Chapter 94

Lan Qiaoqing and others sat on the ground, watching with excitement.

These people are somewhat injured.

Sister Lan Qiaoqing’s complexion was a little bit blue, this was because she was slapped in her face.

The one who beat them was a woman who was beaten down by Lin Mo before.

The woman was from Bao Logistics, and she used all kinds of treasures when she came up, and she didn’t give their sisters a chance to resist.

In fact, everyone else is similar.

“Lin Mo, come on, defeat them!” Wang Yiren shouted.

But at this time his head became a pig’s head, and he couldn’t recognize who this person was.

Wang looked at Gao Hu stubbornly. He was beaten by Gao Hu.

The training stream was too terrifying, it was a violent stream at all, and it didn’t give him a chance to resist.

Among these people, he is the worst.

“Lin Mo, defeat them!” Lan Qiaoqing also shouted.

“Master, take revenge for me!” Wang Jing said hoarsely.

His clothes were torn, and his body was covered with all kinds of scars, just like being abused.

The opponent weapon that Wang Jing faced at the time was the Profound Realm.

The opponent’s domain is a full fusion of the four weapons of swords, guns, swords and sticks.

His Five Elements domain is able to condense a large number of martial king level powerful, but the opponent’s domain can display a large number of sword light, sword light and so on.

And every attack is of the Wuhuang level, terribly terrifying.

He was defeated in two blows.

For the first time, Wang Jing felt how wasteful his field was.

In fact, it is not a territorial waste of the king realm. His domain is actually suitable for fighting on the battlefield. In an instant, a large number of martial kings appear, and they may be able to reverse a battle.

But for high-level ones, it is relatively weak.

On the contrary, the previous anti-five elements field condenses a clone of the same level, but the situation is better.

Lin Mo glanced at those who were full of expectations, and ignored them.

When he was hostile and complained by these people before, he ignored it, and naturally he would ignore it even more at this time.

The strong do not need to care about the opinions of others.

He just wants to win the first place this time and get the reward.

At this point, the battle began instantly.

A series of domain coverage, Lin Mo also quickly started his own domain.

Lin Mo saw that a yellow mask appeared on these people at the same time.


Obviously, Lin Mo has things in the causal realm, which these people already know.

The next moment, there were a lot of sword lights in the void, and the sword lights shot towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo displayed the profound meaning of speed and avoided easily.

At the same time, Lin Mo fists out.

Seeing Lin Mo’s actions, these old people suddenly became a little nervous.

Among them, some have mastered the field of defense, and they all added defense at this time.

The defense field is made up of the three profound meanings of the tortoise, the shield, and the firm.

Although the fusion of profound meaning is relatively small, the effect is still good.

At this moment, Chu Han felt that he was suddenly attacked and he flew out.

The defensive cover on his body flickered, but it did not break open.

“Haha, it’s okay, everyone, don’t worry about his attack in the causal field, we can attack with all our strength~” Chu Han laughed loudly.

The others also smiled.

At this moment, a more powerful attack fell on Chu Han.


The defensive cover instantly shattered, and Chu Han flew faster.

He hit a hundred-year-old tree hard, and the hundred-year-old tree directly stopped in the middle and cut it off.

He hit the ground and smashed a huge hole.

Chu Han spit out blood, his face pale to the extreme.

The expressions of the other old people changed drastically, and the defensive cover was useless!

Everyone looked at Lin Mo, their eyes more jealous.

Lin Mo smiled disdainfully, defense is useful?

At first, I just used 200 million catties of power.

How much power Lin Mo uses, then how much he falls on these people.

The causal realm does not increase or decrease the effect, it just directs the attack on other people.

An attack with a force of 200 million catties is useless, so let’s go for 250 million catties.

Lin Mo cultivates these days, does not add artistic conception, does not use concussion skills, and his own power is more than 250 million catties.

In recent days, because on the spaceship and in the rookie training camp, he couldn’t release the king and eight beast kings. His cultivation progress is relatively slow, and the daily increase in strength is only about 300,000 catties.

Suddenly, Lin Mo felt depressed and wanted to admit defeat directly. He even felt that he would lose if he resisted. It was meaningless.

But in the next moment, his strong will repelled all of this.

He has broken the record of the newcomer’s assessment of willpower, how easily he will be affected.

At this time, he was also full of exclamation. It is worthy of the big world, and all kinds of peculiar Profound Realms emerge in an endless stream.

If he didn’t guess wrong, it was the realm of emotional mystery that had just worked.

He had seen this before, and it was a combination of the five emotions of joy, anger, sadness, joy and sorrow.

Lin Mo punched again, and another person flew out, losing his combat effectiveness.

Among the old people, a man with cold sweat on his forehead said: “No, his willpower is too strong, and my emotional profundity field is useless.”

These old people complained for a while, this time the newcomer is too difficult to deal with, the domain is abnormal, the speed is abnormal, the strength is abnormal, and now the will is also abnormal.

At this time, they continued to perform attacks, but those attacks, for Lin Mo, could not pose a threat to him at all.

“Use mind skills, everyone will join together.” One person shouted.

At this time, Gao Hu rushed towards Lin Mo and shouted: “Lin Mo, gamble on the glory of the body refiner, and have a physical battle with me.”

Lin Mo looked at Gao Hu like an idiot. At this time, are you looking for me to single out?

However, Lin Mo still decided to fulfill him. After all, he ran to him alone instead of releasing energy attacks from a distance like other people.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Mo feels that it is easy to beat the opponent.


After an explosion.

In the speechless eyes of the old people, Gao Hu flew directly towards the distance, flew more than 500 meters, and then fell to the ground, smashing into a big hole again.

The remaining old people quickly used their mind skills, and different phantoms quickly emerged.

There are Suzaku, there are big mountains, there are giant tortoises, there are gods of war, and there are goddesses.

All kinds of phantoms all attacked Lin Mo frantically at this time.

Lin Mo’s expression was slightly solemn, and his thought power was generally not used in the battle between King Wu and King Wu, because it was generally the same.

But multiple people attacking at the same time still put a lot of pressure on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo quickly displayed the profound meaning of illusion.

At this moment, these people only saw Lin Mo’s gluttonous shadow, and they attacked one after another.


A mental storm occurred, and everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

The next moment, they were stunned.

At that moment, they actually attacked each other. At this moment, their thought power was damaged, and they quickly withdrew their thought power skills.

Lin Mo heaved a sigh of relief. These people used their mind skills, and his magical meaning is actually not easy to use.

Fortunately, it does not take long to maintain.

In fact, he only maintained it for a second before the profound meaning of illusion was breached.

But it is this second that determines the situation.

If they don’t attack immediately, then it won’t be like this at all, and the illusion will disappear and it will naturally become clear.

It can only be said that the illusion created by Lin Mo is real enough, and Lin Mo puts too much pressure on them, causing them to not want to delay a second.

“It’s over!” Lin Mo said lightly.

The next moment, he launched a frenzied attack.

Boom boom boom!

Under the realm of cause and effect, the defensive shields on these people were completely shattered, and they flew out quickly one by one.

There was only one person left. Looking at Lin Mo, his face was horrified and turned into a shadow and ran away quickly.

He was horrified, and just wanted to run away at this time.

Lin Mo used his speed uprising, and instantly chased him up, sending him a punch.


This person also flew out and fell to the ground struggling.

Lin Mo clapped his hands, and the manager was done.


“Haha, I won!”

“Good fight!”

“Make you arrogant!”

Seeing Lin Mo tidy up all the old people, the newcomers were excited, and many even jumped.

They were so miserably cleaned up by these old people just now.

At this time, seeing Lin Mo, a newcomer like them, defeated all these old people, I felt like they had defeated these old people by themselves.

“Lin Mo mighty!”

“Lin Mo, you are my idol ever since.”

“Lin Mo, you are so handsome!”

These people shouted one after another.

Murong Yaya looked at Lin Mo with flushed cheeks, full of admiration for the person she wanted to rob before.

“This bastard is still very powerful, sister, I like him a little bit.” Lan Qiaoqing said with a pouting mouth.

“Me too.” Lan Keqing responded lightly.

Bei Feng Miaomiao stood gracefully, his eyes full of Lin Mo at this time.

On the ground, the lying old people glanced at each other, and they all saw each other’s wry smile.

They may be the most miserable old people in the history of Xuanguang Holy Land.

Even if an old man was defeated in the past, the whole army has never been annihilated.

The newcomer is defeated by the old man, this is almost the law in the appraisal of the newcomer in Xuanguang Holy Land.

And now, this law is broken.

It is estimated that they (Zhao De’s) will be famous!

Of course, it is notorious.

Just looking at Lin Mo, a trace of fear flashed in these people’s eyes.

Lin Mo is really strong!

Chen Xueling also appeared again at this time, she looked at Lin Mo, also full of amazement.

As the recorder and referee this time, Lin Mo has seen all the battles.

At this time, her evaluation of Lin Mo was surprisingly higher than before.

This is a peerless genius, the first genius in Xuanguang Holy Land for thousands of years.

“Lin Mo, congratulations, passed the assessment and won the first place in this assessment.” Chen Xueling said with a smile.

Lin Mo smiled, and then asked: “Did I break the record in these three levels? Are there any rewards.”

Looking at Lin Mo’s expectant eyes, Chen Xueqing couldn’t laugh or cry. Are all the honors really inferior to rewards?

A very realistic person.

However, Chen Xueling feels that perhaps it is this reality that makes Lin Mo so young and possess such a strong strength.

Chen Xueling nodded and said: “You really broke the record, but unfortunately there is no reward for this level.”

Chen Xueling thought that you really broke the record, and even this record is even more terrifying than the previous one, and everyone in the Holy Land knows it will be shocked.

It’s just that no one can beat all the old people before, so naturally they didn’t set this reward.

Lin Mo was disappointed for a while, and thought he would be rewarded again.

“Everyone will follow me back.” Chen Xueling shouted. .

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