Chapter 398

His hand paused for a while, and then he thought that the person Lin Mo was talking about should be Wang Dalong.

I thought of this Wang Dalong in my heart, maybe because he was afraid of how he would treat him before, so he fled from that place and could hide.

But when he left, he turned the other way around, and went back to see if there was anything he could get. In the end, he was killed by the rock beast.

It may not be long now. Lin Mo decided to see that Wang Dalong when he thought of this, so he passed the rabbit meat in his hand to Lin Mo.

Then he said to him: “You eat rabbit meat here first, I’ll go up there and have a look, then you don’t have to follow me.”

Lin Mo handed the meat to Lin Mo’s heels and said to him, because Lin Mo knew that there was no danger there, so it would be fine to go by himself.

Just let Lin Mo eat rabbit meat obediently here. When Lin Mo finished saying this, he got up from his seat.

Then he started to walk towards the place where he was fighting with the rock beast just now. He planned to see if that Wang Dalong had died now.

If you don’t die, see if you can be saved by yourself, because it’s a life in the first place, so let it die here if you can’t.

So Lin Mo rushed over there with this purpose. When he found Wang Dalong and the others, he saw the corpse of the rock beast lying there from a distance.

And his big claws just pressed against Wang Dalong’s side, and at this time Wang Dalong seemed to be alive, not dead at all, Lin Mo walked towards that Wang Dalong when he saw this.

When he walked in front of Wang Dalong, Wang Dalong was already dying at this time. He never thought that he would die like this.

When he was extremely regretful, he suddenly felt the sound of footsteps coming, and then he saw a shadow on his head, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Because he knew he was going to die just now, he felt that he was very tired, so he slowly closed his eyes and waited for the moment of death.

But when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps and the shadow he felt on his head, his desire to survive suddenly became stronger.

He felt that someone would definitely save him when he came over, so he looked up and saw Lin Mo.

When he saw Lin Mo, he couldn’t believe how he came back when Lin Mo came back?

He felt that he didn’t know what to say at this time, because he knew what he was talking about, and Lin Mo couldn’t save himself.

Because what I did was really wrong, and I blamed my own interests, that’s why I ended up like this.

Just when Wang Dalong thought of this in his heart, Lin Mo saw him like this, Lin Mo knew that he didn’t need to treat Wang Dalong by himself, because he (Nuo’s Zhao) would not live long at all.

Because Lin Mo could see that the current Wang Dalong was already outgassing more and getting less air intake. It was simply because of his last breath that he was holding on here.

If I hadn’t heard what Lin Mo said just now, I would take it over and take a look. If there is a delay, maybe this Wang Dalong is already dead.

Now I can still see this living Wang Dalong, still hanging from the breath in his heart. .

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