After a while, Lin Shi was still asleep.

Opening his eyes again, Lin Shi found that he was lying on the floor of the villa area.

He sat up slowly from the ground. This damn world was suppressing his consciousness too much.

Even if he took all the capsules with added ingredients at once, he could only be awake for a moment.

However, thinking of his actions before he lost consciousness, Lin Shi smiled, hoping that it would not let him down.

Returning to his bedroom, sitting cross-legged, he began his daily compulsory homework, reciting the Bodhi Heart Sutra.

This was one of the few means he could use to protect himself.

Lin Shi, who was in seclusion at ease, did not find that after he was forced to wake up in the real world this time, the matrix world had changed again.

The entire matrix was like a video being played, except that there was a problem with the network speed.

From time to time, it would pause and freeze.

The freeze here refers to the freeze within the entire matrix, including the entire human beings on the earth, including animals, including wind, including volcanoes erupting in unknown areas.

No one noticed this phenomenon, except for the agents and Tank, who was closely observing the matrix code in front of dozens of computers at this time.

After Tank called the other people in surprise, everyone saw the code on the screen that stopped from time to time.

The matrix is ​​a world composed of codes. The code stops, which means the stagnation of the entire matrix.

This has never happened in history.

After watching the abnormal phenomenon, Morpheus immediately decided to see the prophet.

There is a problem in the matrix world, and the prophet must be the one who knows it best.

Through debugging, the three quickly came to the special community where the prophet lives.

The superpower children that were originally seen everywhere have disappeared.

On the bench in the yard, the prophet was smoking calmly, as if he knew they would come, and he looked at the three people calmly.

"Prophet, the matrix world..."

Morpheus was about to speak, but the prophet raised his hand and signaled him not to say anything more.

She looked at the sky with unfocused eyes and slowly said,

"There is a problem with the core of the matrix, and it is a big problem. The current matrix world is facing the crisis of collapse at any time."

"Collapse? Then the people in the matrix..."

"Yes, their consciousness will disappear. In layman's terms, they will become vegetative in the real world."

Neo walked forward with a heavy face,

"What caused this? Is there any way to stop it?"

"As for the reason, you can ask him, he knows more than I know."

Several people followed the prophet's hand and looked in that direction. Smith was smoking a cigar with a comfortable look on his face.


The three looked at the prophet, then at Smith, their faces full of disbelief.

"What's wrong with me? Although I'm too lazy to continue to target you now, I am at least one of the few antivirus programs in the Matrix world. I can mobilize more codes from the Matrix world than all of you combined."

With a bit of dissatisfaction and disdain, Smith said speechlessly.

Morpheus looked at him and said,

"So, Mr. Smith, can you tell us what's going on?"

"Why? Is this the attitude of begging? I know, but why should I tell you? Hey, look, this guy actually wants to do it."

Looking at Smith's somewhat self-indulgent and extremely annoying expression, Neo was a little angry and was about to come over, but was stopped by Trinity on the side.

After taking a few deep breaths, Neo barely calmed down his inner emotions, and looked up at Smith and said,

"What are your conditions?"

From Smith's words, it can be heard that the other party did not mean to completely reject it, and it was obvious that he was waiting for them to take the initiative to propose the conditions for exchange.

"McClint told me that you have the ability to help me get rid of this body. I need you to help me get rid of my identity as an agent after you have this ability. I just want to get out of this smelly zoo."

Smith's words made several people confused. Neo was even more puzzled. He has this ability? Why doesn't he know it?

However, it is still important to get the information now. Neo nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

Seeing that he agreed to his request, Smith slowly told the story,

"The matrix appears time stagnation

The reason is that the core of the operation fluctuated. At the same time, the mechanical god was ready to send out the squid army to destroy Zion. Oh, don't be surprised. This has happened five times. What you call hope is just a folder that is specially used to hold special data and then cleaned up regularly under the calculation of the matrix. "

Loosening the tie around his neck, Smith revealed indifferently,

"According to the calculation of the matrix, the number of people in Zion has reached the threshold of 250,000. Every time this number is reached, a redundant piece of data will be deliberately made to become your so-called savior, and then, with all humans, together, moths to the fire."

"This is impossible. If this is true, why is there no such historical record in Zion City?"

Morpheus didn't believe Smith's nonsense at all.

"Someone did try to record it, but it was all erased by the squids. Don't you find that the things you picked up are still intact and operational? For example, your beloved ship? "

As Smith spoke, Morpheus' heart sank rapidly.

Indeed, if it was really as Smith said, then the mismatch between the civilization and technology level in Zion City would be clear.


He turned his head and glanced at Neo. He was so convinced that Neo was the legendary savior who could end everything.

"Don't worry, for these questions, maybe you can find the answers if you go to the source, and even Zion can be preserved."

The prophet on the side, looking at Neo and his friends whose worldviews were somewhat shaken, suddenly said,

"Source? Where is that?"

Neo looked puzzled,

"The source can also be said to be the core of the matrix world, the origin of everything. When you get there, you can find the answers you want."

"How should I go? "

Without hesitation, Neo asked directly,

Everything Smith told him had a huge impact on his worldview, and he was eager to find a way to verify the authenticity of these words.

The prophet was well prepared, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over,

"According to the address on it, you go to the locksmith, he can take you to the source."

Taking the note, Neo turned around and walked back the way he came without saying a word, and Trinity and Morpheus hurriedly followed.

Glancing at Smith who was still standing there smoking a cigar, the prophet said,

"What? You don't want to follow?"

"Me? What should I do? He doesn't have the ability to help me now, right?"

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