Chapter 394

It was just the last breath before dying.

In case when he saw this, he decided not to deal with this rock beast, but looked like Wang Dalong and cleaned him up. Who made him so cunning and planned to follow him.

This time, I accidentally discovered that he let him follow him. If he went to other places, he would follow him again.

Then it was a very big threat to himself, so when Lin Mo thought about this, he turned and looked at the place where Wang Dalong was just now.

903  But he didn’t find Wang Dalong’s figure. Lin Mo searched around, but he didn’t find Wang Dalong’s location. He knew it. This Wang Dalong knew how good he was.

Even this rock beast was not his opponent, so he ran away quickly when he didn’t notice him.

Just when Lin Mo thought about this, he decided not to chase after Wang Dalong since Wang Dalong had already run away. He didn’t know where he ran to chase him. It was a waste of his time.

So I don’t care about it. Anyway, if this Wang Dalong (bdeh) wants to be by his side by then, then it will be fine to clean him at that time.

When Lin Mo thought of this, he came to this rock beast.

Then he looked at him and said: “You are a beast with thick skin. It took so long to find your weakness and knock you to the ground.”

“It’s also because of your bad luck that you met me. Who made you desperately want to kill me, then you must be prepared to be killed, you just wait for death here.”

Lin Mo watched the rock beast open his mouth and said this to him. When he finished saying this, he didn’t pay any attention to the rock beast.

Instead, he planned to get up and leave here. The final destiny of this rock beast was also inevitable, so there was no need to kill himself in the end.

When Lin Mo thought about it this way, he couldn’t help sighing that he encountered this rock beast today, and followed him with a physical blow. He was not injured, and it was still due to the imposing physique before.

Not to mention some of the medicines that are useful to the body, but also strict trainers, that’s why today I have such a stretched hand and such a physique.

Today I followed the rock beast to bang a bit and let myself know that imposing physique is the best, and I will exercise my body stiffness if I have a chance in the future.

Be sure to polish yourself like a rock, with a hard body like this rock beast.

If one day hadn’t discovered his weakness, he would still follow him against himself for a long time. At this time, he was already very tired.

If he continues to fight with him, then he should be injured by that time, and that is not what he wants to see.

So now that he has found his weakness, then kill him first. Anyway, he has been cultivating in this boss for a long time.

So I am not in a hurry at this moment. Now that I am not injured, this is the best ending.

Otherwise, after waiting for the time to finish the fight with the Rock Beast team, then there will be a certain degree of danger in cultivating in this boss.

So when Lin Mo thought about this, he stopped worrying about the rock beast, but turned around and planned to leave here. .

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