Chapter 81

Boundary wall!

Lin Mo was actually a little curious before, what would it look like if he kept moving in one direction.

In Wang Tianba’s diary, he clearly told Lin Mo.

If you keep moving forward, you will encounter boundary walls, boundary walls, blocking this area ~ domain.

What Lin Mo felt more deeply at this time was that this world was like a prison.

The so-called boundary wall is actually just the wall of the prison.

“I flew in one direction for almost a week, and finally encountered the boundary wall. They are like a mirror, reflecting everything nearby on it. From a distance, it seems that there is no boundary.”

“I tried to attack the boundary wall, but it was useless. The boundary wall was too strong. My attack fell on it. There was no fluctuation in the boundary wall.”

Lin Mo looked quickly. Since Wang Tianba has left, he must have found a way, but I don’t know if it is recorded in this diary.

Soon, Lin Mo turned to the back.

“I circled around the boundary wall, and finally, I found a broken boundary wall. I plan to enter from the broken place. This world is meaningless to me. There is no decent opponent. It’s really boring.”

“I decided to keep this diary. Maybe someone will be able to understand the situation in the future when someone reaches my situation. The place where the boundary wall is broken is in the east. It is a very narrow crack. I am going. I am leaving. .”

The diary came to an abrupt end here, and Wang Tianba had obviously gone to the gap.

As for whether he died in the crack or successfully reached another place, this Lin Mo is not clear.

Putting this diary away, Lin Mo intends to wait some time before going to the crevice to have a look.

With the end of the meeting, the outreach announcement also began.

Although the previous high-level integration was integrated, the following is actually not clear.

At this time, these top martial arts halls, companies, and corps were finally integrated to form a big alliance.

Lin Mo directly named it the Federal Government.

As the news spread, the entire population of 54 cities was shocked.

Even the branches of some martial arts halls, the lower level of the company, and the branch of the legion, etc., had not been notified before, and they were all in shock at this time.

However, the high-level integration has been completed, and naturally there is not much impedance capability below.

Even if some people objected, they were all resolved quickly.

Soon, the members of the first parliament came out.

Although you have not seen the curators of the major martial arts halls, company presidents, and corps leaders, you have actually heard of them, and they are relatively familiar.

But Lin Mo is relatively unfamiliar to many people. Lin Mo has only been the curator of the Beast Martial Arts Museum for only a few months.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo was promoted too fast before, which caused a lot of people to feel like they suddenly appeared.

In particular, Lin Mo is actually the head of the parliament, one level higher than other members of parliament, which makes many people unable to understand.

Many people started to check Lin Mo’s information.

In this world, viewing a person’s basic information, especially a celebrity’s information, is the same as Lin Mo’s previous life using Baidu to search for a celebrity’s information. It’s very easy.

When seeing Lin Mo’s information, almost everyone who checked it was stunned.

“How is this possible, in two years, from a warrior to the emperor, suppressing other peak martial arts, and becoming a powerful emperor?”

“That’s amazing, this is my idol.”

“It’s awesome, there are people who can cultivate at this speed.”

“This person is really less than twenty years old. This is too young.”

All those who viewed the information were shocked.

At this time, in major cities, a large number of videos began to broadcast about the merger of many top forces.

And soon, the video about the killing of the alien beast was released quickly.

In the video, Lin Mo alone fought hundreds of beast kings alone. Not only did he have nothing to do, but instead beheaded many beast kings.

The fighting situation, the many warriors who watched were full of enthusiasm.

For alien beasts, many warriors love and hate. Killing alien beasts can get treasures, but there are also many relatives and friends killed by alien beasts.

What frightened them most was the Beastmaster’s siege, or the tide of beasts.

Every time this happens, a lot of people will die.

But now it’s different. Beastmasters have all been killed. This kind of thing won’t happen again.

For a time, many warriors cheered.

They were unfamiliar with Lin Mo before and didn’t support it, but now they all support it and are full of respect for Lin Mo.

Silver City, where the headquarters of Wuguang Biological Company is located.

At this moment, in a gorgeous villa, a young woman watched the news on TV in astonishment.

When she saw the young man, she suspected that she had made a mistake, but looking at the other person’s name appeared on TV, she was sure that she had not made a mistake.

She quickly walked into her room, and quickly walked out again, holding a stack of documents in her hand.

The information is impressively Lin Mo’s information, but it looks a bit old, and the above information is also a bit scarce.

Her name is Huang Bingning. Two years ago, she was a rebellious girl. She once ran to Lanfeng City and was almost defiled by a group of hooligans.

At that time, it was Lin Mo who rescued her.

Later those hooligans were wiped out, and she was brought back by the family.

Before, she wanted to repay Lin Mo, but she was imprisoned by her family and could not do anything.

Where did I think that seeing Lin Mo’s news again, it turned out to be such a thing.

Watching TV, Huang Bingning was in a daze for a long time.

The merger went smoothly. Soon, the federal government was established, and the entire human region entered a new era.

In the training room, Qiu Yunshan walked into Lin Mo’s training room with a huge machine on his back.

“President, no, President of Parliament, this is the most up-to-date strength testing machine. It is made of the most precious materials and the highest technology products are used inside. The total weight is about 5 million. It can be tested. Its strength reached 300 million catties.” Qiu Yunshan introduced.

Lin Mo smiled with satisfaction: “Let’s put it over there, I haven’t tested it for a long time, and I’m not used to it recently.”

After Qiu Yunshan put down the test machine, Lin Mo stood in front of the machine and punched it out.


The machine trembled for a while, but there was no damage, and it withstood Lin Mo’s strength.

The next moment, the number above jumped quickly.

Finally, the numbers stopped.

Eighteen thousand six hundred and thirty-three thousand catties of strength.

Qiu Yunshan looked at the number, his eyes widened in disbelief.

At this time, he saw Lin Mo punch out again.


This time, he felt the vibration stronger than before, and the number above jumped quickly again.

Soon, the numbers stopped.

Two hundred and forty-two hundred and twenty-four thousand catties!

Seeing this number, Qiuyunshan almost fell to the ground.

This power is more than twice that of other peak martial kings, which is terrifying.

I’m afraid that Lin Mo kills the other pinnacle martial arts at this time, and he will do it with one slap.

Lin Mo looked at the number at this time, also full of amazement.

When he reached 100 million catties before, his bloodline awakened and his strength soared, but now he knows that that breakthrough gave himself at least 60 to 70 million strength.

As for the recent practice, although there has been cultivation, it has not been for a long time, and the power to increase is actually limited.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Lin Mo was very curious at this time, how strong he was when he displayed his talented supernatural powers, I am afraid it would exceed 300 million catties, it was the power of the intermediate martial emperor.

Qiuyunshan left soon, but he was in a daze when he left, and he didn’t know if he was hit.

Lin Mo started practicing again.

He released the eight beast kings and let it release its gravity.

Under gravity training, Lin Mo can now gain 400,000 catties every day.

The reason why he jumped from 300,000 catties to 400,000 catties all at once was because of the stimulation of blood.

Lin Mo practiced while comprehending the profound meaning of death.

A week later, the breath of death on his body suddenly soared, and the whole person suddenly lost the breath of life.

The king of the eight beasts, who was releasing gravity, was shocked when he saw the situation, and he was immediately delighted.

“Did he have a problem with his cultivation and died?”

The king and eight beast king suddenly wanted to cry and was liberated!

This week, he felt that he was about to collapse.

There is no such thing as letting people work. They release gravity for more than ten hours a day, and they still use their full strength.

Had it not been for the fact that he had cultivated for thousands of years, and his mental power was stronger than other beast kings, he would have long been unable to hold on.

…… …….. 0

The king and eight beast kings hadn’t acted yet, he saw all the breath of death gathered up, Lin Mo was intact, and there was nothing there.

Suddenly his head shrank, and he dared not do anything.

Lin Mo showed a satisfied look on his face, and finally realized the meaning of death.

The four profound meanings of fate are left behind.

If you want to compare the other three kinds of mystery, the mystery of fate is the most illusory, and basically few people can understand it.

But it is not difficult for Lin Mo.

He has read many novels in his previous life, and they contain explanations of fate.

And he has watched many TV series, watched many celebrity records, various stories and so on.

Regarding fate, Lin Mo is actually very touched by himself.

His fate in the previous life was not good, and he would often complain to God.

Taking advantage of all this, Lin Mo began to realize without an artistic conception map.

The difficulty of not having an artistic conception map has indeed increased, but after Lin Mo spent two days, it is easy to get started.

Feeling the ethereal aura on Lin Mo’s body, the king and eight beast kings were surprised.

“I should have comprehended the profound meaning of death before, but now he understands a kind of artistic conception. Oh my God, should he comprehend the profound meaning of artistic conception by drinking water?”

The king and eight beast kings discovered that helping Lin Mo to practice training is a torture, a physical torture.

And watching Lin Mo’s cultivation is a torture of the soul.

It has cultivated for thousands of years, and it has not understood many profound meanings. As a result, Lin Mo has understood more than him in a few days.

For a while, the king and eight beast kings felt very hurt.

After getting started with the artistic conception of destiny, Lin Mo continued to comprehend.

This time the enlightenment took a long time, and it took a full month to reach the situation of the profound meaning of life.

There was joy on Lin Mo’s face. The four kinds of profound meanings were all comprehended, and the next step was to condense the realm of profound meanings.

Once the cohesion is successful, he will truly step into the realm of Wuhuang.

Beside, the king and eight beast kings shrank their heads into the shell.

While shrinking inside, he muttered in his heart: “Isn’t it a month’s time to promote the artistic conception that I just comprehended to the profundity, trivial matter, but why I really want to cry.”

The king and eight beast king felt he was hit again.

It used to think that it was a genius, the most powerful among the Beastmaster, but now it feels that it is rubbish.

That’s right, it’s still rubbish among rubbish.

Sitting in the center of the training room, Lin Mo began to condense the realm of profound meaning. Spoon.

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