Alyssa looked at Diana who was far away, and was slightly angry in her heart, after all, the pig's head that was about to be killed was eaten by Diana like this, which is not angry!

But this scene Diana did not notice, after all, she only saw the toothed boar fall in front of her, and she just took this opportunity to kill him.

At this moment, the wild boar went to find trouble with Alisa.

"Get out of here!"


In a flash.

Alyssa inspired her furious talent, and her triple combat power instantly made the wild boar fly upside down, and her solid brain became a lump of mud.

She couldn't care about the negative effects of turning on the fury that would give her a day off.

Now, Alyssa just wants to kill the pig to remove the anger in her heart.

Diana, who heard the movement behind her, turned her head and looked, hateful! Alisa, this guy is really strong, and I must improve my strength as soon as possible so that Brother Tiger King knows that I am the best!

Soon, the battlefield gradually quieted down, and hundreds of wild boars all died.

It turned into a cold corpse.

"System, evolution."

Xia Yu saw that the evolution point was enough, and decisively opened the evolution.

[Host: Xia Yu

] [Type: Dark Golden Xuanhu

] [Level: 10] [Evolution Points: 23

] [Required for the next level: 1000 Evolution Points] [Talent:

King Qi (SSS), Gluttony (SSS), Rock Solid (SSS) Mountain Sovereign (SSS), Tail Whip (S), Concealment (A)]

Comprehensive combat strength: 1500 (no bonus for the time being]

[System evaluation: You are the embodiment of the mountain god, the true ruler of the mountain forest, and those who praise the name of the mountain lord can get the blessing of the mountain god!

A warm current flowed through Xia Yu's bloodline, and his body was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body length reaches a staggering six meters (excluding the tail) and the shoulder height is about two meters eight.

Just the body size of standing straight on all fours has surpassed the height of all humans, and it is a giant tiger in the true sense.

If you count the height of the head, it directly reaches about three meters.

[Congratulations to the host for becoming a level ten alien beast, please find a quiet place, extract achievement rewards, and evolve itself]

"It turns out that the achievement reward of the buffalo hunter is evolution?"

Xia Yu's eyes lit up.

I don't know what my next form of self will look like.

Thinking of this, he originally planned to leave for him after one night of rest, but temporarily decided to rest here for one more day to use it for evolution.

"Brother Tiger King, look, this is the Boar King I killed."

Diana dragged the corpse of the Boar King to Xia Yu to invite credit.

"You killed it?."

The corner of Xia Yu's mouth twitched.

Although he had just been teasing the three tiger cubs with his tail, it didn't mean he didn't notice.

The Bursting Tooth Boar landed in front of Diana just after Alyssa was beaten half-crippled, allowing Diana to pick up the leak.

But Diana didn't know it, and she thought she was favored by God.

"Little meaning Brother Tiger King, even if it is a more powerful wild boar than this, I can easily defeat it!"

Diana raised her head proudly.

After fighting with this group of wild boars, she found that her strength did not seem to be very weak.

Due to the experience of getting up early and being chased by food, Diana has a weak personality and often thinks that her strength is very weak.

"Well, well done, Diana, but don't be too conceited."

Diana is still a child after all, and Xia Yu naturally praises the child.

Diana is happy that she has grown up, but if she is too conceited, it is easy to lose.

Even if you have a system, you are not so arrogant, and before you reach the apex of the world, you still develop obscenely.

"Don't worry, Brother Tiger King, my strength is very strong."

Diana tentatively rubbed on Xia Yu's body, and when she saw that Xia Yu had no reaction, she licked it happily.

Alyssa on the side came to lie down next to Xia Yu like a boiled flower.

After turning on the rage, she really didn't feel good, if it weren't for the talent of endurance, she would have fainted a long time ago.

Seeing the proud Diana, Alyssa rolled her eyes speechlessly, fortunately the king gave himself a look, otherwise he would not have been wronged.

Right at this moment.

"Who did this!"


A black-skinned wild boar with a body length of four meters and a shoulder height of about one meter and nine meters walked out.


: Pig King] [Species: Bursting

Teeth Black Pig] [Level: 4] [

Talent: Rage (S) Bursting Teeth (A) Thick Skin (A)] Rage:

Angry Bursting Teeth Black Pigs can burst out more than twice their own combat power, lasting half an hour and cooling down for two days.

[Comprehensive combat strength: 450

] [System evaluation: The brother of the wild boar king who lives in the mountains and forests, got a strange encounter and evolved into a fourth-level exotic beast, and is the real ruler of this mountain and forest]

Xia Yu immediately opened the data and took a look, no wonder the wild boar with bursting teeth just now did not have the introduction of the ruler, it turned out that the real ruler was its brother.

"Brother! Who killed Ang Lao Pig's younger brother! "

The toothed wild boar saw the corpse lying in front of Xia Yu at a glance, it was his younger brother Pig Xiaowang!

In an instant, all the tigers and crocodiles looked at Diana.


silently took a step back and hid behind Xia Yu.


The momentum of this wild boar in front of him is so strong, he can definitely crush himself, so that he will not find a dead stand out.

"Sister Diana, I just heard what you said, even if there is a more powerful wild boar, you can deal with it, why don't you go now?"

Alyssa gloated as she lay on the ground.

I can hear this sentence clearly.

"I... Sister Alisa, why don't you get on. "

If it was the kind of toothed wild boar just now, Diana would still try to fight, anyway, the brother of the tiger king is around, and she will definitely not be in danger of her life."

But the momentum of this boar king in front of him completely crushed himself, he was not an opponent at all, and he was looking for abuse when he went up.

"I just used up all my physical strength, or I would have gone up."

Alyssa said seriously.

If you turn on your furious self, you may not be the opponent of the Bursting Tooth Black Pig.

Unfortunately, the furious cooldown time was enough for one day, and he didn't have the strength to fight anymore.

"Actually, I'm too, I wasted too much physical strength just after killing this wild boar, so tired~"

Diana pretended to fall on Xia Yu.

The current Tiger King brother is too big, like a hill.

"When you are tired, go to the side to rest, and this wild boar will be handed over to me."

Xia Yu pushed Diana aside with his tail.

Even if Diana wanted to go to him, he would not agree, the combat power of this black pig with bursting teeth in front of him reached four hundred and five, if he opened the fury talent, it was enough to have nine hundred!

Diana is certainly no match for her.

At present, the only person in the team who can defeat the Toothed Black Pig is Alisa, who has turned on the fury.

It's a pity that now Alyssa has entered a cooling-off period, so the only one who can defeat the Toothed Black Pig now is herself.

"Hmph! The old pig wants you to pay for my brother's life!" "

Bursting Teeth Black Pig doesn't care who killed his brother, anyway, all the animals present now must die!"

The fury talent was directly opened, and the combat power instantly soared to nine hundred points!

"You will pay for your stupidity."

Even without the bonus of the Mountain Monarch, Xia Yu's combat power is 1,500 points, and this black pig with bursting teeth in front of him is not his opponent at all!

The battle between kings and kings is on the verge!

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