Soon Zhongli and the others were almost at the General Affairs Division, and at this time Cardinal had already waited with a group of people to greet them, two from the House of Elders, and the general who commanded the soldiers of the whole city was also waiting here.

Because of her good eyesight, Cardinal saw the woman holding Zhongli's arm from a long distance, she frowned, didn't she tell Zhongli to greet her? Could it be that there are still his acquaintances in this?

Zhongli was also struggling at this time, but this woman was also a rock attribute, and her strength was amazing, so Zhongli had no choice for a while, so he couldn't let the family go, right?

"Well, can you let go first? Babe.

Seeing Zhongli's embarrassing situation, the middle-aged man also spoke.

"Beibei, let him go first, and you can talk about it privately later."

Hearing her uncle say the same, the woman could only let go of her hand unwillingly, she felt that she and Zhongli were too compatible, and they were both rock attributes, this man was not only good to listen to and handsome, he was simply the best husband for herself.

"A few people who have come from afar have worked hard."

Everyone flattered each other with some official words, and soon they all took their seats, and Zhongli also had a seat as the vice captain.

And the young man and the young woman, who were far away as guests, also had seats, and the man was a little unhappy when he saw his cousin sitting down next to Zhongli and looking at him with a expression.

"What about the former vice-captain? Why are there only a few people? The

young man spoke, and after speaking, he glanced at Zhongli, as if he was dissatisfied with him, a first-level elemental.

Seeing his nephew speak, the middle-aged man also had this question, Zhuge Qing and Zhang Tianyi were in charge of the handover before, but this time when they heard that Lanshan was attacked, they took the initiative to come, but these people are gone. And it's been a little deserted along the way, and some of the familiar faces I've seen before seem to be gone.

At this time, several people looked at Cardinal, after all, this was a scandal in the Elemental Authority, and Cardinal looked at Zhongli, she didn't want to say it herself.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhongli took something out of his pocket, threw it away, and let it fall on the floor of the hall, and in a crisp sound, everyone saw a broken purple gem.

Then his calm voice sounded in the hall, "Zhuge Qing and the Fatui attempted to subvert Lanshan, and I have killed him with my own hands.

"What is this?" The middle-aged man asked in surprise, he had never seen such a thing before, but from the surface of the purple gem, a sign of a flow of water could be faintly seen.

"This is the Evil Eye, an external Vision created by the Fatui, and if it is the same attribute, it can also resonate with its own Vision."

Immediately, several people in Anding City were shocked, and the middle-aged man even stood up in fright, if this is true, then the Fatui must be re-evaluated.

"Mind if I take a look?" He asked.

Zhongli nodded, and then the middle-aged man picked up the jewel-like Vision and began to examine it.

He tried to feel it, and there was actually some elemental power wrapped in it, and it was also a water element.

Seeing his uncle's serious expression, the young man was also surprised, but then he wondered if his uncle had overreacted, so he asked.

"Uncle, what's the matter, the Fatui are just a third-rate organization, and they have always been operating in small towns on the edge, even if they have evil eyes, they can't match two people with divine eyes."

The middle-aged man glanced at his nephew and sighed.

"You don't understand, this is not an ordinary addition, and I have never seen the material of this evil eye, maybe they are already trying to create an attributeless vision."

The man was stunned, but then he thought that Zhuge Qing had used the evil eye and was still defeated by Zhongli of one star, so he felt that it was nothing.

"Hmph, even he can defeat Zhuge Qing with evil eyes, isn't he a star?"

Cardinal frowned and said, "He is indeed a star, what, what's the discord between you?"

The middle-aged man smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "Some of the battles between young people are not worth mentioning."

"That's right, cousin, you're really, why do you keep targeting him!"

Seeing that these people seemed to be defending Zhongli, the man became even angrier.

"Okay, cousin, I'm going to let you know that he's just a useless embroidered pillow, come, you duel with me!"

The middle-aged man stood up and tried to stop him, but his nephew had already jumped directly in front of Zhongli.

"Uncle, don't say more, I also want to see how many catties the Lanshan deputy team has."

"Can you defeat Zhuge Qing with an evil eye, won't you dare to accept the challenge of me who only has two stars, right?"

At this point, Zhongli had nothing to do, he didn't think he couldn't beat him, and this hostility came inexplicably, it was obviously his cousin who was still stalking him.

Seeing Zhongli jump out to fight, he said, "Then let's go outside."

Soon the crowd followed them outside, in the square where the statue was located, and the statue had already been erected again.

"Here it is." Zhongli spoke.

"Zhongli, remember to be lighter." Cardinal instructed.

At the same time, the man's cousin also asked him to be a little lighter with Zhongli, otherwise he would not be spared.

"Where's your weapon? I don't want to bully the defenseless. The man asked.

At this time, a man who had been on a mission with Zhongli before ran over and handed Zhongli a spear, and nodded to him, this was the person who had previously escorted the carriage, although he hadn't been able to see Zhongli's feat, but he had heard about it afterwards.

The two began to confront each other, and for a while neither of them made a move, just quietly watching each other.

Soon Zhongli moved, the marksmanship he had learned had never been practiced before, and he wanted to experiment with it.

I saw that he first held the gun with both hands, and the tip of the gun, the tip of the nose, and the tip of the toe were all on the same level, which was also the basic three-pointed photo.

Then Zhongli first shook the body of the gun and tried to poke the gun, but even if he kept shaking the body of the gun and drawing circles, he was easily blocked by the man who found the tip of the gun, and then Zhongli retracted a broken gun and then turned the stab, but he still dodged it.

At this time, the man turned sideways and pulled the sword body sideways, ready to get close, Zhongli immediately bullied the tip of the gun with his left hand and used the blocking gun, which could bring more power, and directly pulled the man's sword away.

Obviously, the man also has a lot of actual combat experience, and he directly shook the sword body to remove the force on it, and then dodged Zhongli's several stabs.

The simple confrontation was over, and soon the man began to use the wind elemental power to wrap the sword body, and the high-frequency vibration caused by this Zhongli couldn't bear it at all, but he was still stabbed by Zhongli.

This blow also made him discover one thing, Zhongli's attack was not painful, and then he deliberately took several hits and found that the stab did not even break his elemental shield, which almost made him laugh out loud.

Could it be that Zhongli was pulled out to make up the numbers because of his good appearance, otherwise why could his first-level elemental master be the vice captain? Moreover, he saw that Zhongli's power to wrap weapons with elemental power was very subtle, and he was a novice at all.

Thinking of the enthusiastic people on the street before, he was even more sure of his conjecture, those people still cared about Zhongli's name as Emperor Rock King, and that fanatical attitude was Tuo at a glance, only Tuo would be so exaggerated, as if he wanted to cry at every turn.

It should be that Cardinal is afraid that their group of people have ulterior motives, so he called such a person, and he also used beauty to seduce his cousin to lower their vigilance, which is really a good calculation.

Immediately, he flicked off Zhongli's spear with an elemental technique, and jumped back and shouted.

"Too weak, that's all?"

Zhongli also discovered the fact that his basic attack damage was low, and immediately stopped obsessing with the body of the gun, but directly manipulated the leylines to start the overwhelming attack, and he already knew the result he wanted for this training, and he was not suitable for Ping A at the moment.

Soon the man was caught by various stone pillars and could not move.

With his elemental power alone, he couldn't break free at all, and after these days of fighting, Zhongli's skill in using elemental power was no longer what it used to be.

Seeing that he couldn't break free, Zhongli also abandoned the gun to indicate that the battle was over, and then he untied his restraints and let go of the man, of course, the man was not indignant or plotted against him.

On the contrary, the man's mood at this time actually calmed down, he walked over, patted Zhongli on the shoulder, and whispered

, "You are very powerful, my cousin is worthy of entrusting you."

Zhongli was speechless and wanted to refute, but the man was already gone.

Zhongli really wants to complain, what does your cousin have to do with me? What the hell are you making up in your brain, hey.

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