Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1444: Scary breath

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At the beginning of the Eighth Layer, the Divine Mind can refine many magic weapons, or an attack magic weapon, or Fu Zhuan, and leave it to Yun Weixue to protect him.

With the "Emperor True Dragon Armor", and the eightfold gods that Xiao Naihe got, when the time comes to attack and defend, Yun Weixue has enough self-preservation even if he encounters such characters as Tan Moran and Dark Heaven Daoist force.


There are snow and peace talks in the world. Both of them have pale faces, I don't know whether it is the weakness left by the burning part of the dignity, or whether they are calmed down by such powerful means as Xiao Naihe.

At this time, the two of them did not even have the idea of ​​rebellion, only the idea of ​​escape.

"Xiao Naihe, you ... what level did you break through, are you already the eighth peak?"

The snow in the world was frightened by this idea, but only the masters of the eighth peak can directly kill the existence of the Dark Heaven Daoist under the cooperation of the three of them.

Even Liu Xiu could not kill the Dark Sky Daoist with the three of them.

Xiao Naihe's current strength has indeed let both the world have snow and peace talks, and both of them have calmed down.

"It's just a little interest."

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed and turned to the world where there was Xue Xue and Tan Moran.

These two people seemed to be stared at by a fierce beast in an instant, and the two of them seemed to be reduced to prey, and were torn apart by Xiao Naihe.

Tan Moan hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Nai He, you can't kill us, don't forget, we two are candidates for the Danting God. If you kill us, the Danting Dharma Regiment will never let you go."

"Dan Ting Dharma Regiment? It should be the Ding Ting's Dharma Kings, yes, if they are targeted by these Dharma Drums, I can't escape, but you think I will let you go like this?"

"Xiao Naihe, don't you want to know why our cultivation for recovery is so fast, and you can also restore the Dao heart, who is behind to support us, don't you want to know?"

"I did have some ideas just now, but I don't need you to say it now. Although I can't kill you for the time being, I can still extract the memory of your gods and souls."

Xiao Nai He gave a slight meal, "Since I was able to break your Dao Xin, then now, I can also break your Dao Xin Dao Xin, so that you will never be able to enter into eternal life."

After talking, Xiao Naihe suddenly showed a powerful force, as if the light blue mountains and rivers appeared, and condensed into a little, they must fly into the eyebrows of Tan Moran and Xuexue.


At this moment, a burst of sound came from the void.

After the sound spread, a long space tunnel was torn apart in the space in front of the three hundred miles.

"You are Xiao Shengzi? You can't kill them by hand. The two of them are still useful to me."

There was a force of metamagnetism in the voice, as if to absorb Xiao Naihe as a whole.

At this time, after the sound stopped, the air filled with a hot and cold breath, like the century glaciers and Jinwu, constantly colliding, cold and heat waves are rolling, swallowing in front of Xiao Naihe.

The two forces were slightly intertwined and suddenly torn apart the boundary river space of 20,000 miles.

Over the entire Jiehe River, a huge water curtain suddenly burst out, reaching 3,000 feet, directly driving into the depths of the cloud, and then entering the horizontal flow of the void.

"Promise counter-currents, a big grinding disc!"

There was a burst of light in Xiao Naihe's eyes, his hands moved, and behind him suddenly a huge gossip Tai Chi was derived, constantly absorbing this cold and heat into it.

Subsequently, a huge grinding disc suddenly changed above the void, and the space of three thousand miles seemed to be occupied by this grinding disc.

At the current level of Xiao Naihe, once the "promise counter-current" is exhibited, all the gods will immediately increase to a trillion capacity.

It can be said that Xiao Naihe in the state of infinite current, even the existence of the Night King and Huo Luo King, can do hard work!


The huge water curtain broke a huge hole under the impact of the ‘Heaven and Earth Grinding Disc’.

Not only that, after the water curtain was broken, all the river water actually solidified in an instant, as if it turned into a series of ice sculptures, and shot towards Xiao Naihe.

"Dark light, bipolar world!"

The voice spread again, and Xiao Naihe didn't see the figure in the void from the beginning, but there seemed to be a very strange power in the voice, which made Xiao Naihe feel a little short of breath under the state of 'promise countercurrent'.

Familiar with magical power, one end is dark and the other is light. The darkness and light are continuously intertwined to form a huge altar.

After the light above the altar shone down, Xiao Naihe was locked, and all the ice sculptures suddenly exploded. In the sky, the entire space of 30,000 miles, even the boundary river was solidified into a long ice river at this instant.

"I have now practiced to the limit of the five-fold true body, and can withstand the golden body of the mid-nineth layer, and I can still feel the chill in this breath. This person is at least at the peak level of the nineth layer."

Xiao Nai **** was shocked, he was in the "promise against the current", the mind was suddenly increased to a trillion capacity, and they were all contending with this force, and they were a little difficult. It can be seen how powerful the mysterious person opposite is.

At least it is a master like Ye Wang, Huo Luo Wang, and even one foot like Hua Xiang stepped into the existence in the realm of unity.

"No wonder there are snow and peace talks in the world. Both of them can restore their hearts, and they are promoted. With such a master's support, even the God of War may not have overcome it."

The thoughts in Xiao Naihe's mind kept running.

This breath of darkness and light, freezing Xiao Naihe, will penetrate into it and smash it all.

"This is Moqi? Is the master opposite actually still Moxiu?"

Xiao Nai He was surprised in his heart, but the speed in his hand was very large. The Buddha imaged behind him, coupled with 1,118 hole tricks, suddenly poured down a river of golden light!

"There is a Buddha in your heart, like a handprint, a bright day, and a magic trick!"

This handprint burst out between the palms of Rulai Buddha, and a strong force of blood and blood burst out suddenly, blending in the magic energy, and suddenly squeezed.

It's as if the 3,300 worlds were condensed into a small space, squeezed continuously, and the dense structure collapsed, shattered, and finally disappeared.

And after this magical energy collided with the power of Buddha, it suddenly turned into nothingness!

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