Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 287 Black Magic, Sea of ​​Magic

The buds pried open the earth's crust, and vines grew out.

Like green tentacles, they guarded Victoria and bared their teeth and claws at the adventurers on the opposite side.

As the green energy was used, the red hair on Victoria's head became more and more.

"Miss Elf"

The leading adventurer captain, Kaif, went up and did not want to fight with the elves in front of him and make enemies.

"We have no ill intentions"

However, Victoria seemed to be controlled and lost her composure at this time.

She did not intend to talk to them.

She just held Ye Yan blankly and stared at them with a vigilant face.


Kaifu touched his head and was very troubled.

These elves in front of him blocked the entrance to the nest, and it seemed that they would not give way easily.

He did not want to make enemies with the elves, at least on the surface.

No one would easily make enemies with the elves.

"Damn, why did I say so much to her!"

Das covered his chest, and the injury just now was still aching.

"Go to hell!"


Kaifu wanted to stop him, but Das, who was attacked for no reason, had already lost his mind and wanted to teach the elf in front of him a lesson.


Almost at the moment when Das went up, the vines around Victoria moved and attacked him with fangs and claws.


Das, who was prepared, would not be stopped by this trick!

He swung his sword and the magic power gathered in his hand.


All the vines were cut off in an instant.

"The same moves are useless for adventurers!"

Das smiled confidently.


The next moment, a mouthful of blood spit out from his confident smile.

The vines that suddenly emerged from the ground were like spears, piercing through Das' body.


Das looked at Victoria with bloodshot eyes in disbelief.

Das didn't even feel the flow of magic power on her body, and couldn't hear the chanting words.

How did she do it? !

He wanted to move, swinging his sword, and cut off all the vines.

But, for some reason, he couldn't move.

He was even horrified to find that his vitality was constantly draining away!

His originally plump skin gradually became dry!

Could it be that this was some kind of black magic!


A female swordsman went up and instantly cut off the vines and saved Tas.

But the vines were relentless and spread towards them.

Fortunately, the female magician who had been prepared had finished chanting the spell.

"Intermediate magic, fire tornado!"


The next moment, a flame attacked the vines, then turned into a tornado and swirled up, directly burning the vines.

"It seems that the other party has no intention of talking to us!"

Seeing this, the adventurers also picked up their weapons.

Das, who survived the disaster, warned:

"Be careful, the elf's vines are strange"


Kaifu nodded, "I noticed that the elf didn't chant at all"

"Could it be an elf ritual?"

A warrior remembered something and spoke.


The magician shook his head.

"Even if it is an elf ritual, it is impossible to ignore the chanting"


Das was a little anxious, staring at Victoria with fear.

"I was penetrated by the vines, and it was obvious that my vitality was extracted"


Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

"Could it be a black ritual?"

The black ritual is actually a black magic ritual, which is a ritual magic completely different from the sacred ritual in the church.

If the sacred ritual is mainly about purification and rescue, then the black ritual is mainly about sacrifice and destruction.

It is also a forbidden magic ritual in the continent.

Just because it is too cruel.


The magician looked incredulous, "How could an elf fall to the point of learning black magic?"

"But, black magic is impossible, no chanting is required"

Some wanted to say something, but Kaif interrupted their communication and shouted at his teammates.

"Be careful!"

But it was too late.


Countless vines emerged from where they were standing.


"What is the truth?"

"No, impossible"

In an instant, the adventurer team was instantly confused.

They waved their weapons randomly and cut off the vines that bound their bodies.

But, it was useless!

The cut vines fell to the ground, and then new ones grew out, and new ones continued to grow from the vines that were originally cut off.

In an instant, most of the adventurers were entangled and hanging on the vines.

There was only one person.

"Help, help"

The adventurers felt the passing of life and asked Kaif for help who was avoiding the vines.

"Captain, help!"

"These vines are absorbing our life!"

Seeing his teammates' skin drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, Kaif's hand holding the sword tightened.

He looked back at the elf with white hair and red hair holding the goblin, with a face full of anger.

"I'm warning you for the last time!"

The surging magic power emerged from Kaif's body, and its magic power was even higher than that of the people Ye Yan had seen.

The magic power seemed endless.

This is the gold-level adventurer with the title of "Sea of ​​Magic", Kaif!

In terms of magic power, Kaif can be said to be incomparable.

And when the magic power reaches a certain level, all skills become meaningless.

One man is worth a thousand troops, Kaif is such an adventurer.

However, when he was about to take a step and kill Victoria.

He, Kaif, was afraid.

Not the vines that were ready to attack and devour life.

Not the blood-red-eyed elf, raising his hand.

Not, not even the unknown piece of meat hiding at the entrance of the cave.

But the goblin who slowly stood up in the elf's hand.

The red mist overflowing from the goblin made Kaif realize what "death" is.

His exclusive skill "intuition" was constantly knocking on his brain.

The sound of the world kept echoing in his mind.

[Your unique skill "Intuition", warning, warning, warning]

[Your unique skill "Intuition", warns you to run away as soon as possible]

[Your unique skill "Intuition", hide in the corner, warning, warns you to run away]

[Run away, run away, run away]

He ignored the sound of the world echoing in his head.


"Captain, what are you doing, kill that goblin quickly"

He also ignored it and called out to his companions anxiously.

At this moment, Kaif just wanted to move his body and run away.

But no matter how much he wanted to run, his feet would not move.

It was as heavy as being filled with lead.

At this moment, Kaif understood again.

The huge magic power he possessed was not enough to solve everything.

He tried to swing the sword in his hand, and the huge magic power condensed on the blade.


But when the goblin looked back, his sword fell out of his hand.


The roar caused by the sword falling.

And the huge thing that fell on his team members.

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