Chapter 85

Lin Mo walked over and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a tall and thin man who seemed to be quite young, with some gray hair on his head.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Mo asked.

The man looked inside, and then asked: “You are the newcomer here today.”

Lin Mo nodded and asked, “Are you also the one who got the token?”

The staff on board are all dressed in the clothes of Xuanguang Holy Land.

And this person didn’t wear it.

“I’m afraid you two don’t know many things on this ship. Why not let me enter the house and explain to you.”

The tall and thin man smiled and said, “My name is Gao Hai, one month earlier than your spaceship in the morning.”

“Master, this person should seem to want to make friends with us. After all, we are all newcomers. When we arrive at the Holy Land of Profound Heaven, it is okay to unite with each other.” Wang Jing said secretly.

Lin Mo thought so too, so he cleared the way and let Gao Hai in.

A trace of excitement flashed through the fundus of Gao Hai’s eyes, and he walked in quickly.

Lin Mo closed the door and asked, “I don’t know what’s there. We don’t know it. These rules are written in the book.”

“Of course, but you may have some negligence, such as what is not written above, as long as it is not prohibited, it is okay.” Gao Hai said.

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then felt that this was indeed the truth.

The average person only sees what can be done.

But this person actually studied what could not be done, and then excluded those that could not be done, and the rest could be done.

The rest is much more than what can be done in books.

Gao Hai looked at Lin Mo and Wang Jing with a smile on his mouth.

“For example, it just says that fighting cannot be done in various entertainment venues, passages, etc., but it is not written that fighting cannot be done in the rest cabin. Therefore, it is actually possible to fight here.”

Lin Mo’s eyes looked sharper at Gao Hai.

Gao Hai smiled: “That’s right, 707, I’m here to rob. Two of you, please hand over the things on your body.”

Gao Hai said that he took the position of the gate, so they couldn’t get out at all.

“You’re looking for death!” Wang Jing shouted angrily.

He just said to Lin Mo that this person might have come to make friends.

As a result, the other party actually came to rob, which caused him to be severely beaten in the face.

Wang Jing suddenly displayed his five element domain, and the entire five element domain suddenly covered the entire rest cabin.

“The Five Elements field is really good, but unfortunately, you met me.”

Gao Hai also quickly released his field.

A domain similar to Wang Jing appeared, but the direction of operation was completely different.

“Anti-Five Elements Realm!” Wang Jing said in surprise.

“Yes, the Five Elements domain can condense many junior Wuwang level elves, and my Anti-Five Elements domain can condense another me.”

In an instant, there was another him beside Gao Hai. His strength was also at the level of Emperor Wu. Except for no domain, his strength completely crushed these junior Wu Wang.

“You are a martial emperor, and the other is a trash. It must be your offspring, hehe, hand over things honestly.”

Gao Hai had just confirmed the situation before he came in.

Lin Mo didn’t cultivate energy, he couldn’t see his situation if he didn’t fight, and he was very young, so he was always misunderstood.

In fact, before robbing Lin Mo, Gao Hai had already robbed the other three rest cabins.

He is too old to be able to join the Xuanguang Holy Land even when he arrives at the Xuanguang Holy Land, so he might as well rob him on the spaceship.

And he discovered that this should be a loophole deliberately set by Xuanguang Holy Land, it depends on whether you have the guts to do it.

He tried to do it, and it succeeded.

Of course, you have to be strong enough to do this kind of thing, besides, you have to have strong eyesight, or you’ll be finished.

Listening to Gao Hai’s words, Wang Jing suddenly felt pity for this guy.

My offspring?

That’s my master, okay!

(bdeh) But he really envied this guy’s anti-five elements field.

The five elements are divided into positive and negative areas. The positive five elements are easy to succeed, and the anti-five elements are extremely difficult. The failure rate is too high when the five elements are condensed.

However, once successful, the power is indeed stronger than the real five elements.

It is not easy for the other party to gather a martial emperor and clean up his own martial emperor.

Lin Mo suddenly said, “You should have robbed a lot of things. Okay, I’m a little poor recently.”

Lin Mo rushed over as he spoke.

Gao Hai was a little confused about the situation, how could this guy attack first.

But then he snorted coldly, controlling the cohesive clone to deal with the king, and he rushed towards Lin Mo.

“Five Elements Slash!”

Gao Hai’s hand was condensed with the Five Elements Profound meaning, his palm was like a knife, and he chopped down towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo punched it in the past, without having to attach profound meanings, just use his own power directly.

He had just judged the strength of this guy, which was about 120 million catties.

Even with the power of profound meaning, it will not exceed 150 million catties.

too weak!


The palms and fists of the two people slammed together, making an explosion.

On the spaceship, other places were still quiet, and no battle was found here.

Even the entire spaceship didn’t even tremble. The level of this spaceship was too high, and it was not something that the Emperor Wu could shake.

Gao Hai’s face changed drastically, he only felt that his hand was about to break, and his tears would fall out of pain.

He looked at Lin Mo in horror, his heart cold.

The judgment is wrong!

This talent in front of us is truly a terrifying powerhouse!

“Haha, you actually regard my master as a trash. People like you are trash!” Wang Jing laughed loudly.

Hearing Wang Jing’s words, Gao Hai’s expression changed again.

It is conceivable how terrifying the strength of this person is to be able to accept a martial emperor as a servant.

Gao Hai rushed towards the gate, as long as he rushed out of the gate, he was safe.

According to the regulations in the manual, you cannot fight outside the gate.

At this time, he was a little bit lucky. To prevent Lin Mo from running out, he occupied the position of the gate.

While running, he summoned the clone back.

I saw his clone quickly dissipated, and then gathered around him.

Gao Hai’s hand already held the doorknob. He sensed that neither Lin Mo nor Lin Mo came over. He was overjoyed, and it was no problem to run out.

At this time, he sensed a new realm covering the room.

The next moment, he felt that his right cheek was severely punched, and he flew out and hit the wall.

“What’s the matter? How did I get beaten?” Gao Hai was a little inexplicable.

Before he could react, he was kicked again in the chest, and then his left waist.


He hit the wall again, trying to guard against an attack, but he couldn’t do it.

He also noticed at this time that Lin Mo made an attack every time before he was attacked.

“Causal realm! What you gather is the causal realm!” Gao Hai shouted in shock.

The realm of cause and effect, one of the top realms in Upanishads.

Basically, as long as it is Emperor Wu, and it is not the kind of broken inheritance, he will know.

Just know that Gui knows that basically no one can get together because it is too difficult.

Gao Hai was desperate, what kind of look in his own eyes, robbed the Emperor Wu who possessed the realm of cause and effect, this was looking for death!

At this time, Gao Hai was very fortunate that killings were not allowed on this spacecraft, otherwise he would really die this time.

Wang Jing laughed and said, “How about it, feel comfortable.”

He was beaten like this by Lin Mo at the beginning, but now he sees others being beaten like this, and he feels relieved.

Lin Mo continued to beat him and dared to rob himself.

“Don’t fight, I surrender, I am willing to hand over all my things.” Gao Hai shouted loudly.

Lin Mo beat him a few more times before he stopped.

“Hand over things.” Lin Mo shouted.

Gao Hai honestly removed the space ring from his hand and handed it to Lin Mo reluctantly.

Lin Mo took a look, and couldn’t help being a little surprised. The robbery was able to reap so much.

There are a lot of things in it, all kinds of medicines, treasures, etc., many times the net worth of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo put the ring on his hand directly, looked at him, and asked, “Tell me, what loopholes did you find?”

Gao Hai shook his head quickly: “No, just this one.”

Lin Mo punched it again and sneered: “It seems that it’s not honest yet, forget it, don’t ask this, take out the rest.”

When Wang Jing heard this, he looked at Gao Hai in surprise, and he also looked at the ring that Gao Hai handed over. There were a lot of good things inside.

In this way, this kid actually hid his privates.

“No, really not, you see there are so many things in there, I just robbed a few people, how can it be possible to hide privately.” Gao Haisan said with a smile.

Lin Mo sneered coldly: “There are indeed a lot of things in it, but there are few really advanced ones. You are too greedy. At least you should keep some, so I won’t see it.”

Gao Hai’s expression changed slightly, and he secretly groaned.

This ring was indeed prepared by him for his accident. How could he not prepare for such a dangerous thing as a robbery.

This ring is a preparation to calm the anger of others.

It’s just those really advanced things, he really reluctant to put them in, put them in another space ring.

Most people are so happy to see so many good things, they don’t even think about this problem.

“Take it out. Otherwise, I can only make you walk out of the room naked.” Lin Mo stretched out his hand and shook it, looking like a debt collector.

Gao Hai really wanted to cry. This time, he really lost his wife and broke down. The tragedy has come home.

He tremblingly took out the other ring, which was really good.

He originally planned to put the ring in his room, but he hesitated and didn’t put it.

He is not familiar with this spaceship. Since he can rob, maybe others can steal it.

As a result, the theft did not meet, but they were robbed.

After getting the things, Lin Mo picked up Gao Hai and threw it directly outside the door.

Gao Hai ran away quickly, not daring to stay.

At this moment, there was a screen in front of Chen Xueling in the control room of the spacecraft.

On this screen, there are images of people on board.

Below them, there are some ratings.

The highest scorer was actually Gao Hai, who was just thrown out by Lin Mo, with a score of 86 points.

While most of the others have scores of 40 or 50, only a few have reached a passing score of 60.

Obviously, the so-called test started from the moment of getting on the spaceship.

At this time, the interface changes quickly.

A figure quickly rushed to the first place, attracting Chen Xueling’s attention.

“Lin Mo, in the realm of cause and effect, has superior wisdom, age, nineteen!”

Looking at the data, Chen Xueling couldn’t help but open her little cherry mouth slightly, looking very surprised.

Such good data can hardly be seen even in Xuanguang Holy Land.

Among the people this time, there is such a talent.

She quickly remembered Lin Mo.

Wang Jing also quickly increased his score at this time, reaching seventy points.

Although there is no Lin Mo and Gao Haigao, they are much taller than the average person.

In the room, Lin Mo looked at Wang Jing and said with a smile, “I suddenly had a good attention!”

ps: Let’s talk about the update rules, with 30,000 words changed every day, and an average of more than 3,000 words per chapter. This has been the case from before the shelves to the present.

There is also the update time. Readers who are chasing the update will know that it is half past one, half past five, before 12 o’clock in the evening. As long as there are no accidents, these three times are generally the same. If it is Cavan, it will be a little later. .

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