Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1347: Sanxiu

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Between the speeches, Xiao Naihe and Lin Tianfeng collided in the void once, as if the stars squeezed, the spiritual power displayed by the whole body, and between the squeezes, bursts of gangs broke out.

Huh ...

The gang wind broke apart, and the yellow sands of hundreds of miles drifted up and swept over the sky, forming a dust storm, and there was a kind of weather that swallowed the oasis and the river.


Without any hesitation, Yu Huqing drank quickly.

If it had been before, Yuhu Qing did not fight Chaotian Dasheng, and he would naturally not have any worries in the face of such power.

However, he is now attached to the avatar, and the avatar's strength is still far inferior to that of the body. At best, it is three points higher than the elder sister.

Xiao Naihe and Lin Tianfeng all belong to the level that is not eightfold, even worse.

In one stroke and another, the power that erupted was enough to make any creator scared and afraid to get close.

"I haven't seen Uncle Lin do it for 60 years, I didn't expect his strength to become so powerful."

"What is sixty years, I have two hundred years."

"Not only that, you see Uncle Lin, the form is cheerful and vigorous, just like meeting old friends."

"The young founder is also powerful. Uncle Lin can exert his full strength. If this battle is spread, the young man will immediately enjoy the world."

Several other practitioners of the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, in their respective speeches, did not hide their admiration for Lin Tianfeng and Xiao Naihe.

The elder sister raised her eyebrows slightly and couldn't help saying: "This man is already the Seventh Creator, and the reputation of the creator should be the best in the world. We don't even know the character of such a hegemon."

These dozen people were all a little stunned and nodded.

Among the members of the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, there are also a few creator figures, but they asked themselves that they were not Lin Tianfeng's opponents.

Also among the creators, there are also three categories. The gap between the creators is even greater than the gap between Shinto and supremacy.

Otherwise, Xiao Naihe would not be so powerful when he confronted Taishuangtian, Liuyun and the Dark Emperor Taoist. He completely killed Taishuangtian and Liuyun and forced the Dark Heaven Daoist to fall into desperation.

Taishuangtian, Liuyun and Dark Emperor Daoist are middle-level figures in the creator.

Then Lin Tianfeng, Tan Moran, and even the mysterious Tian Daotong in front of him should belong to the most top-notch existence of the creator.

However, Xiao Naihe's accumulation, background, and experience can no longer be described by the creator. He is only in the physical state of the creator, but his own strength has already been called the eighth early stage.

Lin Tianfeng and Xiao Naihe directly met each other for the first time. For the first time, they each felt a pressure on each other.

"This man, compared to what he said at the end, had a deeper three-pointer in content and was not easy to deal with. However, in my ability, it was not a problem to win him, just to take him down, at least it needs to be matched Thousands of moves. "

As soon as Xiao Naihe moved, various calculations appeared in his heart at once, and the starlight in his eyes flickered slightly.

I saw Lin Tianfeng five fingers in the air, and a gravitational force appeared immediately in the palm of his hand, as if the black hole in the sky was derived and absorbed everything.

The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the sky is falling apart.

That was everyone's first impression of Lin Tianfeng's law.

"Jiu Luo Wang Tian Shu!"

Between Lin Tianfeng's five fingers, Zhang Zhang shrank, and this attraction immediately condensed, as if the universe collapsed, the black hole was decimated, and the light network derived from the void shattered cleanly at once.

At the next moment, Lin Tianfeng's figure was already like a meteor, and hit him hard.

"The Great God Wheel, Dafa Wheel of Life and Death!"

Xiao Nai took a sigh, and the **** wheel that appeared behind turned, and various kinds of landscape paintings changed between the rotations. In the painting, people, monsters, heaven and earth, trees, and landscapes seemed to have become a small world.

Not only that, his **** wheel just turned, there was a torrent behind him.

"The torrents of the heavens!"


In an instant, this torrent seemed to pour down the Tiandi Luo River, as if the light of the Milky Way washed away all the resentment in the world.

"The gods of heaven and earth are under my control. The light of the torrent is unparalleled!"

At that moment, Xiao Nai was like a king of gods, and the torrent washed out by the **** wheel behind him seemed to be a blazing sun, floating in the void.

During the turning of the **** wheel, the torrent was entrained and swept to Lin Tianfeng in a sudden.

For tens of thousands of miles, all the yellow sand was completely dispersed, as if the entire desert at this time, all the sand and stones had disappeared and turned into a huge plain.

"Demon Daoist's law? There is also the humane fist just now. Are you a double cultivation of demon, a double cultivation of the Son of God?"

Lin Tianfeng was stunned for a while. The double-cultivation **** son of the sword of the world was already very rare. Since the Holy Realm of the Six Realms, the double-cultivation gate has been gradually cut off. realm.

It is extremely difficult to cultivate a certain avenue alone and push it to the creator. If it is a double cultivating avenue, and at the same time comprehends the two heavenly avenues, it is even more difficult.

Even if Lin Tianfeng is talented and wise, he has cultivated humanity. For thousands of years, he has stepped into the eighth level.

However, if he then cultivates other avenues and becomes a double-cultivation deity, he does not say that he has become a creator, even if he achieves supremacy, it will be difficult.

Acquired and congenital is a critical line between the double cultivation of the Divine Son. From the congenital to the divine realm, it is also a critical line. If you want to step from the divine realm to the upper realm, there are countless critical lines.

That is why there may be many people who have opened the Shuangxiu Avenue from the day after tomorrow, but the Shuangxiu Son who can step into the supreme realm is less than one in 10,000 of them.

"No wonder, with the power of the creator, you can compete with me. It turned out to be the double cultivation of the Son. Well, let me teach you the power of the double cultivation of the Son."

Lin Tianfeng smiled, he had long forgotten the Nantang Chamber of Commerce to chase down Chaotian Dasheng, and finding an opponent was not easy.

He found in Xiao Naihe the kind of freshness that he had not encountered for hundreds of years.

"Shuangxiu Avenue? Then you are wrong."

Sisi ...

Suddenly, a ninety-nine heavy aperture was derived from Xiao Naihe's head, floating up and down. In this aperture, various obscure scripture patterns swirled in it.

There is also a mysterious and unpredictable Sanskrit chant that spread from the void into Lin Tianfeng's mind.

The sky-wide golden light suddenly became powerful.

A portrait of the Great Buddha that was coming to life was also conceived by Xiao Naihe.

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