Chapter 61

There were men and women who came, all of the Wuwang level, and Jin Changhong, who had left before, was among them.

Everyone looked at the three Martial Kings tied up by Lin Mo, their eyes lit up.

What happened this time made them very weak, and they didn’t know the identity of the other party.

It’s alright now. People have been caught. As long as they figure out their identities and several major forces act together, even if the opponent has the existence of the Peak Martial King, it is not a big deal for them.

These Martial Kings looked at the three Martial Kings, and they all found that they didn’t know each other.

This made them frown slightly.

Some people who received the news originally wanted to identify their identities after catching them, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

After looking at the three Wu Wangs, the others began to look at Lin Mo.

This time these three martial kings were caught by Lin Mo.

Of course, this is not the key.

The key is that Lin Mo has only been able to deal with three Wu Wangs after only a few months before he broke through Wu Wang.

Wouldn’t it have broken through the Intermediate Martial King?

The talent of this guy is too terrifying.

“Since everyone is here, go to my Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall and review together.” Qiu Fengyun said with a smile.

The others nodded one after another, and everyone entered the inside of the Beast Martial Arts Hall.

In a huge conference room, the crowd gathered and sat down, with the three martial kings in the middle.

Qiu Fengyun waved his hand, and the three martial kings suddenly woke up.

These three Wu Wang looked at these Wu Wang in front of them, their expressions were not even a little flustered, but rather calm.

In the next moment, the three of them will blew themselves up!

However, there are so many martial kings here. If these three junior martial kings blew themselves up, wouldn’t it be a joke.

Qiu Fengyun opened his hand, and three rays of light sank into the bodies of the three martial kings, and the three of them suddenly became useless, unable to explode.

Lin Mo took a look and sighed in his heart. As expected, he was the pinnacle martial king, and easily subdued three junior martial kings.

Lin Mo is now at most able to escape from the high-ranking martial king. If Qiu Fengyun wanted to kill him, he would not be able to escape.

“Come on, who is the person behind you?” Qiu Fengyun shouted.

The three of them didn’t respond at all, and didn’t answer at all.

Lin Mo said: “Chancellor, these three people should have been transformed by the pinnacle martial artist. In terms of spirit, I am afraid that there are also problems, just like puppets.”

When Lin Mo said this, many Wu Wang were surprised, they hadn’t really seen it before.

“Curator Qiu, can I check it?” said one of Wu Wang.

Qiu Fengyun nodded, this person quickly walked up to check, and then nodded: “Sure enough, these guys have been transformed. No wonder they have never seen it before.”

The others also came up to check, all of them looked surprised.

“Curator Qin, how about you coming to interrogate?” Qiu Fengyun said with a smile.

Qin Feng, the curator of Ji Dong Wu Hall, is good at life together.

The profound meaning he has mastered is surprisingly the profound meaning of life, which is extremely powerful in this respect.

The profound meaning of life is also very powerful in terms of soul. Only when you have a soul can you actually have life.

Qin Feng nodded, walked over, opened his hand, and a strange wave quickly submerged into the heads of these three people.

In the next moment, the souls of the three were directly extracted.

When the souls of these three people were extracted, the faces of all King Wu changed drastically.

The souls of these three people were actually fragmented, as if they had been stitched up.

Qin Feng furiously said: “Damn it, you actually did this to a person’s soul.”

Other people frowned. This is too cruel. The soul is the root of a person. After such a change, this person is actually no different from death.

And you can imagine what kind of pain this soul will endure when it is transformed.

Qin Feng shook his head and said, “The soul is like this, it is impossible to interrogate at all.”

The other people were also disappointed. Originally they thought they could find something, but now it seems that the other person is deeper than they thought.

“If this is the case, then forget it and let them die.” Qiu Fengyun sighed.

Qin Feng also nodded, just about to start, he heard someone shouting: “Hold on, maybe there is another way.”

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Lin Mo.

“Is there any way for King Lin Wu?” Qin Feng said with a smile.

Regarding Lin Mo, everyone did not treat him as a newcomer. You know, among them, there are some people, but even these three martial kings can’t deal with it.

But Lin Mo easily defeated them.

“Although their souls are broken, they must have some reactions to some circumstances. We can show them some scenes, and maybe there will be reactions.” Lin Mo said.

In this case, even if their souls are broken, they will react.

“This is good, let me find some pictures.” Qiu Yunshan said with a smile.

Soon, he turned on the machine, quickly projected it, and the picture continued to jump. Soon, he played all the places in the entire human area, but none of these three souls had any influence.

“It doesn’t seem to work, it may be that their souls are too broken.” Qin Feng said.

Others have some regrets, even this is not possible, it seems that they are going to fail.

Lin Mo looked at the three souls, thought about it, and said, “Perhaps, we should change the way.”

Hearing what Lin Mo said, these people were very curious, and Lin Mo came up with a solution.

Lin Mo said: “Perhaps, their souls can’t receive these images at all, so we have to pour these images directly into the soul.”

Hearing this, many people frowned. How can this be done?

“I’m afraid this can’t be done,” Qiu Fengyun said.

His strength is very strong, it can be said to be very easy to kill these three martial kings, but if he puts the picture into the depths of the three souls, he can’t do it.

Many people looked at Qin Feng, he mastered the profound meaning of life, if anyone here could do it, it should be him.

Qin Feng shook his head and said, “Sorry, I can’t do it either.”

He is just the mystery of life, not the mystery of soul.

Lin Mo smiled and said: “In fact, it is very easy. We can use the illusion to make them feel that the illusion itself is aimed at the soul.”

Hearing this, many people’s eyes were brightened.

They had never thought that it was not that they were inferior to Lin Mo. It’s that they don’t know the artistic conception of illusion, and Lin Mo will.

“It’s okay, but there are very few people who can understand the artistic conception of fantasy. After all, this artistic conception is too difficult to comprehend. It seems that you need to invite Mr. Huang to come over.” A Wu Wang also said.

The others also nodded.

Lin Mo doesn’t know whether Huang Lao is the one who painted the artistic conception, but he is here, naturally, he doesn’t need to ask the other party.

Some Wu kings took out their communicators and were about to contact the old Huang when they heard Lin Mo smile and say: “I happen to have a fantasy mood. If you believe me, then I will show it.”

Upon hearing Lin Mo’s words, these people looked at Lin Mo in surprise again.

Today Lin Mo surprised them too much.

Qin Feng said with a smile: “You caught people, we naturally believe in you, so let you do it.”

· ···Seeking flowers············

The others also nodded.

Jin Changhong smiled and said, “I also believe in Lin Mo. If it weren’t for Lin Mo, I would have been arrested by them for research at this time, and maybe I would become the same as these three people.”

Jin Changhong imagines now that he still feels scared.

“In that case, let me show it, Brother Qiu, let me show the picture again, and I’ll show the illusion.” Lin Mo smiled.

Qiuyunshan quickly played the screen, and Lin Mo began to release.

At the beginning, there was no change in the souls of these three people, but soon, the souls of the three people trembled.

This brightened the eyes of the onlookers.

Lin Mo said: “In Hanjiang City, continue to play.”

Soon, all the pictures were played again, and they had a full reaction to the two cities, one is Hanjiang City and the other is Beiwei City.

These two cities are located on the back of the human zone, and are mainly in charge of the four major legions and the five major companies.

At this time, Qiuyunshan quickly switched to a picture of two cities.

With the details of the picture, the souls of these three people trembled more severely.

Soon, one of the souls suddenly split, completely collapsed and died.

…… ……. 0

Lin Mo shouted: “That white building is one of them.”

Soon, the other two souls collapsed at the same time, and Lin Mo once again locked in another place in another city.

“The place is locked, let’s move out together. To be honest, I don’t know if we have someone from each other here, so this time we all move out together, and we can’t contact others in the middle, so Qin Feng and I will lead a team, how about? “Qiu Fengyun shouted.

The others nodded.

Soon, more than a dozen Wu Kings quickly rose into the sky and marched toward these two cities.

Lin Mo naturally followed Qiu Fengyun.

When he reached the sky above the city, Qiu Fengyun released his mount, which was also a flying beast, and it was also a high-level beast.

Chi Lian Xuan Que!

A strange beast with the blood of the sacred beast Suzaku.

The crowd sat on Xuan Que and quickly moved towards North Weicheng.

After half a day, everyone appeared in the sky over North Rhine-Westphalia.

The Red Lian Xuan Que rushed directly into the sky above the city.

This caused the people in the city to panic.

This Beiweicheng is also considered a big city, and there is even a Wuwang in the city.

Obviously, this research institute uses the principle of black under the lamp, which others would not have imagined. They dared to build the research institute in a place not far from King Wu.

Of course, it is more likely that once they are discovered, they can quickly take down the Wuwang and directly use it as material.

Seeing the red-practised black bird, the King Wu was horrified and even a little desperate. He was only a junior King Wu.

He hurriedly issued a distress signal, and then he flew up.

When he flew up, he was stunned to discover that there were people on this black bird, and there was more than one.

What’s more terrifying is that these people are actually Wu Wang, and they belong to different forces.

This made him very confused, what happened in the end.

Qiu Fengyun didn’t bother to pay attention to him. He appeared directly on the building, and then rushed in. The energy was quickly displayed, and all the people inside were arrested.

Soon, he rushed out, bringing out more than twenty people.

But at this time, a sword light suddenly shot from a distance, towards the dozens of people.

Qiu Fengyun easily resisted it, but in the next moment, many people were arrested by him, and they all exploded.

The action failed!

Qiu Fengyun’s expression turned ugly to the extreme, and he quickly chased the attacker. Spoon.

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