Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Arrival

After the hunter's abnormally ridiculously solved a few rushing to him to show his self-gentlemanly manner, the hormonal secretion of the boring person, the car once again restored calm. At this moment, the men looked at the eyes of the demon hunter and became scared. They just hunted the devil’s hot and unrelenting shots, and let them rush into the lions who have been arrogant and arrogant. The reality is to bury the head of the ostrich in the soil.

However, contrary to this, the women's gaze to the demon hunter is getting more and more eager. From the hands of the demon hunters, they seem to have seen a heroic and invincible warrior and a ruthless assassin appearing in front of them. No woman is lacking in fantasy, especially the girl is full of fantasies - the female classmates of several girls who have just glared at the demon hunter, but now they are staring at the demon hunter. If the demon hunters send out invitations to them, they must be eager to rush into the arms of the demon hunter.

The demon hunter who had just been checked by the policeman was half-squinting, and obviously he was not in a good mood. When the men who had been secreted by the hormones rushed up, Ye Qi subconsciously thought of the danger of the C+ mission, so he shot. Nature is full! When the discovery was wrong, several men who had just rushed up had already flew back at a faster rate, one by one and fell to the ground.

However, they should be thankful that if they were not because of the narrowness of the compartment and they were full of passengers, the demon hunters would definitely use the burning hand to solve them. Then they are not down to the ground, but the procedures for going to the crematorium are omitted, and they can go directly to the cemetery.

This kind of movement naturally attracted the attention of the police. However, under Ye Qi’s explanation and the testimony of many girls who testified to Ye Qi, the policeman was not too embarrassed, but he took away a few bad guys with great care – even if they didn’t pursue it, they They also need to be treated immediately, otherwise they really have to go to the cemetery.

"Hey, in the face of such a beautiful girl, this is so cold talk! Hey, boy is really ruthless!" The strange wolf who claimed to be Amon suddenly appeared again.

"Do you want to do any more transactions?"

Although it has only been a few short contacts, Ye Qi has already had a basic understanding of the style of the wolf. Knowing that the other person is the kind of thing that does not go to the Sanbao Temple, Ye Qi asked very simply.

"Don't you only trade with me? We have a partner under the supreme contract!" The wolf is dissatisfied, but the real purpose of the next moment is revealed: "We will make another deal, as long as you Soaked up to the girl named Linda, I will send you another holy device, how?"

"Bubbles girl? Send me another holy device?" Although I was surprised by the wolf conditions and rewards, after several transactions with the wolf, Ye Qi knew that this contract with the self was a wolf-like form. But it has a heart that is more embarrassing than the fox. Therefore, Ye Qi made a very reasonable guess: "The piece of saint that you sent me will not be just a carry-on item for that girl?"

"Haha, this is just a small detail! Don't worry too much!"

The strange wolf's laughter confirmed the correctness of Ye Qi's guess. Immediately, Ye Qi snorted: "Detail is the basis for determining success failure! This transaction, I refuse!"

"Cut, indifferent and ruthless boy!"

After the grotesque wolf screamed, it suddenly disappeared again with the sudden appearance.

And Ye Qi sat there with a disdainful smile, and once again looked at "The Eye of Mao Mo" - the holy device is good, but the preciousness of the holy instrument is unquestionable! Although the girl named Linda used to be plain, she used the etiquette cultivated in the big family. Although the girl is very good at concealing, it is still very obvious for Ye Qi who has seen many family hunters.

Although the big family can't explain anything, but the holy device plus a family, even the fool knows what it is - the hunting demon family is like the existence of the Deco family with Ye Qi. Although the other party may not know the existence of the demon hunter or even the dark world from the shy and timid appearance of the girl. But her family elders must have known, and her body with a saint, her position in this family must be very high, maybe the eldest daughter or heir.

And if Ye Qi used the means of deceiving the other party to get the piece of the saint, then Ye Qi waited for the family to carry out the endless pursuit! This is different from killing the dog legs of the Deco family. By virtue of the apostle's identity, the Deco family is not good for a dog leg!

But the holy device is the root of every family. Ye Qi uses deception to get the holy device. Even if Ye Qi has the apostle's identity, it doesn't work! Coupled with the deception of the feelings, maybe more indignation of the family will also be jointly pursued, even if the package is not good, his teacher John will personally clean up the portal face this situation, only for one Piece of holy device? Ye Qike is not so stupid, let alone with his growing strength, if you want the holy device in the future, there are many opportunities! Why do you need to take such a big risk now?


The train continued to drive. When entering the Chunlin District from the Tallinn District, the temperature was gradually rising. The people in the train cheered and their destination, Shak, was about to arrive. This is undoubtedly an exciting message for those who have spent a day and a night on the train. However, in comparison, the cheers in the compartment where the demon hunter is located are much smaller. No girls look at the demon hunters and show their decisive expressions - the time before, because they are worried that they are very faceless. Refused and embarrassed, so even though it is interesting to the demon hunter, the women have no action; but now there is no chance to act again, not to mention even if they are rejected, because they will soon arrive, and will not be long. time. So the women all acted and began to ask the demon person about the phone number, name...

"Flute! Flute..."

In a short and long whistle, the train entered the terminal station Shak station. The demon hunter flew out of the carriage almost at the moment the train stopped. Looking at the leather garments with a few more scratches, the demon hunter shook his head without a smile.

Who said that only men are crazy? It is even more terrible for a woman to get crazy!

Out of the station, the demon hunter saw his pick-up at the glance - a cold-faced young man with a badge of the demon hunter on his chest.

PS Haha~~~After zero, another one~~~ The brothers support a lot of decadence, let the decadence climb on the homepage for a little longer~~~ Thanks to Fassis and L for the reward~~~ decadent Oh, thanks~~~

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