The rescue was a big success.

Neo, after escaping to a safe area, left the Matrix world through the phone.

When everyone stood up from the link chair to celebrate the success of the rescue operation, Morpheus, Neo and Trinity came to the side.

"That person, why can he do those... those super powers?"

Neo hesitated and asked Morpheus the question he had been holding back for a long time.

In response, Morpheus said that he had never seen it before.

Generally speaking, in the Matrix world, most people who see through the reality can already initially interfere with the code, thereby realizing the external manifestation of various super powers.

However, that is at most bending a spoon or controlling a teacup to fly.

To achieve the terrifying level of Lin Shi, Morpheus has never seen one in all these years.

Trinity asked on the side,

"Should we ask the prophet?"

The three looked at each other, and Morpheus nodded.

This person is too mysterious, maybe the prophet knows something.

Lin Shi returned to his villa and tried to call out the system panel, but there was no response at all,


He sighed, even if he could fly in this matrix world.

This is all fake!

Thinking of the fleeting picture before, Lin Shi felt a headache.

After contacting Hongjun, he encountered such a sky-shattering opening. If he said it had nothing to do with him, Lin Shi would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

But if he said that a big man of that level would come down to target him personally, he didn't think he had the qualifications.

Lilith came over with a plate of fruit, sat beside him, looked at Lin Shi's frown, and said,

"What's wrong? Honey, you have superpowers, what's there to worry about? You don't really think this world is fake, do you?"

She picked up a grape and fed it into Lin Shi's mouth, and touched his forehead.

"Don't worry about it, just be a rich woman here."

He waved and slapped Lilith's hand away, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV.

Lin Shi felt a little irritated. Since entering this mission world, he has been passive.

Even now, he is passively waiting for Morpheus and others to contact him, which makes him, who is used to rushing around in the mission world, a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a piece of news on TV caught his attention.

"A man in Florida, who has always imagined himself to be Spider-Man, actually climbed the 20-meter-high wall of a mental hospital with his bare hands today, and sprayed a substance similar to spider silk from his wrist."

"In New York's Times Square, several passers-by suddenly fired fireballs from their hands, hitting a clothing store on the roadside, causing a minor fire. The fire has been extinguished."

"According to reports, various superpowers have suddenly awakened around the world, and a large number of people have suddenly developed various superpowers. No country has issued an official statement yet, so let's wait for follow-up reports."

Lin Shi looked at the video that looked like the world of X-Men, frowning tightly,

What's going on? Why did the original plot change like this? Aura revived? Became the Marvel world?

Damn it, the matrix world has become like this, how can I complete the main task,

This is the first time he has encountered a sudden change in the attributes of the world. Although this matrix world is just virtual, it should not be the same as the X-Men. Something must have gone wrong.

Just when a large number of superpowers appeared in the entire matrix world, in the real world,

Morpheus and his team also found something wrong through the code. A large number of codes were iterated, and the physical rules in many places were changed.

This made them think of Lin Shi who helped them rescue their companions.

The other party might know something because they also have superpowers.

However, before that, they still have to meet the prophet first.

When everyone set out to the place where the prophet was, the traitor Cypher, like in the original book, notified the agent.

After meeting the prophet, Morpheus got straight to the point and asked his doubts directly.

"Prophet, we met a strange person before. He has stronger abilities than..., but it seems that he is not in the category of savior."

As he spoke, he glanced at Neo standing next to him.

Obviously, this was comparing Lin Shi and Neo.

The prophet did not answer his question directly, but calmly took out a

She took out a cigarette from a box,


After lighting it and taking a deep breath, she walked to the window, looking at the glass covered with window paper-cuts, but her eyes reflected countless complex images, and she slowly said,

"The world has changed. I can't see through the current matrix, and I can't see through the person you mentioned, but I know that his choice is far more important than Neo's choice."

Everyone looked at Neo after hearing this, and Neo was naturally puzzled.

"But maybe you can find him, try to cooperate with him, and make friends with him, there will be no harm."

A cigarette was quickly finished, and the prophet waved his hand, motioning others to leave, leaving Neo alone.

"Do you think you are the savior?"

Neo was silent, he thought of Lin Shi, who was like a god before, and slowly shook his head.

The prophet brought a cup of tea and pointed to the door frame behind Neo, on which was a sign with "Know yourself" written in Latin.

While the two were playing charades in the house, outside the door, Trinity looked at Morpheus and asked,

"Should we go find that person?"

After all, because of Lin Shi's report, they sacrificed a companion. It is definitely unrealistic to say that they don't mind.

This matter is a thorn in everyone's heart.

Morpheus looked up at the sky of the matrix world, and then looked at the hut where the prophet was.

To be honest, after seeing Lin Shi's powerful ability, he who originally firmly believed that Neo was that person was also a little shaken at this time.

"Yes, we need to find him. Even if he doesn't cooperate, we need to ask what happened to those various superpowers who suddenly appeared."

After a while, Neo walked out of the room with a heavy face.

After saying goodbye to the predecessor, everyone returned to their own return passage.

When Neo was about to go upstairs, he suddenly noticed that the cat at the staircase seemed to appear twice.

He couldn't help but blurt out: "Deja vu?"

After saying that, he turned around and continued to go upstairs. Trinity and Morpheus, who were going upstairs, looked at him seriously and vigilantly and asked,

"What did you just say? Deja vu?"

Neo stood there with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah, I just saw two black cats that looked similar passing by there. It looked like a cat appeared twice."

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