Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 84: Fighting, assassination, sniper rifles versus warriors’ bodies

The night was like ink, and thick darkness enveloped this vast forest.

Only sporadic moonlight shines through the dense leaves and dapples on the ground, adding a bit of mystery and weirdness to this dead forest.


The angry voice echoed in the silence, like a huge stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Kelu, who left the team, was holding a spear, his face was livid, and his eyes were flashing with angry flames.

His eyes were fixed on the leisurely black wolf in front of him, as if he wanted to pour all his anger on this innocent creature.


The spear cut through the air, with a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and stabbed straight at the black wolf.

The black wolf seemed to be aware of the danger, but it was too late. The tip of the spear instantly penetrated its body, and blood spattered everywhere.

The black wolf struggled for a few times, then fell to the ground feebly, motionless.


Kelu snorted coldly and waved his spear, seeming to vent his dissatisfaction.

Those cunning goblins, if he hadn't relied on those strange weapons, he would have killed them all long ago.

There are also those who are timid and fearful. If he hadn't come forward, how could they have returned to the camp unharmed?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and Kelu's eyes flashed dangerously.

He gripped the spear tightly and looked around the forest, looking for the next person to vent his anger on.

At this moment, a figure flashed past not far away.

Kelu's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he recognized the figure - it was Ye Yan.

The goblin that always made him feel unhappy.


Kelu chuckled lightly, a hint of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

"If you want to blame it, blame it on your bad luck."

He rushed out without hesitation, and using the cover of the night, launched a fierce attack on Ye Yan's location.

The spear danced in the night, drawing silver tracks, like a silver dragon tumbling in the darkness.

There is no doubt that even a mature creature would lose half its life if faced with his attack at this moment.

He just has the confidence to fight like this.

However, just when he thought so.

Ye Yan actually discovered his attack and reacted by blending into the dark shadows to avoid his attack.

"how so?!"

Kelu's eyes widened and he was extremely surprised.

If he read it correctly, how did the goblin in front of him, who should be in the growth stage, detect his attack.

This shouldn’t be the case!

Kelu, who was experienced in combat, was shocked at the same time.

The movements of his hands did not stop, and he recognized that Ye Yan's skills were dark.

I saw that the head of Kelu's gun was slightly raised, reflecting the moonlight and forcing Ye Yan out of the shadows.

"I didn't expect that I would meet a goblin like you."

"Today, I'm in a bad mood, so I'll use you to eat meat!"

"If you want to blame it, blame it on your bad luck."


Kelu sneered, the spear held tightly in his hand emitting a cold light in the dim forest.

The speed was so fast that even Ye Yan had no time to react.

He stabbed straight at Ye Yan who had no time to dodge.


Kelu raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a mocking smile.

However, his smile soon solidified on his face.

The goblin in front of me turned into a black shadow the moment my spear was about to pierce it, dissipating in the air, as if blending into the earth.

Kelu was shocked, what on earth was going on?

"This is?!"

"Dark type, clone?"

Kelu's eyes were as wide as copper and he said in surprise:

"When did it start?"

"not good!"


Ke Lu looked around, but found no trace or breath of Ye Yan.

It was as if the entire goblin disappeared on the spot and did not exist at all.

This is impossible!

That goblin's strength was so different from mine, how could he avoid his perception.

Yet, he just did it.

Did he run away?

Bang! ! !

Just when Kelu had such doubts, a huge gunshot echoed in the forest!



Along with the gunshot, a bullet struck Kelu at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


The bullet passed through Kelu's body, and bright red blood sprayed out.

Facing the sudden blow, Kelu had no time to react and dodged.

Fortunately, Kelu shifted his body in time, allowing the bullet to pass through his heart.

If he didn't react in time, his heart would be shot.

When the time comes, no matter whether he opens the architecture or not, he will definitely die!


Kelu's roar echoed in the silent night, like the roar of a wild beast, shocking the heart.

His eyes shone with a fiery light, as if there were fire burning in them.

As he roared, a powerful force of magic surged out of his body, sweeping around like a violent storm.

This magic power traveled on the surface of his body, constantly contracting, and eventually formed countless tiny vortices on his tendons.

The body structure is not fully unfolded!


At this moment, a deafening gunshot pierced the night sky.

A bullet pierced the air like lightning, turning into a terrifying thunder wolf, roaring and rushing toward Kelu's heart.

This bullet came from the dark, and the direction of the bullet was almost unpredictable. It was obviously done by an experienced sniper.

However, facing this sudden attack, Kelu did not make any evasive moves.

He stood there quietly, letting the bullet shoot at him.

However, something jaw-dropping happened.

Just when the bullet was about to hit him, something magical happened.


The skin on Kelu's chest collided violently with the bullet.

With a crisp metal collision sound, the bullet was actually bounced off!

"What's going on?"

Ye Yan, who was hiding in the tree, was slightly puzzled when he saw this.

He recalled what the old guy had said to him before.

The strange power in Kelu's body was magic power, which was wrapped around Kelu's body, forming an indestructible barrier.

But at this moment, it seemed that this was not a simple magic entanglement.

Instead, it allowed the magic power to circulate in the body's tendons and veins to achieve the purpose of strengthening itself and reducing magic power consumption.

And the key to this strengthening lies in the structure built in the body.

It is by building this structure that Kelu has made his body extremely tough and strong.

But even so, can he really block the bullets of the anti-material sniper rifle?

Ye Yan couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart.

In order to verify his conjecture, he almost didn't hesitate to load the anti-material sniper rifle.

He took a deep breath and aimed at Kelu in the distance.

This time, he wanted to use more fierce firepower to test Kelu's limit!

Ye Yan didn't believe it.

As long as it is a living creature, it must be killed!

That is to say, death!

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