The herd of deer who are vigilantly foraging do not know that they are now under the watchful eye of death.

With the help of the lush grass next to him, Xia Yu crept forward quietly, his straight body was like a beam, and the domineering tiger sideburns were blown by the breeze.

The whole body is full of explosive muscles, the tiger pupil exudes boundless murderous aura, and there is a faint king wind all over the body!

One step ~ two steps ~ three steps....

The distance between Xia Yu and the deer herd was getting closer and closer, and in a blink of an eye, it was reduced to only about five meters.

And there is no such dense jungle as cover ahead.

This is the best offensive position for Xia Yu.

The sika deer, who was watching the wind, seemed to have discovered something, and its mood began to become restless.


Right now!

Xia Yu flew out like a spring, and the sand and dust flew up at this moment.

A figure like thunder appeared in front of the deer.

The eyes of the deer herd reflect a large, colorful tiger!


The deer turned into frightened birds and fled in a hurry.

Xia Yu ignored the sika deer that were far away from him, and he aimed at a male sika deer in the prime of life.

Generally speaking, sika deer are a group of animals that are not good at social living.

But this is the world of tigers.

Even if they are no longer good at living in groups, they gradually form a group life in such an environment.

Otherwise, their hope of survival is very slim.

The male sika deer turns his head and prepares to run.

But Xia Yu had already stretched out his sharp claws.

The curved claws penetrated deep into the hind limbs of the sika deer like iron flying hooks, hooking its muscle meridians.

The male sika deer suddenly felt a strong dragging force from the hind limbs, and the forward force and the rear drag force repelled at the same time.


The sika deer fell violently to the ground in the next moment, setting off a thick layer of sand.

Before he could get up again and escape, his cervical vertebrae were followed by a sharp tooth glowing with a faint cold light.

Hmm~mm~ The

limbs of the sika deer are constantly twitching, in a vain attempt to break free from the hands of the god of death.

Xia Yu did not kill the sika deer.

Instead, one of his collarbones was severed, making it impossible for him to escape normally.

After doing all this, Xia Yu pressed a heavy tiger palm on the head of the sika deer to prevent it from slipping away.

"Come here!"

Xia Yu shouted at Diana, who was still hiding in the grass.

Diana, who heard Xia Yu's call, immediately got out of the grass and came to Xia Yu's side.

"Here, you'll chase it next."

After Xia Yu finished signaling, he loosened the control of the sika deer.

The sika deer that was freed from control suddenly jumped up, but it was a pity that Xia Yu bit off one of its collarbones.

As a result, now the sika deer escapes with its head stretched below, unable to run at full speed, and the escape route is shaky.

But the instinct to survive is driving the sika deer to endure severe pain and flee here.

Xia Yu wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to teach Diana a good lesson and exercise her hunting ability.

However, Diana didn't seem to understand what Xia Yu meant at the moment, sitting on the ground blankly, staring at the distant sika deer.

"Go after it!"

Xia Yu looked at the sika deer that was fading away, and the steely tiger tail whipped on the daze Diana.


Diana, who felt the pain in her ass, came back to her senses and shot out like a wild horse out of control.

Bursts of dust were set up and disappeared into the dust.

In order to train Diana's hunting ability, Xia Yu specially picked an opponent for her.

The weight of this sika deer is estimated to be around 100 kilograms.

And Diana's weight is about one hundred and ten kilograms, and the difference between the two is not very big.

In addition, Xia Yu also bit off the collarbone of the sika deer to prevent the sika deer from running away too fast.

As long as Diana is not too bad, she should be able to catch the sika deer.

Looking at the back of Diana, Xia Yu lay comfortably on the shady lawn, waiting for Diana's good news.

In the live broadcast room——————————

"The Tiger King really enjoys it."

"This is exercising Diana's hunting ability, right? Does the Tiger King really have to take care of Diana?

"That's a must, this is a child bride, hehe~

" "It's different to find a big brother to follow, Diana come on!"


in the live broadcast room saw Xia Yu's thoughts.

On the other side——————————

Diana lived up to expectations, jumped up from behind the sika deer, and jumped onto the back of the sika deer.

The weight of more than a hundred kilograms was directly pressed down, plus the sika deer was already injured, and was immediately thrown to the ground by Diana.

The fallen sika deer let out a painful groan, and Diana locked her throat without saying a word, biting the sika deer's neck.

The body of the sika deer kept twitching, and the eyes were terrified, gradually losing their light, becoming dim, and losing their brilliance.


Catching the prey equal to herself, Diana was extremely excited at this time.

Holding back the sweet blood at the corner of her mouth, Diana bit the neck of the sika deer, ready to drag it back to Xia Yu's side to ask for credit.


Suddenly, in the woods next to it, an uninvited guest appeared.

A tiger weighing one hundred and ninety kilograms appeared in front of Diana.

This tiger is not a Bengal tiger, but a very small number of South China tigers!

Under the oppression of Bengal tigers, South China tigers have little space to survive.

So they were sent out by the animal protection society, and only a small number of South China tigers were left to see how they were doing.

And the South China tigers that survive here live one by one on the territory of other Bengal tigers.

Just like leopards, if you can't beat them, you will run, and you will grab food when you have the opportunity.

And Diana, a female Bengal tiger that was not yet an adult, was targeted by this South China tiger.

Diana, who is not yet an adult, is his target for grabbing food.

The South China Tiger greedily glanced at the sika deer in Diana's mouth, and he was going to prepare to grab the food.

Compared to Xia Yu's big fish and meat, the South China tiger was hungry for a day.

Diana put down the food in her mouth, and her throat began to let out a low roar of anger, she was warning the South China Tiger.

After all, if she really fights, she really can't kill this South China tiger.

No adult, small size, not at all an adult South China tiger opponent with rich experience.

The South China Tigers dismissed Diana's warning.

As far as this kind of underage tiger, the South China tiger naturally will not put it in his eyes.

Diana saw that the warning had no effect on the other party, and she showed her long tiger teeth.

If the South China Tiger still dares to approach, then she will attack.

Although he is weaker than the other party, this is not a reason for him to be bullied.

And this is the prey that Xia Yu let her capture, how could she give it to the South China Tiger.

Seeing that this little tiger dared to attack, the South China Tiger immediately took the lead in attacking.


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