Nicholas, the eldest son of Holy Prague III and Empress Maria, is the protagonist's older brother. He also has a younger brother, Yasso, and a younger sister.

He is cowardly and lecherous, abandoning morality for personal gain. He has lofty ambitions but lacks the wisdom to achieve them. Outwardly, he appears stern, but inwardly, he is timid. He is also jealous and lacks authority.

He covets the throne but lacks the ability to seize it. Unable to recognize reality, he sees the protagonist, Soren, as his greatest rival. He conspires with his mother to put pressure on Soren, but repeatedly fails.

Event 1: During the period of national mourning, Soren's sudden emergence gains the favor of Holy Prague III. Nicholas, in his mother's name, attempts to deprive Soren of the rewards bestowed upon him by the Emperor and routinely withholds his allowance. This is eventually discovered by Holy Prague III, resulting in severe punishment for Nicholas.

[This is a preliminary introduction. Major events involving him will also be listed here.]

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