Chapter 5

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Jinyu made a quick move. With force under his feet, the whole person was like a tiger descending a mountain, and instantly rushed to the front of Lin Mo, his entire fist turned black, and he hit Lin Mo fiercely.

After practicing the exercises, the biggest characteristic is possessing attributes.

Different attributes have different effects. For example, water attribute energy can greatly heal injuries, fire attribute can increase attack power, wood attribute can make one’s power recover faster, and metalness can make one’s body harder.

Different attributes can also develop different combat skills.

Although Zhao Jinyu hasn’t mastered the combat skills yet, he has attribute blessings at this time. I believe it will be no problem to easily defeat Lin Mo.

Black is a dark attribute, which will make his attack faster, weirder, and unclear.

Suddenly, he felt his fist was caught.

Zhao Jinyu was surprised in his heart, then sneered, and instantly burst out more powerful force.

Dare to grab his fist with the palm of his hand, really looking for death.

Only the next moment, his fist was still firmly grasped, unable to move.

He stared at Lin Mo, unable to believe it.

“So slow, so weak.” Lin Mo shook his head.

Looking at Lin Mo’s regretful eyes, Zhao Jinyu felt cold.

No, I encountered hard stubble!

At this time, Zhao Jinyu cursed Song Tianyi in his heart. Lin Mo was so strong that he was actually described as a waste of no background.

He quickly backed away, using his hands hard, trying to get rid of it.

Lin Mo chuckled: “If you want to leave, let’s say it early.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo kicked it over.


Zhao Jinyu flew out and hit the wall directly, vomiting blood, confused, and his chest sunken deeply.

The power difference between the two is too great, Lin Mo’s power is more than twice that of Zhao Jinyu.

There is no way to fight.

Even if Lin Mo stood and let him attack, he might not be able to cause much damage to Lin Fan.

Li Zhi stood up abruptly and looked at Lin Mo in shock.

A genius, he has not yet practiced the exercises, he can reach this level.

“Haha, okay, Baiju Wuguan welcomes you to join.” Li Zhi seemed extremely enthusiastic.

As for Zhao Jinyu, it is hard to say whether this kind of ordinary martial artist can become a martial artist in his lifetime.

“Thank you, sir.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

“My name is Li Zhi. If I can’t deal with anything in the martial arts hall in the future, you can come to me.” Li Zhi patted Lin Mo on the shoulder and said.

Some people around who were also recruited by the Beast Martial Arts Hall all showed envious eyes.

They don’t have this treatment, and even Li Zhi may not remember their names.

“Thank you for taking care of you.” Lin Mo said again.

There was a commotion around at this time. Seeing that the examiner in charge of the test was seriously injured by Lin Mo’s kick, these people were shocked.

Many people started asking who is Lin Mo? In school for so long, I didn’t even know that the school has such a strong character.

Song Tianyi also saw the commotion here at this time.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“Lin Mo, fighting with me is really looking for death. He has already severed his hands and feet at this time.”

For Song Tianyi, Tang Jing was his person, and Lin Mo did that before, just slap him in the face.

At this time, he saw his other subordinate coming over with a pale face.

“Song Shao, it’s okay, Zhao Jinyu of the Hundred Beasts Martial Arts Hall…” This man looked panicked.

“I know, did he interrupt Lin Mo’s hands and feet? When he interrupted, he interrupted.” Song Tianyi said with a smile.

“No…no, he didn’t know whether he was beaten by Lin Mo.” The man took a breath and finally said it.

“What?!” Song Tianyi was shocked.

Zhao Jinyu is a martial artist who practices exercises, and he is not sure to beat the opponent.

Song Tianyi ran over quickly, squeezing the crowd away, and suddenly saw Zhao Jinyu lying on the ground, his entire chest collapsed, looking extremely embarrassed.

At this time, Song Tianyi saw Lin Mo looking at him with cold light in his eyes.

He stepped back two steps in fright, then became angry.

“Lin Mo, wait and see.” Song Tianyi snorted twice in his heart, then turned and left.

“Unexpectedly, this kid is so strong, it seems that we have to find another way to deal with him.” Song Tianyi thought.

The assessment soon ended.

Lin Mo walked toward the outside of the school, hit a car, and headed towards the Martial Artist’s Guild.

The Wuzhe Guild is an organization jointly established by major companies, martial arts halls, and legions. It is mainly used to publish tasks and register the number and level of the fighters.

Lin Mo came here and said directly to a young lady: “I want to perform a martial arts test.”

The lady smiled and said, “Please come here.”

She looked at Lin Mo, secretly surprised, so young.

Generally, there are very few who can reach the martial artist before graduation, and there are not many people in a school, so there are not many young people like Lin Mo.

The young lady took Lin Mo into a room and said to the old man in it: “Supervisor, someone is conducting a martial arts test.”

The old man glanced at Lin Mo and was slightly surprised that he had reached the martial artist at such a young age.

There are many machines for testing power in other places outside, so you can usually come here with enough confidence.

The old man said: “Attack towards the machine, any method is okay, as long as it reaches ten thousand catties, you can get a martial artist badge and reward one hundred thousand yuan.”

Lin Mo walked to the front of the machine and hit it directly with his fist.


Thirteen thousand six hundred and thirty-four catties.

He has reduced most of his strength, but still far more than ten thousand catties.

The old man looked at Lin Mo and was shocked.

I originally thought that Lin Mo could become a martial artist is already great, but I didn’t expect Lin Mo to exceed the critical line so much.

And he could see that Lin Mo didn’t use all his power at all.

“Boy, are you interested in joining the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall?” The old man said with a smile.

There are many other companies in the warrior guild, and the people in the martial arts club will attract some new warriors to join.

“Thank you, uncle, but I have passed the assessment today, and I will officially join the Beast Martial Arts Hall in a few days.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly said: “You are the student who defeated Zhao Jinyu today.”

“It’s me.” Lin Mo smiled slightly.

Lin Fan didn’t expect this matter to spread so quickly, even the person in front of him knew it.

“Awesome, young people nowadays are not easy. But after you enter, be careful. Zhao Jinyu’s uncle is an intermediate warrior, with a strength of more than 150,000 jin. Now he has completed the task and has not returned. Waiting for him to come back, I am afraid. I will trouble you.” The old man said kindly.

“thanks for reminding.”

“My name is Chen Feng. If you are in trouble, you can find my brother Chen Jun. He is also an intermediate martial artist, but he can protect you.” The old man continued.

Faced with such a genius, he doesn’t mind releasing his kindness.

No one treats someone nicely for no reason. Lin Mo’s talent makes these people feel worthy of investment.

“By the way, the reward can be as high as 200,000, and I will add it directly to you.” Chen Feng said again.

Lin Mo is overjoyed. Compared with Chen Feng’s claim of seeking protection from Chen Jun, Lin Mo is even more happy with the 100,000 yuan.

If he really wants shelter, he can also find Li Zhi.

The same intermediate martial artist, something really happened, that Chen Jun may not be able to protect himself.

Out of the Wuzhe Guild, Lin Mo walked into the Wuzhe Market.

It specializes in the things that warriors need here, ranging from medicines, exotic animal flesh and blood, to warrior weapons.

Lin Mo walked into the meat area and directly spent one hundred thousand yuan to buy a large piece of meat from a mid-level alien beast.

Alien beast meat is actually not expensive, but unless a team sets out, otherwise, even if you kill alien beasts, it will be difficult to bring back a lot.

Generally, the martial artist collects the most precious things from alien beasts in the wild, but they rarely carry meat.

But even so, it cost Lin Mo half of the money.

This made him even more eager for money.

When he got home, Lin Mo cut the meat into small pieces and fry them directly. As the meat went down, Lin Mo felt his body make a satisfying sound.

In the past two days, I haven’t eaten enough.

A large piece of meat was half eaten by Lin Mo before it was full. Sure enough, it was only worthwhile for a warrior to eat alien beast meat.

“Training, start!”

Lin Mo lay on his stomach and began to do push-up training again.

The power began to skyrocket instantly!

ps: The new book sets sail, and the seedlings need to be taken care of. I beg you for flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets. .

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