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Above Xiao Naihe's head, layers of red fine smoke were drilled out. This fine smoke contained a variety of different powers.

The powers of demon, humanity, Buddhism, and witchcraft are contained in three avenues.

Not only that, when this stream of fine smoke floated, suddenly a flash of thunder flashed past, and emerged from Xiao Naihe's eyes.

This kind of thunder is not like the double-faced imaginary electric awn, but the power of the nine thunders that belong to the thunder of the nine tribes. It will exceed the heavenly thunder and accumulate.

"Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity!"

Xiao Naihe's expression was so calm.

In front of him, this instrument of Piaoxueren suddenly showed a white enchantment, which quickly turned into a very mysterious power.

"Break me!"

At this time, this Xianzong said that nothing would allow Xiao Naihe to step into the realm of eightfold.

Xiao Nai and his son were able to deal with Yae-jou masters at the stage of creation. Now, if they really step into the Yae Realm, then Zhang Xianzong dare not say that he can take this son, let alone teach him a lesson. .

"I finally know now why I should let this person turn to Lord Lord."

Zhang Xianzong's heart was clear, but his thoughts flickered and did not stop, but hit the enchantment fiercely with a punch.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Suddenly, a burst of cracking sound broke out from the void, as if countless air currents were all condensed into powder before Zhang Xianzong converged.

At the same time, Zhang Xianzong had a slight body, Shen Nian radiated to the extreme, countless lights ran fast, and 500 billion yuan was fused on the fist.

"Don't know the Holy Word, Dragon King Boxing!"

Zhang Xianzong burst into a scream, and his fist, like Xiao Naihe's dragon fist, overflowed with a dragon's breath.

However, Zhang Xianzong's Dragon King Boxing is not as magical as Xiao Naihe's "Human Dragon Fist". It is simply a collection of power.

Even this punching power is stronger than the punching power of Xiao Naihe's 118 points.

"The Eightfold Peak is worthy of the Eightfold Peak."

Su Bingyun secretly sucked his tongue.

However, at this critical moment, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows suddenly flew a black flame, condensed into a form in the void, revealing a huge magic monument.

The two characters above are "Sin".

The pen walks the dragon snake, the words are like mountains and rivers.

At this time, not only this inner hall, but also the entire Yantian Pavilion, can feel a wave of shaking.

Xiao Naihe wrapped his own thoughts so that the strength of the two of them was not fully revealed.

If it weren't for snow's ability to ban, more than half of it was canceled out, and the aftermath of the two players' confrontation was enough to flatten the entire Yantian Pavilion.

"Thunder Attack, Nine Thunder Tribulation!"

At this moment, from the top of Xiao Naihe's head, a flash of light suddenly flickered, directly spreading in the space of 30,000 miles.

When Zhang Xianzong saw this, his face was getting colder and colder. He knew that he could not stop Xiao Naihe from entering the realm of Yae.

"But I haven't lost yet. As soon as this son enters the Eightfold Realm, it must be said that the baptism of nine thunders will happen. Then the mind will easily fall into a tired period, and I will have a chance to reverse it."

At this time, Zhang Xianzong's heart was extremely translucent, and his thoughts were running fast. If he saw his eyes, he would find Zhang Xianzong's eyeballs turning and seemingly calculating.

His attention was infinitely improved, and he put it in front of Xiao Naihe.


At this time, Xiao Nai's body time, the rice fields of all things, the rivers of time, the golden sun, the Miao Miao Mountains, and the Taikoo Leichi suddenly radiated a mysterious power.

Especially Taikoo Leichi, the thunderous breath that burst out from Leichi, all of a sudden caused Xiao Nai and his whole body to respond.

"Okay, nine thunders, take control."

Xiao Naihe's eyes are bright, he knows what will happen next. First, Xiao Naihe has been soaking in Taikoo Leichi for such a long time to absorb the power of thunder.

This Taikoo Leichi was originally absorbing the thunder of heaven and earth in the Taikoo period. The nine thunders were also on the Leichi Avenue. Xiao Nai, who excited the thunder of Leichi, caused a flicker of electric flashes on and off the flesh. Signs of thunderstorm.

Secondly, Xiao Naiho itself has the experience of crossing the eightfold realm, but now it is just following the path of the previous life and opening up its own three avenues, and there is nothing to read.


With a thunder, it seemed to be in the ages, and landed at once.

The entire Yantian Pavilion suddenly seemed to be divided into two halves, half in the world, and the other half in the world created by Xiao Naihe.

I saw Xiao Naihe's grasp in the void, and a strand of thunder gathered in the harvest. Xiao Nai's grasp, this strand of thunder immediately condensed into an electric python, and was injected into the up and down of itself.

Soon, Xiao Naiho's acupuncture has already opened to a very subtle level.

He seemed unable to move, but his own was very clear.

"This has entered the eightfold realm? How is it possible that there is no period of exhaustion?"

Zhang Xianzong was slightly taken aback and was about to get up. After Xiao Naihe, after all, Xiao Naihe, from the front of Xiao Naihe, the monument of sin and devil was running again, rotating at a rapid speed.

A magical energy in this magic tablet condensed, as if forming a long river, enveloping Zhang Xianzong as a whole.

"Great Taoism, two magic weapons, necessary for offensive and defensive. This child only uses two pieces of Taoqi, which is already invincible in the eighth layer.

At that moment, Zhang Xianzong had an intuitive understanding, and Zhang Xianzong's third move had come.

"Sky Wheel Massacre!"

A lunar wheel suddenly appeared and turned in Zhang Xianzong's hands. Then, the powerful breath above the lunar wheel was to resist Xiao Naihe's sin demon monument.

Click, click!

"Piaoxue Renjian" and "Sin Demon Monument" are controlled by a part of Shen Nian's divine thought, and a collision suddenly produces a spark.

The two pieces of Taoist flew to Xiao Naihe at once, and they tightly guarded Xiao Naihe.

On the surface, Zhang Xianzong has the upper hand, but now, Zhang Xianzong does not have any hesitation. Immediately, he is running the divine power, wrapping himself with Su Bingyun and Zhou Jianbai.

"Xiao Shengzi, I will not accompany you today. He will have time to compete with you again tomorrow."

After speaking, the breeze swept away, and the three people disappeared into the hall immediately.

【Author's Digression】: Thanks to Shuyou Zhiyan and Jiujia Tadou for their support.

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