The explosion was so intense that the fire was extinguished.

In the violent explosion, a flash of red light flashed, and then the small building where the coffee shop was located trembled rapidly.

Lin Shi, who was standing on the roof of a nearby building, closed his eyes and sensed the movement in the building.

The RPGs that had just been fired unexpectedly seemed to have successfully killed one, and there were three others whose auras were fluctuating, and they should have been injured.

At this time, they were led by the most powerful aura, breaking through the ceiling and fleeing upstairs.

With a slight smile on his lips, he took out the strengthened Quinque, activated the Gale Step, and quietly came to the roof of the coffee shop to wait.

[Kotetsu] (can be enhanced)

[Quality]: B-grade

[Durability]: 110/110

[Attack power]: 220

[Introduction]: A 1.5-meter-long blade can be extended from the hilt, which is extremely powerful in destroying the flesh. Its material has been freed from the original shackles. Perhaps you who use it can also become a great swordsman. (Continued enhancement requires physical strength: 3500 points)

This is the enhanced Yukimura. Although the attack power and material have changed, the main body is still a short stick about 30 centimeters long.

Holding this thing, Lin Shi thought of the lightsaber in Star Wars. Its energy blade should not be much worse than the lightsaber.

In the small building, at this time, Yoshimura Kousen has transformed into an immortal owl, holding the bloody Touka and the unconscious Hinami in his left and right hands respectively.

The scarlet eyes of He were filled with anger. He wanted to atone for his sins, but the other little guys in the coffee shop were innocent!

Damn CCG, they are still so good at destroying stability.

"Furuma, Irimi, you two take them away, I'll cover you."

Sensing the hundreds of breaths outside, Yoshimura Kousen knew that it would be impossible for the two of them to break through alone.

Only if he, the unkillable owl, came forward to attract all the firepower, would they have a chance to survive.


Furuma and Irimi hurriedly put on their masks and looked at the owl worriedly, and nodded after hesitating for a moment.

He took Touka and Hinami from him, and as for Nishio Nishiki, who was a weakling in combat, he was unfortunately affected by two RPGs at the same time and was already in pieces.

The manager swung his kagune with both hands, smashing the ceiling of the roof, and a group of people rushed out from the roof.

The two shadows each carried one person and retreated to a distance, while the manager jumped forward and landed heavily on the street in front of the coffee shop.

Lin Shi saw it, but did not stop him. Now was not the time for him to appear.

Under his guidance, not only did he successfully start with the death of Nishio Nishiki, but he also seriously injured two members of the coffee shop.

At this time, the Unkillable Owl was completely different from the original plot, who was determined to release the sea water.

Now he was just angry and wanted to kill as many CCG people as possible to make a bigger noise so that Furuma and Irimi could leave safely.

In this state, the Unkillable Owl was much more powerful than him who released the sea water.


A white gas spurted out from under the mask of the Owl, and the red light in the single eye of He became more and more intense.

"Come on, let us fight each other!"

The soldiers in the front row were shocked by the tall figure of the Owl emitting a dark red aura. Thinking of the rumors about the Owl in CCG, they were all scared and stunned.

It was not until Xiao walked closer step by step and chopped off a soldier's head with a wave of his hand that everyone suddenly realized and pulled the trigger in their hands with force.

"Shoot! Shoot!!!"

However, the ghoul's own strong skin membrane and the kagune covering Xiao's body at this time made these bullets only splash sparks on his body and then bounced off.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~!

Countless air-breaking sounds were heard, and Xiao shot countless feather kagune missiles from the kagune wrapped on the surface of his body.

Just one round of shooting, the soldiers in the front row were killed or injured.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who were slightly behind suddenly showed despair in their eyes.

If CCG's news was not tightly sealed, I don't know what Lin Shi would look like when they saw hundreds of kagune.

Just when Xiao was about to continue to slaughter, Shinohara Yukinori and Kuroiwa Iwa arrived in new armor and hurriedly blocked Xiao's sword.

"The act of plundering life is a sin. From the moment we were born into the world, we have been plundering other things."

While speaking, Xiao picked up a piece of the corpse with his giant sword and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it twice and swallowed it.


With agitation, he extended two feather spikes again.

"Life is to commit sins constantly, life is sin itself, I am sin itself, and so are you."

Red light burst out from his body, and countless feathers flew out again, shooting at the two people who came back to him.

Seeing this, Shinohara and Kuroiwa hurriedly protected their heads with their hands, but did not stop charging.

After finally rushing to Xiao's side with the feathers, he was lightly slashed and knocked out again.

"They are all good children. Why should they suffer this?"

Another horizontal slash, slashing away the kagune missiles fired from the temple in the distance.

Then a burst of air spurted out from his back, and his figure instantly accelerated to the side of Shinohara who was about to stand up, and a downward slash went straight to Shinohara's body.

But it was stopped by an attack like a laser cannon.

Owl looked up, and a large number of missiles instantly shot out of the surface of his body to fight back, while his other hand blocked the attacking Black Rock.

Shinohara, who was lying on the ground, quickly rolled over and got out of Owl's attack range, holding his weapon and getting ready.

Several investigators got ready again, and Owl took this opportunity to pick up another piece of meat from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth.

His breath surged again.

"Humans think that ghouls are mortal enemies and can be eliminated at will, but people are divided into good and bad, but ghouls are not divided into good and bad?"

As he spoke, he sprayed Yuhe from all angles of his body, and rushed towards Shinohara and Black Rock.

It was already difficult for everyone to resist Yuhe's shooting, so how could they have the spare time to block Owl's big sword.


A sound more like being hit by a blunt object came from Shinohara's body, and the whole person flew into the distance like a cannonball.

It can be said that the store manager, who had been deliberately strengthened by Lin Shi, was not as murderous and powerful as the old man who wanted to die in the original plot.

If Xiaoyuan had not been wearing the new armor, this blow would have been enough to kill him.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed over at a very fast speed, dancing a huge black shadow, blocking the Yuhe.

He stepped forward and slashed at Xiao's arm, but Xiao moved his body slightly and blocked it with the armor-like kagune on his shoulder.

After missing the attack, the black shadow turned his body in mid-air, waving a huge sickle, and slashed wildly.

But every time he slashed, Xiao either avoided or blocked it with the smallest movement.

Then he was knocked out of the field by Xiao's impatient swing.

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