Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1617: Watanabe

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"But even if you are more powerful, I will deal with you after I regroup. If I don't kill you, I will refine you and swear not to be human."

"Really? Since that's the case, you don't have to be a man anymore, be a ghost."

After the cold tone of the immortal elder spread, suddenly a colder voice came from the void.

In this sound, it seemed that the bursts of murderous forces overlapped, making the whole island seem to feel a kind of ice and snow at this time.

Suddenly, a halo appeared in the sky, and the golden light surrounded the whole island, constantly covering the void.

The entire island suddenly turned into a golden ocean.

"Xiao Naihe!"

The body of the immortal elder was like a spring, and it instantly bounced, and the power of blood on his body suddenly burst out, turned into a pick dragon, and rushed into the sky.

And this qi and blood dragon seemed to hit something when it rushed into the sky, and finally fell silent.

"Huh? Did you crack all my large arrays? How is it possible, this is ninety-nine arrays."

"Don't you know that I am already in the realm of the Nineth Peak? Isn't there any difficulty in the existence of the Nineth Peak and cracking your formations?"

A smile appeared on Xiao Naihe's face, but in the eyes of the immortal elder, Xiao Naihe's smile was extremely cold.

After seeing Xiao Naihe, the immortal elder seemed to have fallen into the ice cave, and he was cold all over. There was a very bad feeling. The blood in his body endured incomparably pain.

"How did you find me here?"

"Elder Immortal, you are really getting more and more confused. Since I was able to figure out your position at first, would I still be afraid of not finding you. Today I am here to remind you, since you have caused I'm gone, I can only work hard to solve you. You don't have to be a man anymore, be a ghost. "

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Naihe's entire power exploded directly, and he overwhelmed all the immortal elders.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom ...

Between familiarity, after this loud noise spread, there is a smell that can burn all the existence between the world and the world.

Immortal elder saw the power of Xiao Naihe and quickly retreated. At this time, his body seemed to have a strange power to rush out and merge with the whole island.


"Xiao Naihe, do you really think I haven't prepared at all? This place is my base camp. How could I not leave a little means, and you can't go back when you step into my territory. "

A smile of conspiracy appeared on the immortal elder's face.

On the wild continent, the immortal elders were suppressed by Xiao Naihe, that is, they thought that they had fallen to Xiao Naihe's site, but now that they are on the island, they are actually reaching the site of the immortal elders.

The sky suddenly became extremely dim, and the immortal elder's momentum also became extremely fierce at this time. In the blink of an eye, he had turned to Xiao Naihe in front of him, his fist as if blending in the endless Suffering from this pain, suddenly burst out.

And la la! Hurry!

The sound of explosion, the violent wind blowing, suddenly merged together, Xiao Naihe's body was in a flame, as if it had disappeared.

The ferocious meaning revealed on the immortal elder's face, but his face became paler.

Just now he was working supernaturally, making his injury more serious.

But solving Xiao Naiho is all worth it.

"I am now suffering from this injury, I am afraid that it will take decades or even hundreds of years to recover. This Xiao Nai, this time is really a big loss."

The Immortal Elder sighed.

But at this moment, from the firelight, a strong light suddenly emerged,

When this ray of light emerged, a huge divine wheel was suddenly formed, and the entire divine wheel continued to rotate in the void, shining into the entire world.

The breath of the sky seems to be all the acupuncture breath in Xiao Naihe's body.

The 1,118 acupuncture points in his body, the power erupted at this time, has reached a very terrifying state.

"How is it possible? Are you already a unity of origins, are you undead?"

The immortal elders were shocked and incompetent, and they watched Xiao Naihe ’s power become extremely powerful. Twice in succession, he actually resolved all his attacks.

At this time, the immortal elder looked at Xiao Naihe, and a deep fear appeared in his eyes. He now only felt that Xiao Naihe had really reached a very terrifying state, which he could not realize.

The resurrection on the spot, the soul of the gods will not be destroyed, this kind of existence in the world, even the Lord of the Court does not have.

"No, no, this person is really too powerful. I have to go back and join Pan Lingzi to deal with him. Only with Pan Lingzi can we kill this Xiao Naihe."

The immortal elder cried out suddenly.

Now he also admits that Xiao Naihe's strength is indeed terrifying, only he and Pan Lingzi can cope with it.

But just when the immortal elder gave birth to this idea, the **** wheel behind Xiao Naihe kept turning. Suddenly, it was enveloped in the sky and wrapped around the body of the immortal elder.

The immortal elders seem to be all drawn out of this divine wheel. The soul and flesh of the **** seem to be drawn away at this moment.

"No, go and go."

As soon as the thought moved, the body of the immortal elder quickly pulled his own soul. He flew towards the outside space, and in a cloud of smoke, it would disappear.

But Xiao Naihe's eyes seemed to swell, as if the Buddha coming out from behind was glowing with terrifying terror. It was suddenly crushed, as if the mountains were all shattered by this Buddha in a flash.

"Not moving like a mountain, not moving like a mountain."

After opening the eyes of the big Buddha behind Xiao Naihe, he reached out and surrounded the immortal elder's body.

At the next moment, the figure of the immortal elder seemed to be pulled down by this big Buddha, and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Boom Boom Boom Boom ...

The flesh of the immortal elder seemed to be bombarded into powder, incomparably painful, and a horrified and horrified look appeared in his eyes.

"Xiao Naihe, do you really want to kill everything? Don't you forget, I am the elder in the Dan Court, if you kill me, then everyone in the Dan Court will not let you go, even if you are Liu Xiu ’s friends ca n’t protect you either. Do n’t forget, the God of Danting has reached the realm of unity. "

Immortal elder immediately screamed after feeling the strong murderous intention of Xiao Naihe. At this moment, he also really felt a thought of death approaching.

After hearing the voice of the immortal elder, Xiao Naihe's face suddenly showed a smile: "Is it? I originally wanted to kill you, but now it seems that I can't kill you."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the face of the immortal elder, as if he was reborn after the disaster, and said: "Yes, as long as you don't kill me, I can give you all the magic weapons and Taoism. how is it?"

"I don't kill you, but it doesn't mean that I will let you go. After I transform you, your personality will be destroyed by me, and another personality will be recreated."

Xiao Nai said lightly.


Immortal elder suddenly shook his body, almost struggling and shouted: "Xiao Naihe, do you really want to ruin the personality? Don't forget that the Lord of the Court will never let you go."

"Dan Ting God, God Emperor Lin, don't you think I haven't dealt with him? I can see that even if I am now you, he will not deal with me in the first time, Immortal Elder, You are too worthy of yourself. "

Xiao Nai coldly drank.

But when the immortal elder shivered, the body of God suddenly exploded with a powerful power, and a scorching breath erupted from his body.

When this momentum surrounded Xiao Naihe, he suddenly spread and locked the entire void, as if the power of the gods and Buddhas in Xiao Naihe were all locked up.

Burning the deity, the immortal elders at this time in order to struggle out, at any rate is to burn their own deity.

In the realm of immortal elders, once burning the divine personality, it is indeed possible to explode powerful power, but after burning, it will cause great damage to his own divine personality.

I am afraid that I will not recover in the future, and when the immortal elder gritted his teeth, after the fierce light appeared in his eyes, he was in a hurry to work his magic. Xiao Naihe.

"True and sad."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, motionless, and so quietly looked at the immortal elder.

At this moment, suddenly, a torn space trace appeared in the void, and within this space crack, a burst of black gas immediately surrounded it, forming a sword light.

When the black sword light rushed out, it attacked the body of the immortal elder.

At this time, the immortal elder focused all his attention on Xiao Naihe, and did not expect that there would be such a change at this time.

When this sword light appeared and bombarded himself, the body and spirit of the immortal elder seemed to be drawn away by the black power, and the spirit and soul were separated.


That's right, the person who is now in front of him is not someone else, but the night king who was restored in Xiao Nai's empty world.

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