Chapter 74

In the training room, Lin Mo swallowed a Shenlong Pill and continued to practice.

The other peak martial kings all reached the peak state of power, and the artistic conception could not reach the three kinds of profound meanings, so they could not attack the martial emperor and try to break through.

But Lin Mo is not enough physical strength.

Today, his strength is more than 70 million catties, and there is still a gap between 90 million catties.

Generally, if it reaches 90 million catties, you can try to break through. Of course, the closer the strength is to 100 million catties, the greater the possibility of breakthrough.

For Lin Mo, this is not the case, he just needs strength to keep breaking through.

In the training room, Lin Mo is still doing push-ups, squats, sit-ups and so on.

He hasn’t found other methods yet, but he has tried cultivating in the lake.

the effect is not very good.

It was originally thought that the effect of water could make the effect better.

But he found that no, he could hardly feel the resistance of the water.

That’s right, Lin Mo is too powerful now, and for ordinary people, the resistance of water is still very strong.

But for Lin Mo, this is not the case.

Unless it is in the deep sea of ​​tens of thousands of meters, it may be different.

When Lin Mo was practicing, the other peak martial kings were also frantically working hard.

In these days, Lin Mo’s strength has made other Wu Wangs very stressed.

At this time, the basement of Bliss Biological Company.

Qiu Yuanbin was experimenting with some medicines.

Although he is the pinnacle martial king, he still has another identity, that is, a researcher.

As one part of the solution was poured into the other, a blue liquid appeared.

“It’s done, that’s right, that’s it.” Qiu Yuanbin said excitedly.

When fighting against Xiao Yuntian, he remembered the situation of the potion.

Later, when he went to destroy with other people, he secretly hid some materials.

It is difficult to secretly save the information in front of the other peak martial kings, but Qiu Yuanbin did it.

He took a look at the potion, then grabbed a general-level strange beast and beat the opponent down.

Soon, the breath of this strange beast became stronger, but soon, the body of this strange beast began to split, and finally exploded.

Qiu Yuanbin thought for a while and said to himself: “There should be no problem. It’s just that the general level monster’s body is too weak to cause this. If there is a Beast King or Martial King to study it, it would be fine.”

Qiu Yuanbin’s expression flickered, and he quickly walked out of the research room. Soon, he even grabbed a Wu Wang, and this Wu Wang was also the Wu Wang of their Bliss Biological Company.

It is easy for King Wu to catch other places, so Qiu Yuanbin simply catches his own company.

He quickly injected the potion into the body of this King Wu.

The breath of this king of war quickly became stronger, and soon stabilized.

“Successful, now if I face Xiao Yuntian again, I don’t have to worry, but Lin Mo’s strength is even better, and I still have to continue to study.”

Qiu Yuanbin took out a piece of paper from the information he had obtained.

“Puppet Emperor Wu plan~”!”

Seeing this plan, he felt excited.

This plan is about improving all aspects of human abilities, so that although it has not reached the Wuhuang level, it almost has the strength of the Wuhuang level.

Qiu Yuanbin glanced at the plan inside, and suddenly looked at the Emperor Wu who had been captured by him, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

There is not much progress in this plan. There is only a small part of the data. If you want to study, you need to continue to research the King Wu.

“As long as it succeeds, what if the other martial kings are all dead?” Qiu Yuanbin shouted coldly and began to study.


More than a month passed.

In the training room, Lin Mo punched the machine.

Nine thousand three hundred twenty thousand catties of strength!

Looking at this data, Lin Mo is very satisfied.

Now he has truly reached the pinnacle of warriors.

If you use artistic conception and superimposed power, you can fully reach a power of about 140 million catties.

Now his power has definitely reached the level of Emperor Wu.

Even if the strength of the other kings increased a little, it was impossible to reach his level.

“I ran out of medicine again, and I don’t know what happened to Jin Dayuan.”

Lin Mo left the martial arts gym and walked towards Tianlan Shang.

There are still many medicines in the martial arts hall, but there are no more medicines that suit him. As for those low-level medicines, Lin Mo himself looks down on it.

At Tianlan Chamber of Commerce, Jin Dayuan was overjoyed when he saw Lin Mo appear.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “Dae Yuan, have you collected any good medicinal pills recently?”

Jin Dayuan said with a smile: “Naturally, there are. I’ve already prepared it for adults.”

Jin Dayuan quickly took out some pills, all of which were the top-notch ones, and at least they were taken by the high-ranking martial king.

Lin Mo took a look. In terms of level, it was slightly worse than the Shenlong Pill, but it was enough.

“My lord, this is a picture of the artistic conception I have collected for you.”

Jin Dayuan produced more than a dozen pictures of artistic conception.

Lin Mo also has a lot of pictures of artistic conception, but his artistic conception is not good enough for him.

But when he opened these images of artistic conception, his eyes lit up.

Several of them are images of attribute artistic conception. With these, Lin Mo can fill up his own attribute artistic conception.

In addition, there is another Lin Mo who also values ​​it very much, which is a distorted artistic conception.

If you can comprehend that it reaches the level of profound meaning, then the attacks of others will be distorted, and they will not be able to hit yourself.

In a sense, it is a match with fantasy.

With Lin Mo’s current strength, he can actually unify the entire human realm and kill all the alien beasts.

But he is not in a hurry, take his time and continue to improve his strength.

His strength can still be improved, there is no need to do it now.

Although it can be done now, it will be very difficult.

“Very good, this is money.” Lin Mo drew out a money card.

He is really not short of money now.

However, Jin Dayuan looked embarrassed and said: “My lord, these high-level pills can’t be bought with money, they can only be exchanged for things.”

Lin Mo immediately understood after hearing this, and said with a smile: “I was negligent.”

He quickly took out some treasures. Lin Mo hunted tens of thousands of alien beasts last time. Except for some of them to the martial arts hall for processing, there are a large number of alien beast cores in his space ring.

At this time, he directly poured out the cores of hundreds of general level monsters, and asked: “Is this enough?”

Jin Dayuan looked at these cores dumbfounded, and nodded quickly: “Enough, enough.”

Lin Mo smiled and said, “I will give you the rest. Continue to collect when you have time.”

Lin Mo took the things, left the firm, and then went to the Xuantian Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as he entered the Xuantian Chamber of Commerce, Yafei quickly came up and smiled affectionately: “How come your lord is free today? Since the last goodbye, I have missed the lord very much.”

Lin Mo smiled slightly, not paying attention to Yafei’s words, and said with a smile: “I want a pill. This is a list. I want as many as there are.”

Yafei looked at the list and said with a smile: “No problem, but these things cannot be traded with money.”

Sure enough, money can’t buy the top things.

Lin Mo had expected it a long time ago. Not surprisingly, he took out some of the Beastmaster’s kernels and asked: “Enough is enough.”

Although Lin Mo killed not many Beastmasters, his level was really high.

“.々Enough, I’ll let someone arrange it.” Yafei smiled brighter.

After leaving the Xuantian Chamber of Commerce, Lin Mo finally returned to the martial arts hall and practiced in retreat again.

However, after less than half a month of training, he received an emergency report and quickly left the training room.

Tianjincheng, the headquarters of Vientiane Biological Company.

At this time, many top powerhouses are gathered here.

“It has appeared again, everyone, it seems that some of us hid the information last time.” Zhou Qunfeng shouted coldly.

On the ground, there was a corpse of King Wu.

“This person belongs to our Bliss Biological Company. It seems that I felt that I was injured last time and my strength fell. Humph.” Qiu Yuanbin said coldly.

Lin Mo took a look and smiled: “Curator Qiu, don’t hide, you are the murderer this time.”

Qiu Yuanbin’s face changed drastically, and he coldly shouted: “Curator Lin, it’s better to have evidence to speak, otherwise, even if you are the strongest, you will not be an opponent if we join hands.”

Others can’t help but look at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo pointed his finger a little, and this person’s body quickly returned to life.

These people looked at Lin Mo suspiciously. This person was already dead. Even if his body was restored to life, he would not be able to survive.

Qiu Yuanbin looked at him coldly, disdainfully.

Soon, I saw a line appearing on this person’s regained skin: Qiu Yuanbin was the one who killed me, and he had those information.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s face changed drastically.

This King Wu unexpectedly hid his handwriting on his body. When he died, these himself would not be discovered, and only when he had a chance to appear.

“Curator Lin, how did you (Wang Zhao Zhao) discover it?” Qin Feng asked curiously.

He didn’t sense anything.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “I slightly sensed the signs of life above. When your life is stronger, you will be able to sense it.”

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, Qin Feng’s expression changed slightly.

The profound meaning of life has always been his pride, even if Lin Mo also mastered the profound meaning of life, he did not care.

In his opinion, Lin Mo can’t compare with himself at all.

But now, Lin Mo tells him that he has surpassed him.

Others looked at Lin Mo, also full of dread.

I’m too strong!

At this time, other people looked at Qiu Yuanbin again, and Qiu Yuanbin shouted coldly: “Just this line of words can slander me, maybe someone else deliberately made it?”

Lin Mo smiled and said, “It’s not difficult. I saw Xiao Yuntian’s situation last time. I know how to identify those medicines. You must have taken it too. Why don’t I give you a test.”

Qiu Yuanbin’s face changed drastically when he heard Lin Mo’s words.

The next moment, he took out a potion and hit him, watching everyone shout: “Originally planned to stay with you for a period of time, since you want to kill you so much, I will fulfill you!”

After Qiu Yuanbin injected the medicine, his breath quickly became stronger.

Soon, his breath reached a certain level, and he broke a certain limit.

“Emperor Wu!” Zhou Qunfeng said in shock. .

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