenly rushed into the void, as if it was close to the horizon, and it shuttled through the space of tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

Ding Ding Ding ............

The blasting sound from more than nine hundred furnaces seems to be playing music and becomes very deep.

But Wu Shen burst into a flash of light in his eyes for a moment, as if he was deflated. The whole person's face was slightly white, and he exhaled for a long time. Looks like.

"It still doesn't work. I clearly realized the Tao Yun of Cangtian Avenue, but I still can't catch all the thoughts of Dao Yun."

Wu Shenyi's face was a little ugly, and he sighed gently.

"It seems that the magic barrier in your heart will not be solved, I am afraid that it is impossible for you to go further."

The speaker is Pan Lingzi.

Now Pan Lingzi, Linglong and Tianshui are beside her.

Pan Lingzi's hands moved, and actually grabbed more than 900 red furnaces in the void, all of them were received into a bag, and instantly fell into her eyebrows.

"My magic barrier is left by Xiao Naihe. Only by killing Xiao Naihe can I crack the magic barrier in my heart. If Xiao Naihe cannot be killed, I am afraid that I will not be able to improve in my life."

When Wu Shen said the three characters of Xiao Naihe, his tone revealed a strong murderous opportunity.

Not only that, there was a flash of blood flashing through his eyes, and there was a lot of killing, and a burst of ‘frames’ bursting from the entire void.

It can be seen how much the hatred of Wushen on Xiao Naihe has reached now.

"The immortal elder has gone to kill Xiao Naihe, and now seven days have passed. Why hasn't he returned yet? Even the most powerful master, with the magic of the immortal elder, can be solved in a day."

At this moment, Wushen once converged the killing in his eyes and issued his own question.

When Pan Lingzi heard it, he pondered for a moment, then stared slightly into the distance, and said, "Is it true that the immortal elder kills Xiao Naihe will be so smooth? I met Xiao Naihe before, and I also felt that this young man had a There is a breath that I ca n’t even see through. I ’m afraid that his strength has reached an unfathomable level. "

"Senior Pan Lingzi, do you mean that the immortal elder is already ..."

Wu Shen was shocked, and thought of Xiao Naihe's strength, he was a bit suspicious in his heart, and could not help asking.

"No, I can feel that the immortal elder's life **** picture is still there. He shouldn't have been born yet, and his vitality is very strong. It's just that he didn't come back in these seven days, maybe something happened."

Pan Lingzi shook his head, his tone was decisive.

Wushen breathed a sigh of relief. If even the immortal elders died in Xiao Naihe, Wushenyi feared that there would be no chance of revenge in his life.

If the magical power of Pan Lingzi is said, if the immortal elder is not dead, then it really is not dead. This can be confirmed.

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